- Член од
- 28 октомври 2005
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- 8.293
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Eве го видеотоНезнам што видел чудно и контрадикторно во тоа што сонцето и месечината се појавувале во исто време... Која каша попара му е во главата страшна работа. Ама ај да видам како ќе ги објасни поларниот ден и ноќ.
During the summer months at South Pole we receive 24 hours of sunlight. This is a time lapse of the sun as it make one rotation in the sky around the pole. 60 fps version.
This video was taken with a 6 mm fisheye lens that captures a 185 degree field of view. It was pointing straight up. The camera is on top of a building about 1 km from the geographic South Pole. On the edges of the circle you can see the horizon and a few buildings. It would be like if you laid down outside on your back and looked up at the sky.
1. Where the Sun appears to be is not where the Sun actually is.
2. Light Bends so it's position appears to circulate even if it's traveling in a straight path.
Here is show you how the Earth's ground reflects into clouds in the Sky that gets pushed around by the Sun. This would be impossible if Earth was rotating.