Неодамна ББС и другите медиуми пласираа лага во западната јавност.
Наводно Русија се соочува со одлив на мозоци.
Russia brain drain after Putin crackdown
Па брзо после тоа имаше мала истрага од Jon Hellevig кој живее во Русија и изнесе неколку бројки преку кои може да се дојде до точноста дали има или нема одлив на мозоци од Русија.
Бројките се од официјалните статистички агенции во Русија.
Source Russian Statistics Agency, Rosstat
The BBC refers the supposed problem back to Vladimir Putin's re-election as president in March 2012, which they allege led to a “crackdown on the liberal opposition and independent media.” So, let’s look back at the figures starting from 2012.
It turns out that in year
2012, 417,681 people moved to Russia and
122,751 emigrated from Russia, the net influx being almost 300,000 people. You can hardly call that a “wave of emigration”.
Only 27,179 people left Russia for the West in 2012, and lo and behold,
53,726 left the West and the rest of the world for Russia. So in 2012 the BBC’s wave of migrants was heading in completely the opposite direction!
2013 did not turn out any better for the BBC.
Again there was a net influx of 295,855 migrants to Russia, of whom
21,000 left the temptations of the West.
But certainly then 2014 would prove BBC right, because one cannot just write something like that without any support from the facts? Alas, the first 7 months of this year failed them again. In this
period the net migration to Russia was 142,486 people of whom 7,464 came from the West.