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5 јануари 2008
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20 октомври 2012
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The ECB hasn’t made any changes in its monetary policy and did not deny that the euro rising is conclusive evidence of the return of confidence to Europe and its currency. Draghi mentioned that inflation was inclined to retreat and that the ECB was concerned with the higher prices of the euro, stating that they would also be watching EUR movements.
Only a few words, and within a few minutes the euro returned to low levels canceling all hopes for the possibility of achieving a new top that a clear majority of the market was betting on.
Even if Draghi confirmed that he was not going to set a target for the euro, even though he clearly said that rises are evidence of a renewed confidence, the market only focused on his saying that the currency rate was also important for the growth and stability of prices, meaning that a rate cut would be a possible option in the next few months.
I would say that if we take Draghi’s speech together with the French president’s remarks objecting that no one was paying attention to the euro’s rises, and with the Spanish Prime Minister’s accusations of corruption, not forgetting also what’s happening in Italy with Berlusconi’s renewed progress in the referendums, these facts could explain the sharp declines of the euro.
Is a rate cut a realistic option worth keeping in mind from the above-mentioned remarks made by Draghi?
The answer is clear, even if it is not conclusive: it is highly likely that the ECB is for a rate cut this year. And the direction in which the market has moved based on this notion might not take very long to cancel its implications.
The most important thing now about the euro and the most influential factor on its movements is the reality of the fact that: other central banks are floating markets with liquidity, while the European Central Bank is withdrawing it from the market.
Accordingly, it will not be a surprise at all if we start to see the return of the euro’s rise (in the coming months) after the market absorbs the shock of the Draghi emergency.
And we will keep in mind the retreat of the euro when we look at the similar policy of the U.S. Federal and its decision to reduce or end the monthly quantitative easing policy that is currently in effect, which is expected to be in the second half of this year.
Член од
20 септември 2011
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The ECB hasn’t made any changes in its monetary policy and did not deny that the euro rising is conclusive evidence of the return of confidence to Europe and its currency. Draghi mentioned that inflation was inclined to retreat and that the ECB was concerned with the higher prices of the euro, stating that they would also be watching EUR movements.
Only a few words, and within a few minutes the euro returned to low levels canceling all hopes for the possibility of achieving a new top that a clear majority of the market was betting on.
Even if Draghi confirmed that he was not going to set a target for the euro, even though he clearly said that rises are evidence of a renewed confidence, the market only focused on his saying that the currency rate was also important for the growth and stability of prices, meaning that a rate cut would be a possible option in the next few months.
I would say that if we take Draghi’s speech together with the French president’s remarks objecting that no one was paying attention to the euro’s rises, and with the Spanish Prime Minister’s accusations of corruption, not forgetting also what’s happening in Italy with Berlusconi’s renewed progress in the referendums, these facts could explain the sharp declines of the euro.
Is a rate cut a realistic option worth keeping in mind from the above-mentioned remarks made by Draghi?
The answer is clear, even if it is not conclusive: it is highly likely that the ECB is for a rate cut this year. And the direction in which the market has moved based on this notion might not take very long to cancel its implications.
The most important thing now about the euro and the most influential factor on its movements is the reality of the fact that: other central banks are floating markets with liquidity, while the European Central Bank is withdrawing it from the market.
Accordingly, it will not be a surprise at all if we start to see the return of the euro’s rise (in the coming months) after the market absorbs the shock of the Draghi emergency.
And we will keep in mind the retreat of the euro when we look at the similar policy of the U.S. Federal and its decision to reduce or end the monthly quantitative easing policy that is currently in effect, which is expected to be in the second half of this year.

Може да ни кажиш од каде е симнат текстот?
Член од
12 февруари 2013
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Драге колеге,

Фирма Фронт Тим Инвестментс из Београда тражи представнике у Македонији. Више о фирми можете видети на www.fti.rs или на www.forexfti.com. Уколико сте заинтересовани можете нам послати вашу биоградију на мејл адресу office@fti.rs.

Dear traders,

Front Team Investments company from Belgrade, Serbia is looking for representatives in Macedonia. You can read more about us on www.fti.rs od www.forexfti.com. If you are interested please send us you CV - office@fti.rs

Front Team Investments
Член од
20 октомври 2012
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Saxo Bank CEO Says Euro Is Doomed as Currency Woes Resurface
By Mahmoud Kassem - Feb 18, 2013 1:10 PM GMT+0100

Lars Seier Christensen, co-chief executive officer of Danish bank Saxo Bank A/S, said the euro’s recent rally is illusory and the shared currency is set to fail because the continent hasn’t supported it with a fiscal union.
“The whole thing is doomed,” Christensen said yesterday in an interview at the bank’s Dubai office. “Right now we’re in one of those fake solutions where people think that the problem is contained or being addressed, which it isn’t at all.”

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Saxo Bank A/S co-Chief Executive Officer Lars Seier Christensen said, “Right now we’re in one of those fake solutions where people think that the problem is contained or being addressed, which it isn’t at all.” Photographer: Simon Dawson/Bloomberg

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The European Central Bank forecasts the euro-area economy will shrink 0.3 percent this year. Photographer: Ralph Orlowski/Bloomberg
The euro has gained 8.2 percent versus the dollar in the past six months and reached as high as $1.3711 on Feb. 1, the strongest since Nov. 14, 2011. The European Central Bank forecasts the euro-area economy will shrink 0.3 percent this year and ECB President Mario Draghi said on Feb. 7 that the currency’s gains pose a risk for growth and inflation.
While the euro has strengthened, the economies of Germany, France and Italy all shrank more than estimated in the fourth quarter. Ministers from the 17-member euro area met during the week to discuss aid to Cyprus and Greece as a tightening election contest in Italy and a political scandal in Spain threaten to reignite the region’s debt crisis.
“I’d be a bigger seller of the euro at anything near 1.4,” according to Christensen, who said he isn’t making any speculative bets against the currency.
The euro declined 0.2 percent to 1.3332 against the dollar, falling for a fourth day.
Shrinking Investment

France is grappling with shrinking investment, job cuts by companies such as Renault SA and pressure from European partners to speed budget cuts. While Germany expanded 0.7 percent last year, France posted no growth and Italy probably contracted more than 2 percent, the weakest in the euro area after Greece and Portugal, according to the European Commission.
The economy is on the brink of its third recession in four years and the highest joblessness since 1998. Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said Feb. 13 the country won’t make its budget-deficit target of 3 percent of gross domestic product this year as the economy fails to generate growth and taxes.
“Another possible fallout is getting rid of some of the countries that are being ruined by being in the euro, notably the southern European economies,” Christensen said. “People have been dramatically underestimating the problems the French are going to get from this. Once the French get into a full- scale crisis, it’s over. Even the Germans cannot pay for that one and probably will not.”
Cyprus Election

Cyprus has been shut out of debt markets for nearly two years with lenders including Bank of Cyprus Plc and Cyprus Popular Bank Plc losing 4.5 billion euros ($6 billion) in Greece’s debt restructuring last year. The nation is holding a presidential ballot today where the economy is the main issue rather than reunification of the divided island.
Spanish and Italian bonds rose last week as debt sales allayed concern the nations may struggle to raise funds before Italy goes to the polls to elect a new prime minister. Yields on Spain’s 10-year bonds fell for the first week in five as European Central Bank PresidentMario Draghi said the country had achieved “enormous progress” in its reforms. The spread between Spanish 10-year bonds and comparable German securities decreased two basis points to 354 basis points.
Spain, which plans to sell three- and nine-month bills tomorrow and bonds maturing in 2015, 2019 and 2023 on Feb. 21, faces a sixth year of slump. Output is forecast to contract for a second year in 2013 with unemployment at 27 percent amid the deepest budget cuts in the nation’s democratic history.
Record Debt

Public-sector debt is at record levels, having more than doubled from 40 percent of gross domestic product in 2008. The European Commission, which is due to update its forecasts this week, sees it rising to 97.1 percent of GDP next year.
“It’s the political world that has been extremely supportive of the euro, not for economic reasons but for political reasons,” said Christensen, a long-time critic of the single currency who now lives in Switzerland.
TPG Capital, the private equity firm started by David Bonderman, bought a 30 percent stake in Saxo Bank in August 2011 for about $560 million. Christensen and co-founder and co-CEO Kim Fournais maintain majority ownership of the company.
The Hellerup, Denmark-based bank said in August that first half profit dropped to 44 million kroner ($7.8 million) from 346 million kroner a year earlier.
Член од
19 ноември 2012
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Дали некој има повлецено пари на банкарска сметка во Македонија? Како иди процесот? Што ке биде ако декларираш дека парите ти се од форекс етц...
Член од
20 октомври 2012
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Дали некој има повлецено пари на банкарска сметка во Македонија? Како иди процесот? Што ке биде ако декларираш дека парите ти се од форекс етц...
Јас во странство ги повлекувам не им давам на овие наши апаши со тапија ни денар, маме им е...
Моја препорака ако можеш не ги декларирај!
Член од
13 јануари 2013
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Najdobro od bankomat :) pretvorigi u denari preku e-banking i povlecigi od bankomat ne poveke od 10 000 dolari :)
Член од
19 ноември 2012
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Najdobro od bankomat :) pretvorigi u denari preku e-banking i povlecigi od bankomat ne poveke od 10 000 dolari :)
а дали треба да декларираш нешто ако користиш е-банкинг, од каде ти се и слицно? Обицно нели бараат вакви работи ако примаш/пушташ пари од странска фирма
Член од
7 август 2011
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Bidejki sum slabo upaten, me interesira dali na Forex se trguva samo so valuti ili mozi i akcii od stranski kompanii?

Stefus Corp.

Рационална Коза
Член од
22 август 2012
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Во петок, 29.03.2013 година во 17 часот во СЦ Борис Трајковски во Скопје, компанијата „FXLider“ како регионален лидер во светот на глобалните инвестиции, организира најголем Forex семинар во Македонија на кој ќе зборуваат „FXlider“ експерти на следниве теми:
1. Запознавање со глобалниот финансиски пазар
2. Психологија на инвестирањето и план на инвестирањето (инструмент,индикатор и дисциплина)
3. Фундаментални и технички аспекти на тргувањето (најважни фундаментални и технички индикатори)
4. Основи на „moneymanagement“-от ( Маргина, Левериџ,Алтернативно сценарио)
5. „Case study“ ( историјата,сегашноста и иднината за неколку инструменти)
Распоредот на семинарот е следен:
-17:00-18:00 Семинар во конгресната сала (1.дел)
-18:00-18:30 Пауза за кафе и освежување во барот
-18:30-20:00 Семинар во конгресната сала (2.дел)
-20:00 Коктел во барот за сите гости на семинарот
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