Прашање за Христијанството III


Член од
23 јули 2010
Поени од реакции
Бог нема само да испитува што песни сме слушале, туку ќе ни ги гледа и делата.
Судот каков и да е, има една основна карактеристика што го прави суд - разграничување на тоа што е добро, дозволено, соодветно...итн, итн, од она што е лошо, недозволено, непотребно, штетно, несоодветно....
Е сега, ако знаеме дека се што постои доаѓа од Бог, и ако знаеме дека се е според негова промисла, како може такво битие да суди? Што е со нештата кои ќе ги прогласи за непотребни, штетни, недозволени? Нели се потекнува од него? Зошто ги допуштил? Зошто ги создал? Дали со еден таков чин, индиректно непризнава дека не е совршен и дека создал или допуштил нешта што не треба да постојат?


Член од
3 април 2012
Поени од реакции
Е сега, ако знаеме дека се што постои доаѓа од Бог, и ако знаеме дека се е според негова промисла, како може такво битие да суди? Што е со нештата кои ќе ги прогласи за непотребни, штетни, недозволени? Нели се потекнува од него? Зошто ги допуштил? Зошто ги создал? Дали со еден таков чин, индиректно непризнава дека не е совршен и дека создал или допуштил нешта што не треба да постојат?
Bold: прашањава Бог ги поставува?!


Транс Шиптaр
Член од
15 октомври 2013
Поени од реакции


The ancient pictograph
is a picture of a seed sprout representing the idea of continuing to a new generation. This pictograph has the meanings of continue, perpetuation, offspring or heir.

The Modern Hebrew name is “nun”, a Hebrew word meaning continue, offspring or heir. This two-letter word is the original name for the letter. The phonetic sound for this letter is “n”.


The ancient pictograph
is a picture of a tent wall. The meanings of this letter is outside as the function of the wall is to protect the occupants from the elements, halp as the wall in the middle of the tent divides the tent into the male and female sections and secular as something that is outside.

The Modern Hebrew name for this letter is hhet meaning a string. A very similar Hebrew word is hhets, meaning a wall and is most likely the original name for this letter. The sound of the letter, in ancient and modern times, is a guttural "hh" (as in the “ch” in the name Bach).


The Ancient picture for this letter is
, a picture of the two front teeth. This letter has the meanings of teeth, sharp and press (from the function of the teeth when chewing). It also has the meaning of two, again, both or second from the two teeth.

The modern Hebrew name for this letter is shin, a Hebrew word meaning tooth. Hebrew and Arabic agree that the sound for this letter is "sh".
Во модерен превод:
Штрбава змија јаде сперматозоиди на селски плот.

Donald Sikert

Jane Vitington
Член од
28 ноември 2008
Поени од реакции
“На жалост и оно мало добрих епископа што постоји је плашљиво и нема храбрости да се бори! Плаше се и боје се да ће бити рашчињени!”

@MIKI1 точно ли е пророштвово погоре?
И дали денес го имаме веќе ова?


Резидентен космонаут
Член од
5 јуни 2012
Поени од реакции
“На жалост и оно мало добрих епископа што постоји је плашљиво и нема храбрости да се бори! Плаше се и боје се да ће бити рашчињени!”

@MIKI1 точно ли е пророштвово погоре?
И дали денес го имаме веќе ова?
Абе Доналд и сам знаеш дека сѐ што се случува е од бога, па дури и дејанијата на ѓаоло. Шо има везе едно пророштво сеа.....


Поставувач на неодговорени прашања.
Член од
10 јануари 2008
Поени од реакции
“На жалост и оно мало добрих епископа што постоји је плашљиво и нема храбрости да се бори! Плаше се и боје се да ће бити рашчињени!”

@MIKI1 точно ли е пророштвово погоре?
И дали денес го имаме веќе ова?
Не знам од кај си го „симнал„ посоченово пророштво, но точно е, до збор.

Да: денес има(ме) такви случаи, како што се поединци од денешните помесни Цркви, кои се приклонети кон одредени овосветовни мудрости и бајки, како што е еволуцијата или како што е екуменизмот.

Да наведам некои од нив: вселенскиот патријарх Мелетија, од првите децении од 20-от век, кој бил масон и под чие влијание е воведен „новиот„ календар, кој е прифатен од добар дел од денешните помесни Цркви, Тука се теолозите Каломирос и Кураев, на кои еволуцијата не им е туѓа. Тука е денешниот патријарх Вартоломеј, за кого е веќе познато дека е наклонет кон римо-католзицизмот и екуменизмот, кој отплаќа за финансирањето на неговото дошколување од страна на римо-католиците.
Член од
3 септември 2010
Поени од реакции
Tука би го додал и етнофилетизмот на СПЦ и ГПЦ.

Старецот Пајсије Светогорец:
" Ѓаволот има 3 крака, за сиромашните - комунизам, за верниците - екуменизам и за богатите - масонерија"

Посоченото пророштво е од Отец Августинос Кандиотис:

Последно уредено:
Член од
3 септември 2010
Поени од реакции
Tи брате Мики, врз основа на што заклучи дека еволуцијата не е точна? Дали врз основа на прочитани две страници од биологија за седмо?
Или врз основа што безрезервно веруваш на оние што не раликуваат вол, бивол и сабјорога антилопа, ама затоа знаат дека еволуцијата е неточна?

Неви'им Јешајаху 34/7

וְיָרְדוּ רְאֵמִים
wejaredu re'emim

Преведено е: и биволи ќе паднат (мак. превод) и And wild oxen shall go down (анг. превод)


Вол на хебрејски е שׁוֹר

Бивол на хебрејски е תאו

רְאֵמִים е сабјорога антилопа (анг. oryx)

Oва е сабјорога антилопа

Ова е бивол (תאו)

Ова е вол (שׁוֹר)

Е брате Мики, значи нема врска што експертиве не разликуваат антилопа, вол и бивол ама затоа знаат дека еволуцијата не е точна. Зошто дозволуваш вакви шарлатани да те влечат за нос и со својата схоластика да ги одвраќаш луѓето од Бога?


Член од
20 април 2010
Поени од реакции
Абе Доналд и сам знаеш дека сѐ што се случува е од бога, па дури и дејанијата на ѓаоло. Шо има везе едно пророштво сеа.....
Фала му на истиот Бог па не си во право.. замисли да беше.. катастрофа...


Поставувач на неодговорени прашања.
Член од
10 јануари 2008
Поени од реакции
Tи брате Мики, врз основа на што заклучи дека еволуцијата не е точна? Дали врз основа на прочитани две страници од биологија за седмо?
Прочитав само една и тоа ми беше доволно...[DOUBLEPOST=1408907516][/DOUBLEPOST]
Tи брате Мики, врз основа на што заклучи дека еволуцијата не е точна? Дали врз основа на прочитани две страници од биологија за седмо?
Или врз основа што безрезервно веруваш на оние што не раликуваат вол, бивол и сабјорога антилопа, ама затоа знаат дека еволуцијата е неточна?
Ај да бидам по сериозен...

1. Ја имаме од Бога објавената вистина, за постоење на Творецот на се‘ видливо и невидливо, која вели дека Светов и животов се створени, а имаат и свој Творец.
2. Го имаме светоотечкото сведочење за Божјите вистини, каде Оците тврат деја сите живи битија се створени по својот род и вид и не преоѓаат од едни во други.

Од друга страна:

1. Човековата запишана историја не познава ниту еден забележан еволутивен настан.
2. Ги имаме човековите бајки и приказни за бесконечно постоење на Светов.
3. Ги имаме философските мудрости за настанокот на животот од нежива материја и за настанокот на Светот од невидени настани и процеси.
4. Еволуцијата не откри т.н. преодни видови. така да сите си останаа исти.


1. Денешните здрави науки ја растурија еволуционата философија, која своето опстојување го има само во образовниот систем и низ медиумите, но не и надвор од нив.
2. Времињата во кои еволуцијата беше „монополистичка„ вистина, веќе се се зад нас.
Последно уредено:
Член од
3 септември 2010
Поени од реакции
Од друга страна:

1. Човековата запишана историја не познава ниту еден забележан еволутивен настан.
Primer: vrste i sojevi zelenog slavuja. Zeleni slavuj (Phylloscopus trochiloides) je ptica koja živi u planinskim šumama, i potiče iz oblasti Himalaja (mesto označeno sa A na mapi ispod). Šireći se iz svoje početne oblasti, prelazeći sa planine na planinu, populacija zelenog slavuja se raširila u prstenu oko Tibetanske stepe (u kojoj nema dovoljno drveća da bi slavuj uspeo da preživi).

U toku ovog širenja, međutim, populacije slavuja u odvojenim područjima su postajale sve udaljenije jedna od druge. Ptice sa udaljenih planina su nakupljale mutacije, i populacije su postajale sve različitije i različitije. Boja i oblik perja su postali značajno različiti između odvojenih populacija.
Slavujeva pesma se polako menjala zajedno sa selidbom, što je dovelo do dodatne izolacije među populacijama: ženka jedne grupe više “ne razume” pesmu mužjaka druge grupe, i time je međusobno ukrštanje otežano.
Kakav je ukupan efekat ovih događaja? Susedne grupe su još uvek dovoljno genetski i vizuelno slične da bi mogle da se pare. Slavuji iz grupe A se redovno pare sa slavujima iz grupa F i B; ređe sa slavujima iz grupa C i G. Međutim, kada se udaljenost poveća, više nema parenja: parovi se nikada ne uspostavljaju između grupa E i A, ili F i D. A na samim ivicama prstena, dolazi do situacije u kojoj su genetske promene dovoljno velike da sprečavaju ukrštanje: slavuji iz grupa G i H ne mogu da se pare jedni sa drugima, jer takva paranja više ne mogu da proizvedu živo potomstvo. Genetske razlike su prosto suviše velike.

Друг пример:

Nastanak vrsta kroz reproduktivnu izolaciju je primećen i u laboratoriji. Jedan konkretan primer: 1964-te godine, na obali okeana u Kaliforniji, naučnici su pokupili pet-šest crva vrste Nereis acuminata. Od ove nekolicine crva, u laboratoriji su ovi crvi (radi raznih eksperimenata iz ćelijske biologije) razmnoženi u više hiljada jedinki. Četiri mužjaka i četiri ženke su ubrzo nakon toga poslati kolegama u laboratoriji na istoku Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, gde je njihovo potomstvo nastavilo da živi sledećih dvadeset godina. U toku tog perioda, ove dve populacije su bile izolovane jedna od druge
Nakon dvadeset godina, dve populacije crva su nakupile toliko različitih mutacija da su postale reproduktivno nekompatibilne. Jedinke iz istočne grupe uopšte ne mogu da proizvedu potomstvo sa jedinkama iz zapadne grupe. Od jedne vrste, efektivno su nastale dve nove.


1. Денешните здрави науки ја растурија еволуционата философија, која своето опстојување го има само во образовниот систем и низ медиумите, но не и надвор од нив.
2. Времињата во кои еволуцијата беше „монополистичка„ вистина, веќе се се зад нас.
Посочи ми кои здрави науки ја растуриле еволуционата филозофија. Дај факти или немој да збориш напамет!

Дали оваа наука:
Биоинформатика и ево-дево:
http://www.tok.ro/toksite/downloads/Bioinformatika/Konyvek/fejlodesbiologia konyvek/Developmental Biology 6th. ed.pdf

или оваа наука

или оваа наука
4. Еволуцијата не откри т.н. преодни видови. така да сите си останаа исти.
Ќе ми објасниш ли што е тоа преоден вид? Имаш преодни фосили ако мислиш на тоа. Преоден вид не можеш да имаш. Имаш ли преоден вид помеѓу волк и пес? Или преоден вид помеѓу праска и нектарина?

Ја сфаќаш ли апсурдноста зошто не може да постои преоден вид.[DOUBLEPOST=1408915124][/DOUBLEPOST]Еве ти примери за еволуција. Ќе мора да си преведеш сам, зашто јас немам време

1. Observed instances of new species forming

Observed beneficial mutations and macro evolutionary change in Anolis lizards

An excellent example of evolution in action is a 14-year experiment done with Anolis lizards.(Losos et al, 1997) A single species of Anolis lizards was spread across 14 Caribbean islands none of which had any previous lizard populations. Over the time of the experiment, the lizards each adapted to their respective environments. Several new species of lizards evolved. The lizards each changed body shape in response to the flora in their environment. In fact, scientists were able to predict exactly how each lizard population would evolve before seeing the results. Scientists estimate that this change was on the order of 200 darwins, which are measured units of evolutionary change. In comparison, the average rate observed in the fossil record is only 0.6 darwins.(Gingerich, 1983) (Image Source 1)

Speciation of the Faeroe Island house mouse

Irish monks originally brought the house mouse to the Faeroe Islands, where it has quickly diverged in different species, or possibly sub-species, in less than 250 years. (Stanley,1979) (Image Source 2)

Evolution of five new species of cichlid fishes in Lake Nagubago.

Less than 5,000 years ago, a sandbar formed and cut off Lake Nagubago from the larger Lake Victoria. Since then, at least 5 new species of cichlid fish have evolved in Lake Nagubago, and these species are found nowhere else in the entire world.(Mayr, 1970)

Speciation in action among Larus seagulls.

Gulls of the genus Larus form an evolutionary ring around the North Pole, which acts as a geographic barrier for their population. Although some have argued that this is technically not an example of a ring species(Liebers et al., 2004), it is certainly an example of speciation in action.

In the image above, one can see the "ring" the sub-species of gulls make around the pole. The herring gull can interbreed with its neighbor, the American herring gull, which can interbreed with its neighbor, the Vega gull, which can interbreed with its neighbor, Birula's gull, which can interbreed with its neighbor, Heruglin's gull, which can interbreed with its neighbor, the Siberian black-backed gull, which can finally interbreed with its neighbor, the lesser black-backed gull. (Image Source 4)

However, the populations of the herring gulls and the lesser black-backed gulls are genetically different enough so that, even though they now live in relatively the same area, they cannot reproduce together. Thus, they can not truly be the same species. As you move west around the pole, the genetic difference in each population becomes slightly greater and greater until the two ends meet, at which we have two separate species.

Examples such as the Larus gulls essentially show all the steps of speciation laid out in a ring. Each population is slightly different from the last, until the two ends meet and these populations are completely different species that will now continue to grow more and more genetically different. To the left you can see the two distinct species of gulls, the herring gull and the lesser black-backed gull. (Image Source 5)

A new species of Evening Primrose named Oenothera gigas

The early geneticist Hugo de Vries observed an act of speciation while studying the evening primrose plant. The original species, Oenothera lamarckiana, had 14 chromosomes, while the new species had 28. The new species was unable to breed with Oenothera lamarckiana, and thus he named it Oenothera gigas.(De Vires, 1905) (Image Source 6)[DOUBLEPOST=1408915483][/DOUBLEPOST]5. Observed evolution of novel organs and features

Croatian Lizards develop Cecal Valves

Lizards of the species Podarcis sicula from a nearby island were introduced by scientists to a new island previously uninhabited by scientists in 1971. Since then, several evolutionary changes have occurred. This included the formation of completely new organs in the lizards known as cecal valves, which helped the lizards digest their new strictly plant diet. To the left is a photograph of the cecal valve in a male specimen. (Herral A., et al., 2008) (Photo from article)

A simple mutation in Ciona intestinalis transforms its single heart into a functional multichambered organ

The sea squirt species Ciona intestinalis is a well-studied and documented organism, and its entire genome has been sequenced. Scientists recently found that a relatively simple mutation changed its simple single chambered heart into a more complex multichambered one, like those of most vertebrates. As the article concludes: "This expansion produces an unexpected phenotype: transformation of a single-compartment heart into a functional multicompartment organ."(Davidson et al. 2006) (Image Source 11)

Bacteria evolve a new pathway for the formation of protein disulfide bonds

In an experiment, scientists removed the ability of a population of bacteria to form protein disulfide bonds, which effectively stops the bacteria from operating their flagellum. The bacteria were then placed in a dish. If the bacteria couldn't move before the nearby food supply ran out, they would die from starvation. However, a completely new pathway for the formation of protein disulfide bonds formed in one of the bacteria, which allowed it to move and thus successfully reproduce. (Masip et al., 2004)

Antarctica fish develop a natural antifreeze protein

Although not directly observed, Chen, DeVries, and Cheng 1997 found strong evidence which indicated that the natural antifreeze protein used by various Antarctic fish was created by a mutation duplicating and changing a previous pancreatic protein. This is an example of modification of a duplicated gene to create a new gene/protein and feature.

A new metabolic pathway in Mustard species

Scientists recently found strong evidence that a new metabolic path involved in pollen development formed in species of mustard plants. This occurred with a combination of retroposition, gene duplication, and new mutations changing the duplication. This new feature is an excellent example of how modified gene duplication can result in neofunctionalization(Matsuno et al. 2009).
Последно уредено:


Поставувач на неодговорени прашања.
Член од
10 јануари 2008
Поени од реакции
Primer: vrste i sojevi zelenog slavuja. Zeleni slavuj (Phylloscopus trochiloides) je ptica koja živi u planinskim šumama, i potiče iz oblasti Himalaja (mesto označeno sa A na mapi ispod). Šireći se iz svoje početne oblasti, prelazeći sa planine na planinu, populacija zelenog slavuja se raširila u prstenu oko Tibetanske stepe (u kojoj nema dovoljno drveća da bi slavuj uspeo da preživi).

U toku ovog širenja, međutim, populacije slavuja u odvojenim područjima su postajale sve udaljenije jedna od druge. Ptice sa udaljenih planina su nakupljale mutacije, i populacije su postajale sve različitije i različitije. Boja i oblik perja su postali značajno različiti između odvojenih populacija.
Slavujeva pesma se polako menjala zajedno sa selidbom, što je dovelo do dodatne izolacije među populacijama: ženka jedne grupe više “ne razume” pesmu mužjaka druge grupe, i time je međusobno ukrštanje otežano.
Kakav je ukupan efekat ovih događaja? Susedne grupe su još uvek dovoljno genetski i vizuelno slične da bi mogle da se pare. Slavuji iz grupe A se redovno pare sa slavujima iz grupa F i B; ređe sa slavujima iz grupa C i G. Međutim, kada se udaljenost poveća, više nema parenja: parovi se nikada ne uspostavljaju između grupa E i A, ili F i D. A na samim ivicama prstena, dolazi do situacije u kojoj su genetske promene dovoljno velike da sprečavaju ukrštanje: slavuji iz grupa G i H ne mogu da se pare jedni sa drugima, jer takva paranja više ne mogu da proizvedu živo potomstvo. Genetske razlike su prosto suviše velike.

Друг пример:

Nastanak vrsta kroz reproduktivnu izolaciju je primećen i u laboratoriji. Jedan konkretan primer: 1964-te godine, na obali okeana u Kaliforniji, naučnici su pokupili pet-šest crva vrste Nereis acuminata. Od ove nekolicine crva, u laboratoriji su ovi crvi (radi raznih eksperimenata iz ćelijske biologije) razmnoženi u više hiljada jedinki. Četiri mužjaka i četiri ženke su ubrzo nakon toga poslati kolegama u laboratoriji na istoku Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, gde je njihovo potomstvo nastavilo da živi sledećih dvadeset godina. U toku tog perioda, ove dve populacije su bile izolovane jedna od druge
Nakon dvadeset godina, dve populacije crva su nakupile toliko različitih mutacija da su postale reproduktivno nekompatibilne. Jedinke iz istočne grupe uopšte ne mogu da proizvedu potomstvo sa jedinkama iz zapadne grupe. Od jedne vrste, efektivno su nastale dve nove.

Посочи ми кои здрави науки ја растуриле еволуционата филозофија. Дај факти или немој да збориш напамет!

Дали оваа наука:
Биоинформатика и ево-дево:
http://www.tok.ro/toksite/downloads/Bioinformatika/Konyvek/fejlodesbiologia konyvek/Developmental Biology 6th. ed.pdf

или оваа наука

или оваа наука

Ќе ми објасниш ли што е тоа преоден вид? Имаш преодни фосили ако мислиш на тоа. Преоден вид не можеш да имаш. Имаш ли преоден вид помеѓу волк и пес? Или преоден вид помеѓу праска и нектарина?

Ја сфаќаш ли апсурдноста зошто не може да постои преоден вид.[DOUBLEPOST=1408915124][/DOUBLEPOST]Еве ти примери за еволуција. Ќе мора да си преведеш сам, зашто јас немам време

1. Observed instances of new species forming

Observed beneficial mutations and macro evolutionary change in Anolis lizards

An excellent example of evolution in action is a 14-year experiment done with Anolis lizards.(Losos et al, 1997) A single species of Anolis lizards was spread across 14 Caribbean islands none of which had any previous lizard populations. Over the time of the experiment, the lizards each adapted to their respective environments. Several new species of lizards evolved. The lizards each changed body shape in response to the flora in their environment. In fact, scientists were able to predict exactly how each lizard population would evolve before seeing the results. Scientists estimate that this change was on the order of 200 darwins, which are measured units of evolutionary change. In comparison, the average rate observed in the fossil record is only 0.6 darwins.(Gingerich, 1983) (Image Source 1)

Speciation of the Faeroe Island house mouse

Irish monks originally brought the house mouse to the Faeroe Islands, where it has quickly diverged in different species, or possibly sub-species, in less than 250 years. (Stanley,1979) (Image Source 2)

Evolution of five new species of cichlid fishes in Lake Nagubago.

Less than 5,000 years ago, a sandbar formed and cut off Lake Nagubago from the larger Lake Victoria. Since then, at least 5 new species of cichlid fish have evolved in Lake Nagubago, and these species are found nowhere else in the entire world.(Mayr, 1970)

Speciation in action among Larus seagulls.

Gulls of the genus Larus form an evolutionary ring around the North Pole, which acts as a geographic barrier for their population. Although some have argued that this is technically not an example of a ring species(Liebers et al., 2004), it is certainly an example of speciation in action.

In the image above, one can see the "ring" the sub-species of gulls make around the pole. The herring gull can interbreed with its neighbor, the American herring gull, which can interbreed with its neighbor, the Vega gull, which can interbreed with its neighbor, Birula's gull, which can interbreed with its neighbor, Heruglin's gull, which can interbreed with its neighbor, the Siberian black-backed gull, which can finally interbreed with its neighbor, the lesser black-backed gull. (Image Source 4)

However, the populations of the herring gulls and the lesser black-backed gulls are genetically different enough so that, even though they now live in relatively the same area, they cannot reproduce together. Thus, they can not truly be the same species. As you move west around the pole, the genetic difference in each population becomes slightly greater and greater until the two ends meet, at which we have two separate species.

Examples such as the Larus gulls essentially show all the steps of speciation laid out in a ring. Each population is slightly different from the last, until the two ends meet and these populations are completely different species that will now continue to grow more and more genetically different. To the left you can see the two distinct species of gulls, the herring gull and the lesser black-backed gull. (Image Source 5)

A new species of Evening Primrose named Oenothera gigas

The early geneticist Hugo de Vries observed an act of speciation while studying the evening primrose plant. The original species, Oenothera lamarckiana, had 14 chromosomes, while the new species had 28. The new species was unable to breed with Oenothera lamarckiana, and thus he named it Oenothera gigas.(De Vires, 1905) (Image Source 6)[DOUBLEPOST=1408915483][/DOUBLEPOST]5. Observed evolution of novel organs and features

Croatian Lizards develop Cecal Valves

Lizards of the species Podarcis sicula from a nearby island were introduced by scientists to a new island previously uninhabited by scientists in 1971. Since then, several evolutionary changes have occurred. This included the formation of completely new organs in the lizards known as cecal valves, which helped the lizards digest their new strictly plant diet. To the left is a photograph of the cecal valve in a male specimen. (Herral A., et al., 2008) (Photo from article)

A simple mutation in Ciona intestinalis transforms its single heart into a functional multichambered organ

The sea squirt species Ciona intestinalis is a well-studied and documented organism, and its entire genome has been sequenced. Scientists recently found that a relatively simple mutation changed its simple single chambered heart into a more complex multichambered one, like those of most vertebrates. As the article concludes: "This expansion produces an unexpected phenotype: transformation of a single-compartment heart into a functional multicompartment organ."(Davidson et al. 2006) (Image Source 11)

Bacteria evolve a new pathway for the formation of protein disulfide bonds

In an experiment, scientists removed the ability of a population of bacteria to form protein disulfide bonds, which effectively stops the bacteria from operating their flagellum. The bacteria were then placed in a dish. If the bacteria couldn't move before the nearby food supply ran out, they would die from starvation. However, a completely new pathway for the formation of protein disulfide bonds formed in one of the bacteria, which allowed it to move and thus successfully reproduce. (Masip et al., 2004)

Antarctica fish develop a natural antifreeze protein

Although not directly observed, Chen, DeVries, and Cheng 1997 found strong evidence which indicated that the natural antifreeze protein used by various Antarctic fish was created by a mutation duplicating and changing a previous pancreatic protein. This is an example of modification of a duplicated gene to create a new gene/protein and feature.

A new metabolic pathway in Mustard species

Scientists recently found strong evidence that a new metabolic path involved in pollen development formed in species of mustard plants. This occurred with a combination of retroposition, gene duplication, and new mutations changing the duplication. This new feature is an excellent example of how modified gene duplication can result in neofunctionalization(Matsuno et al. 2009).

Туку, ај и ја‘ да те питувам:
како можеш истовремено да се повикуваш и на еволуцијата и на Црквата, која одамна има расчистено со Дарвиновата бајка за настанокот на живите битија?

Црквата вели дека Бог Е Творецот на Светот и животот, во текот од Шестодневот, а еволуцијата и сета таа сатанска фела, велат дека Светот и животот си настанале „онака„, во тек од најневеројатни и изузетно долги временски периоди?
Член од
3 септември 2010
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2. Observed instances of new genetic material(information) arising

Chromosome duplication in Evening Primrose

As discussed above, this species was created when the number of chromosomes in an individual doubled. Thus, genetic information was increased. (De Vires, 1905)

Retrovirus protection in Old World Monkeys

Some old world monkeys developed a mutation in the protein TRIM5 that created a new protein called TRIM5-CrypA. This novel protein helped protect cells from HIV and other retroviruses. (Newman, 2008)
Observed Chromosomal fusion and the creation of a new sex chromosome

A chromosome fusion event in stickleback fish of the Japan Sea resulted in the formation of a new species.(Gilbert, 2009)
Formation of a novel X-Chromosome in Stickleback fish

While studying two extremely closely related populations of stickleback fish, scientists found a novel X-chromosome in one of the two which is unobserved in other fish populations. To the left, one can see the chromosomes of an individual male specimen with the neo-x chromosome. The new X-chromosome is marked with a green tint. The scientists then concluded that this new chromosome had been slowly driving the two populations apart into two distinct species (Kitano et al. 2009). (Image modified from source)


Поставувач на неодговорени прашања.
Член од
10 јануари 2008
Поени од реакции
2. Observed instances of new genetic material(information) arising

Chromosome duplication in Evening Primrose

As discussed above, this species was created when the number of chromosomes in an individual doubled. Thus, genetic information was increased. (De Vires, 1905)

Retrovirus protection in Old World Monkeys

Some old world monkeys developed a mutation in the protein TRIM5 that created a new protein called TRIM5-CrypA. This novel protein helped protect cells from HIV and other retroviruses. (Newman, 2008)
Observed Chromosomal fusion and the creation of a new sex chromosome

A chromosome fusion event in stickleback fish of the Japan Sea resulted in the formation of a new species.(Gilbert, 2009)
Formation of a novel X-Chromosome in Stickleback fish

While studying two extremely closely related populations of stickleback fish, scientists found a novel X-chromosome in one of the two which is unobserved in other fish populations. To the left, one can see the chromosomes of an individual male specimen with the neo-x chromosome. The new X-chromosome is marked with a green tint. The scientists then concluded that this new chromosome had been slowly driving the two populations apart into two distinct species (Kitano et al. 2009). (Image modified from source)
И сега, како ќе го опишеш начинот на кој ДНК поприма нови инфомации, кои, пренесувајќи се на наредното поколение, дава еволутивен скок во облик од ново битие?
Член од
3 септември 2010
Поени од реакции
3. Observed instances of beneficial mutations

Note: Because this category includes most of the case examples that are in other categories, we have not duplicated most of the other examples in this section.

Beneficial mutations of yeast in a low phosphate environment

In an experiment on evolutionary change, yeast was placed in a low phosphate environment and scientists observed three beneficial mutations that helped the yeast adapt. The yeast was derived from an clonal line, which is a group of individual organisms with identical genomes. The first mutation observed affected the permease molecule, and allowed the yeast to absorb more phosphate, and thus it caused a boom in the population density. The second mutation changed the yeast's phosphatase, which became more active. Finally, the thread mutation allowed the yeast to clump together, and thus the population density grew further. (Francis & Hansche, 1972/1973) (Image Source 7)

Yeast adapts to a glucose limited environment via gene duplications and natural selection

As discussed above, in this experiment the hexose transport genes of the yeast duplicated and the duplicated versions mutated, which is an obvious addition of new material to the genome of the yeast. These new genes allowed the yeast to more efficiently process glucose and thus be more likely to survive.(Brown et al., 1998)

Chlamydomonas adapts to grow in the dark

Chlamydomonas is an algae that uses photosynthesis as its food source. Thus, it is ill adapted to grow in the dark. However, in an experiment conducted by Graham Bell, the organisms were selected in preference of those which grow in the dark, and after several generations, chlamydomonas developed an ability to use acetate as a carbon source so effectively that the final strain was very adept at growth in the dark. (Bell)

Bacteria evolve to eat nylon

Researchers found a strain of Flavobacterium in pools containing waste water from a nylon factory. The strain had evolved to digest nylon, which is a recent modern man-made product.

The enzymes that allowed the bacteria to do so were novel and unlike any of those found in other strains of the same bacteria, and they do not aid the bacteria in digestion of any known materials besides nylon. Although the exact type of mutation is under debate, a large portion of the scientific community accepts the hypothesis that the mutation was caused by a gene duplication combined with a frameshift mutation.(Ohno, 1984) If this is so, this would also be an example of a mutation increasing genetic information in the genome. Gene duplication and frameshift mutations work like this example:

The genetic sequence may start as: THE CAT. The genetic sequence is duplication by a gene duplication mutation: "THE CAT" and "THE CAT". The duplicate is further transformed by a frameshift mutation: "THE CAT" and "HEC ATK", where 'K' is a shifted base pair from a adjacent gene sequence. Thus, information has been added. The genome has the new sequence "HEC ATK", which it had nothing like before.

Resistance to atherosclerosis

Resistance to atherosclerosis was documented in small population in Italy. The resistance was caused by a mutation in the angiotensin-converting enzyme gene, which affects the plasma levels in an individual.(Margaglione, et al., 1998)

E. coli evolves to hydrolyze galactosylarabinose

Scientists observed two mutations arise in a population of E. coli which allowed the bacteria to hydrolyze galactosylarabinose. (Hall and Zuzel 1980)

E. coli evolves to metabolize propanediol

In normal circumstances, E. coli digest L-fucose and convert it into dihydroxyacetone phosphate and lactaldehyde, the latter of which is a waste product. Then, this waste product is converted into propanediol, which is then excreted from the cell. However, in a laboratory environment rich with propanediol, scientists observed a mutation in E. coli that allowed it to digest the previous waste material and effectively use it as an energy source. (Lin and Wu 1984)

E. coli evolves to digest citrate

In a long term experiment on evolution with E. coli, scientists observed a mutation create a complex, new feature which allowed the E. coli to absorb citrate through its membrane. Because E. coli is usually distinguished as a species which cannot digest citrate, this could also be considered a speciation event. To the left is an image of the flasks containing the E. coli mutant from the experiment. (Lenski et al., 2008) (Image Source 8)

Klebsiella bacteria develop a new metabolic pathway to metabolize 5-carbon sugars

Several mutations that occurred in the bacteria Klebsiella created an entirely new metabolic pathway in order to help metabolize exotic five-caborn sugars such as D-arabinose and xylitol. (Hartley, 1984)

Blowfly Insecticide Resistance

A simple mutation was observed to give insecticide resistance to blowflies. (Newcomb, et al., 1997)

Fungi evolves to harness high radiation levels in Chernobyl, Russia

Researchers found an interesting new type of fungi directly inside the Chernobyl reactor core. As most know, Chernobyl, Russia was the site of an infamous nuclear disaster over 20 years ago. The specific fungus appears to not only thrive in the dangerously radioactive environment, but the fungus actually harnesses the radioactive energy то survive. Evidence indicates that this new fungus evolved from the local fungi in the surrounding area.(Monaghan, 2008)

4. Observed instances of large morphological changes

Croatian Lizards change body shape to adapt to a new environment

Lizards of the species Podarcis sicula from a nearby island were introduced by scientists to a new island previously uninhabited by scientists in 1971. Since then, several evolutionary changes have occurred. The lizards now have larger heads and stronger bites. In addition, the population has evolved cecal valves, entirely new organs.(see below) (Herral, A. et al. 2008) (Image Source 9)

Anolis Lizards change body shape to adapt to new island environments

An excellent example of evolution in action is a 14-year experiment done with Anolis lizards.(Losos et al, 1997) A single species of Anolis lizards was spread across 14 Caribbean islands none of which had any previous lizard populations. Over the time of the experiment, the lizards each adapted to their respective environments. Several new species of lizards evolved. The lizards each changed body shape in response to the flora in their environment. In fact, scientists were able to predict exactly how each lizard population would evolve before seeing the results. Scientists estimate that this change was on the order of 200 darwins, which are measured units of evolutionary change. In comparison, the average rate observed in the fossil record is only 0.6 darwins.(Gingerich, 1983)

Galapagos Finches morphologically change in response to seed sizes

This is one of the most famous examples of evolution in history. In fact, during Darwin's visit to the Galapagos, the unique variation he observed among the finch beaks influenced his ideas on natural selection. Since then, scientific observation has confirmed that Darwin's initial hypothesis was correct; the finches do evolve in response to the size of available seeds. A large study found that over the years, the size of beaks in the population Geospiza fortis fluctuated in response to the size of the available seeds.(Grant 2002) (Image Source 10)

Autralian snakes adapt to introduction of poisonous toads

The species of toad Bufo marinus was introduced to Australia in 1935. As invasive species, they have quickly spread and today are quite numerous. This is especially due to their toxic flesh, which kills any predator attempting to grab one to eat. Since then, at least two species of snakes have evolved smaller heads, and thus smaller bites, in response to the toads. Snakes with smaller heads could not eat the large toads, and thus did not die from the poisonous flesh, and were capable of eating other smaller, harmless species. (Phillips et al., 2004)

Change in size of the bony armor of Stickleback fish

Researchers isolated specific genetic mutations in a population of stickleback fish that change the size of the fish's bony armor enormously. The photo to the left shows a stickleback with minor bony armor (bottom), and one with an enlarged plate (top).(Kingsley 2004 and 2005) (Image from source)[DOUBLEPOST=1408917012][/DOUBLEPOST]6. Observed evolution of a multicellular organismAS

Evolution of a new multicellular species from unicellular Chlorella

When a predator was introduced to the environment of the unicellular Chlorella algae in a lab test, scientists observed the algae cells bond together in colonies, and eventually became an entirely new multicellular species. One could even argue that this change extends past the species level. In the image to the left, FC is the unicellular chlorella algae, Oc is the predator introduced to the environment, and CC is the new multicellular algae.

This is not simply a "cell colony", but a new multicellular organism. The multicellularity was achieved by a mutation that fused the cell wall of the mother cell and its daughter cell together. Because these cells are thus dependent upon each other for survival, the new organism is multicellular and not a simple bacterial colony.(Boraas et al., 1998) (Note: The Image is also from this source.)

7. Observed endosymbiosis

Endosymbiosis is the evolutionary theory that the organelles in eukaryotes were once separate prokaryotic organisms which were taken in by another prokaryote. This effectively explains the evolution of eukaryotes. This old theory has recently been shown possible by an observed case of endosymbiosis in the laboratory. In this specific case, the unicellular predator Hatena absorbed the algae producer Nephroselmis. Instead of digesting Nephroselmis, the algae grows inside Hatena, and begins to produce food for both of the organisms. Hatena no longer needs a mouth, and thus this feature completely disappears. Effectively these two prokaryotes form a new eukaryotic cell. On the left is a picture of Hatena with Nephroselmis and without (Okamoto, 2005). (Note: The image is also from this source)

Microbiologist K.W. Jeon has done extensive research documenting an example of observed endosymbiosis in the laboratory. His experiment consisted of infecting a population of amoebae with a bacterial strain. While the majority of the amoebae died from the infection, some of the bacterial cells remained within the amoebae cells. Over time, Jeon proved that the amoebae eventually grew dependent on these bacterial cells, effectively creating a newly endosymbiotic eukaryote (K.W. Jeon 1972, 1977, 1987, 1995).

8. Mutation rates

Below we have listed the results of several studies on mutation rates. These results show that mutations aren't extremely rare, and beneficial mutations aren't as uncommon as one might think. Additionally, note that although beneficial mutations are a minority, harmful mutations are selected out of a population and thus have no lasting effects.

A. Most mutations are neutral, and have no effects. Only approximately 1 in 15 mutations have any effect.(Perfeito et al. 2007)

B. 12% (3 out of 26) of random mutations in a strain of bacteria improved fitness in a particular environment.(Remold and Lenski 2001)

C. Another study found that 10% of functional mutations in E. coli were beneficial. (Perfeito et al. 2007)

D. Another study approximated that there are around 64 mutations in each human zygote.(Drake et al. 1998)

Human evolution

Obviously, the human species is still evolving, and humans have changed quite a bit since our species first arose. We already talked about the evolution of lactose tolerance in a previous post, but there is quite a bit more to cover. Thus, this blog post is all about evolution in humans from the present and recent past.

Brain Evolution

Evans et al. 2005 found that a gene named Microcephalin regulates brain size in humans. A specific variant of this gene first arose in humans about 37,000 years ago, and has since for been positively selected for in the human population. This study provides strong evidence that the human brain has been undergoing rapid evolution in the recent past.

The Evolution Of Lactose Tolerance

It may come as a surprise to many people living in the Western world that the majority of adults on Earth are to some degree lactose intolerant. After all, we take lactose tolerance largely for granted in societies dominated by Europeans; in fact, milk and milk based products are essential staples of the daily diets of these countries. From breakfast to dessert, butter, milk, and cheese come with the meal.

However, those with complete lactose tolerance are in the global minority, and are in fact mutants. A few single nucleotide( nucleotides are individual units of DNA) changes confer lactose tolerance through adulthood in European and a few African populations with the mutations seen below:

(Tishkoff et al. 2007) (Image adapted from source)

This is merely a successful example of evolution at the most basic level: a beneficial mutation arising naturally and successfully spreading throughout a population.

Sickle-cell and Malaria Resistance

Sickle-cell is a human blood disorder in which red blood cells take on a sickle shape instead of the normal round donut shape of red blood cells, and is caused by a single point mutation. While having both of the recessive sickle-cell alleles can cause several life-disrupting complications, being a genetic carrier of the recessive allele has a positive advantage in that it confers some resistance to malaria. Thus, the allele has been positively selected for in recent times throughout Africa, where malaria is extremely common and poses a significant threat. (Kwiatkowski 2005)

Resistance to Heart Disease

Several carriers of a mutant allele called Apo A-1 Milano have been found in Italy. This allele has been shown to confer resistance to Heart Disease even if cholesterol levels of a carrier are extremely high.(Long 1994; Weisgraber et al. 1983)

Resistance to HIV in Humans

Resistance to HIV has been found to be conferred by a mutation in some Caucasian individuals with a mutant form of a gene called CCR-5. (Samson et al. 1996)

Tibetan Adaptations to High Altitudes

Considered to be one of the fastest known examples of human evolution in recent times, several mutations in Tibetans have allowed them to adapt and survive at high altitudes. About 30 different genes which regulate metabolism and oxygen have specifically undergone natural selection to confer these beneficial changes. (Yi et al. 2010)

И Мики дали гореневеденото соодветствува со твоето тврдење дека:

1. Денешните здрави науки ја растурија еволуционата философија, која своето опстојување го има само во образовниот систем и низ медиумите, но не и надвор од нив.
2. Времињата во кои еволуцијата беше „монополистичка„ вистина, веќе се се зад нас.[DOUBLEPOST=1408917095][/DOUBLEPOST]
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