pa dobro de otecot go sozdal sinot, toj otecot neli e pojak od sinot poso on go sozdade?
neli on ima pogolema privilegija da bide Gospod?
--- надополнето: 10 јули 2012 во 21:49 ---
2. “Ги познавам луѓето; и ви велам дека Исус не е обичен човек.” - Наполеон Бонапарта
vtorata pricina od tie 101 pricini neli nema vrska so gospod nikakva.
poso ovoj vika "ne e obicen covek" ako ne e obicen covek togas toj moze da se narekuva "nadrauvan covek" ili "super covek"
spiderman superman batman. znaci sepak covek ostanuva.
objasni mi ja pricinata.
sepak ovoj Bonaparte rekol deka "ne veruva vo verata na Isus"
“I read the Bible; Moses was an able man, the Jews are villains, cowardly and cruel. Is there anything more horrible than the story of Lot and his daughters ?”
“The science which proves to us that the earth is not the centre of the celestial movements has struck a great blow at religion. Joshua stops the sun ! One shall see the stars falling into the sea… I say that of all the suns and planets,…”
Then Napoleon Bonaparte also said:
“Religions are always based on miracles, on such things than nobody listens to like Trinity. Yesus called himself the son of God and he was a descendant of David. I prefer the religion of Muhammad. It has less ridiculous things than ours; the turks also call us idolaters.”
“Surely, I have told you on different occations and I have intimated to you by various discourses that I am a Unitarian Musselman and I glorify the prophet Muhammad and that I love the Musselmans.”
In the end, he said:
“In the name of God the Merciful, the Compassionate. There is no god but God, He has no son and He reigns without a partner.”
Napoleon Bonaparte admire AlQur’an after comparing it with his Holy Bible. Then he found many strong point of AlQur’an than Bible, and all story behind it.