Corvus oculum corvi non eruit?
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- 16 октомври 2009
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Наидов одамна на интересно парче илустриран албум со тематика за некои fun факти за животинското царство. Одамна мислев да го споделам, па викам ај, може сега е времето, во ек на вжештена дебата која користи елементи на еволуција, природност-неприродност, нормално-ненормално, вроденост-стекнатост-избор-навика, и општата скепса за вариетет на сексуални ориентации, репродуктивни ритуали и полова флуидност налик човекот (како што е евидентно од директното негирање на тврдењата за истполови интеракции кај животните како факт или честа појава).
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The Cuttlefish
The RuffWhen it's mating season the biggest and strongest cuttlefish will find the best rocks for egg-laying. The much smaller females will then come to inspect the rock and see just how big and strong the male really is. If she chooses him, he will then guard her for a while to make sure no other males mate with her.
But the females are very picky about big strong males because they actually prefer the smaller and smarter males, so they use the big males to test the smaller ones. What is a small male to do? He of course disguises himself as a female and casually swims under the big male, does a bit of petting with him and acts like an interested female. Then he reveals himself as a male to the female and she happily mates with him as well.
(ма шо ти е, он ми е само "геј" другар lol)
This way she gets both strong and smart children that will get a better chance at survival.
Side-Blotched LizardThe ruff is a special bird in a few ways. It's one of the rare species where the males display more for each other than for females in order to establish hierarchy. (кај нас во општи социјални рамки и општење, како и сексуалното, хиерархијата се прелева во поделба на доминантна/субмисивна личност, дали општо во интеракција со луѓето, или партнери во кревет). Also, they have three types of males who are different from each other in both looks and behavior.
The most common is the Independent/Territorial Male, who is stronger and more aggressive towards other males of his own kind. He spends more of his time fighting and displaying.
The next is the Satellite Male, who is the same size as the territorial male but less muscular, more agile and has much lighter colored feathers. He doesn't have a territory of his own but hands out in the territorial male's, sneak-breeding with the females. The territorial male tolerates this because the presence of a satellite male for some reason attracts more females.
And finally there's the rare Faeder male. He's smaller than the other males, looks more feminine, and like the satellite male has no territory. He also sneak-mates with the females, but will just as happily let other males mate with him, and actually mount the other males as well. Originally people thought the other males confused him with a female, but closer studies have shown that they are well aware of his gender (пошо нели животни се, не знаат шо праат, така?). The strong territorial male allows him in his territory because the high amount of homosexual activity attracts the females, and males who have mated with or been mounted by a faeder male is more lucky with the females. The faeder male will usually spend most of the summer with the females and winter with the males.
The females are incredibly promiscuous and while they usually prefer Faeders first, then Satellites, then Territorial last, they will always breed with all three types if they are available.
TamarinThe side-blotched lizard has three different male types who all use different tactics: the orange throated, the blue throated and the yellow throated.
The orange throated is pumped with testosterone and his main focus is to have a huge territory and as many females as possible. Though he will protect the females, he doesn't form strong or lasting bonds with any of them. He can beat the blue throated male to get his territory.
The blue throated male is smaller, has less testosterone in him, and only has a territory big enough for one female with whom he forms a strong bond. Like the orange throated male he will protect her and try to fight off attackers until she is safe.
Lastly there's the yellow throated male whose colors closely resemble the females'. He has no territory of his own, and lives in the outskirts of the orange throated male's territory where he sneak-breeds with the females. Because the orange throated male doesn't spend much time with the females, they only hang around for the territory and have no problem mating with another male. The female who has bonded with a blue throated male however doesn't want to be unfaithful to him and will turn the yellow throated down.
So it's like a game of rock-paper-scissors: orange beats blue, blue beats yellow, and yellow beats orange. (LOL!)
Kiwi BirdTamarin monkeys are known to have all possible combinations of families, from one male and one female, to one male and two females, but to a lot of tamarin species by far the most common family is one female and two males.
This is quite logical because tamarin females usually give birth to twins and it is mainly the males that care for the young, only handing them over to the mother to breastfeed. Carrying the young around is a lot of hard work and the males even gain muscle weight while the female is pregnant to prepare for the job. they then each take care of a young, making it significantly easier. A male with two females might risk having to carry around four babies.
GrousesThe kiwi is odd in a number of ways: their feathers are almost like fur, they are nocturnal, they have no wings of any importance, and their nostrils are at the very end of the beak. But oddest of all, they lay the biggest eggs relative to body size of any bird. It is so big it almost fills up the female's entire body and squishes her organs so hard that it makes it difficult for her to breathe.
During the last few days, she can't eat anything. She's even bigger than the male to make room for this huge egg. After it has been laid, the male takes over and incubates the egg alone. The incubation period is 63-92 days, the longest for any bird. When the chick is hatched, it's like a small adult, already able to walk, see and covered in feathers. It stays with its parents for a few years before starting a life of its own.
Seahorse ParentsDuring the mating season grouse males will meet up on display grounds to show off their feathers, sing and so mating dances with the females. Occasionally they will fight, but more often than not even the fights are nothing more than modeled competitions where the male will pretend to battle as a excuse to show off their plumage even more.
И после кажи ми ова не е огледало на нашево општество, ова ги опиша 90% од хетеро-мажите што страдаат од недоразвиени мачо-комплекси![]()
The AntЗа ова некои од вас може чуле, читале, виделе, али ваљда не со детали. Еве во детали:
In the world of seahorses the females are equipped with a penis like ovipositor (organ to lay eggs with) (во суштина замисли си пенисоиден орган како Pez бомбони диспензер, или Бонитоп) which she inserts into the male's egg pouch where the male fertilizes the eggs, and as a result gets pregnant. It is believed that they evolved in this way so the young would be protected by the male while the female used the energy to produce more eggs. That way when the young are born, the parents are ready to mate again sooner.
While seahorses do not mate for life, they are very faithful, loving and gentle in the days up to the actual mating, and while the male is pregnant the female will visit him every day to gently touch him and simply spend time with him.
Metellina SegmentataQueen ants mate with a small group of males and store their sperm in her body for later use. She uses the sperm to create workers and soldiers for the colony, all female. But should she choose not to fertilize an egg with sperm, it will become male.
In other words, it's impossible for a male ant to have a father.
Discus FishMost male spiders risk their lives when it's mating season, so it's no wonder the Metellina Segmentata male won't even attempt mating with the female before she has been securely tied down. He sneaks under her body and carefully wraps her in a web, and only then will he mate with her.
But he is still quick about it, because the female is actually a willing participant, so as soon as the deed is done she easily frees herself from the bondage, and he better be out of the way when that happens.
Bondage play with fem fatale?
BonoboThe discus fish take good care of their young, and the male maybe more so than a lot of other males in the animal kingdom. A male and a female form a monogamous pair and find a place to lay the eggs. The female will then guard the eggs while the male guards her, and when it's time for the eggs to hatch, they will help those struggling to get out by gently nibbling on the eggs. Both parents then feed the young with a milky secretion through their skin that is triggered by the same hormones that cause women to lactate, until the young are old enough to eat solid food.
Birds of ParadiseChimpanzees and bonobos are the closest relatives to humans, but although they share a lot of traits they have chosen to do things very differently. In chimpanzee society, the biggest and strongest male apes rule, while in bonobo society the physically weaker females rule the stronger males by working together and using sex to control them.
In general everything is an excuse for sex in bonobo society, especially when tension is rising. For example, if two males want the same female, instead of fighting they'll have sex with each other, which lets out some tension as well as reinforcing their friendship. A female might hit a baby and the mother will chase her, but afterwards they will rub their clitorises together to make up. Or a male might start getting aggressive and a female will grab him and give him a quickie to make him relax.
Sex is a very casual thing for bonobos, and while chimpanzees have sexual taboos like humans, there's no such thing for bonobos. Everything goes in all combinations, and bonobo society is one of the most peaceful societies because of it. They literally have the motto "Make love, not war."
Spotted HyenaIn a lot of bird species the males are more colorful than the females, and the birds of paradise illustrate this to the fullest. In the forests where they live there's plenty of food all year round and few predators to worry about, so the male birds have plenty of time to perform complicated and grand mating dances, using their impressive feathers for their displays. (ко кај нас кога во замена за колоритетот машко мора да има оган кола, одлично облечен, гром стан, и пак да знае да се додворува со недели кај некоја пред да му даде lol)
This need to dance is so strong in the males that they will perform even if there are no females around. When a female does show up he will throw himself even more wholeheartedly into his dancing and perform quite limber moves for a bird. The female will judge both his looks and performance, and only the best will do, so with each generation the males become more beautiful and their dances more impressive. Young males will often watch older males dance to learn a few tricks and borrow their display areas for practice.
A lot of animals turn our ideas of gender roles upside down, but the spotted hyena takes it to the extreme. Females are larger and far more aggressive than males, and even the lowest female in the hierarchy ranks higher than the highest male. This hierarchy is so strong that adult males are even scared of female puppies, and for good reason. Adult daughters show kindness towards their fathers by being less violent towards them than towards other males.
And it doesn't stop there. Female hyenas have pseudo-penises that can get erect and are bigger and longer than the males' penises, which makes it very difficult for males to mate with females, and rape impossible. An erect penis is however seen as a sign of weakness, so males will present their erections to females to show submission in the same way that other animals present their throats.
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