Му се смачило од Англичани: Илегален имигрант бара да го вратат во Иран, причината ги насмеала сите
23.09.2015 | 12:07
Извор: Точка
Неименуваниот маж видно лут пристигнал во полициската станица и изјавил дека сепак не му се допаѓа животот во Велика Британија.
Човекот кој 10 години илегално живеел во Велика Британија, откако си заминал од Иран, сега сака да се врати дома. На официјалниот Твитер профил на локалната полиција, била поставена причината поради која неименуваниот маж сака да се врати во својата татковина.
Како што објасниле од полицијата, тој изјавил дека Манчестер е "премногу здодевен.
Иранецот дошол во полициската станица видно лут, и побарал да го вратат во Иран што е можно побрзо. Манчестерската полиција прокоментирала дека ова е еден од најчудните случаи кои ги имале.
Случајот го преземало одделението за миграција, а сè уште не е познато што точно се случило за Иранецот до тој степен да се разочара во Манчестер.
Refugees Wish They Never Came to Europe, Want to Go Home – Media
© REUTERS/ Jussi Nukari
09:27 23.09.2015(updated 12:45 23.09.2015)
In a video, posted on a popular Facebook page, Iraqi refugees warn their fellow countrymen against moving to Europe, Finnish television reported on Tuesday.
Finland Could Close Borders Amid Migration Crisis in EU
“If you are serious about moving over here, don’t! We are already looking for ways to get back home. We wish we never came here. We paid huge sums for nothing. It was a mistake!” the migrants said in their video message, Yle TV channel reported.
They also complained about the lack of clothing and food at refugee reception centers and high prices.
They said that life in Europe was hard, much harder than many Iraqis think, and that being a refugee was a “terribly humiliating” experience.
In another Arabic-language video, a man named Mustafa said that life in Iraq was much better, though more dangerous.
“I’m definitely returning home… I want to die in my native country,” Mustafa said.
Many social networkers suspect however, that the Finnish authorities could have a hand in the making of Tuesday’s video.
“Something keeps telling me that this is just a PR campaign by the Finnish government, one of them wrote on Twitter.
Finnish Foreign Minister Petteri Orpo earlier said that the government was considering closing the country’s borders amid the rising tide of migrants streaming into the European Union.
Nearly half a million migrants have arrived in the EU countries since January, and their number is growing every day.
Refugees Wish They Never Came to Europe, Want to Go Home – Media
© REUTERS/ Jussi Nukari
09:27 23.09.2015(updated 12:45 23.09.2015) Get short URL
Major Migrant Crisis in Europe (392)
In a video, posted on a popular Facebook page, Iraqi refugees warn their fellow countrymen against moving to Europe, Finnish television reported on Tuesday.
Finland Could Close Borders Amid Migration Crisis in EU
“If you are serious about moving over here, don’t! We are already looking for ways to get back home. We wish we never came here. We paid huge sums for nothing. It was a mistake!” the migrants said in their video message, Yle TV channel reported.
They also complained about the lack of clothing and food at refugee reception centers and high prices.
They said that life in Europe was hard, much harder than many Iraqis think, and that being a refugee was a “terribly humiliating” experience.
In another Arabic-language video, a man named Mustafa said that life in Iraq was much better, though more dangerous.
“I’m definitely returning home… I want to die in my native country,” Mustafa said.
Many social networkers suspect however, that the Finnish authorities could have a hand in the making of Tuesday’s video.
“Something keeps telling me that this is just a PR campaign by the Finnish government, one of them wrote on Twitter.
Finnish Foreign Minister Petteri Orpo earlier said that the government was considering closing the country’s borders amid the rising tide of migrants streaming into the European Union.
Nearly half a million migrants have arrived in the EU countries since January, and their number is growing every day.
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