Графички карти


Член од
12 април 2008
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Овај графиконов ми изгледа како оверклок на Core i7, а не на графичка карта.


One-winged angel
Член од
28 април 2006
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Оооо господинот маркетинг менаџер за MSI се врати. Време е почесто да стискам на копчето "избриши мислење" :pos2:
Член од
10 ноември 2009
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Епик фејл! се зборува за графичка? а не за меморија/процесор!

Дечки, глумиш стручњак а у главном не си во право.

Benchmark Methodology

For the majority of the benchmarks we will look at our standard two result set. The 3D/Gaming benchmarks we threw a bit of a wrench in the equation though since we are using the two MSI R4890 Cyclone OC's. Just a sample graph outlining where the results will be coming from in the up-coming benchmarksWith the opportunity to do a quick CrossFireX comparison, we figured why not...it is not like overclocking the system has shown any benefits in the gaming benchmarks up to this point with i7.

Our first set of results depicted in blue will represent the stock settings of our Xeon W3540 (i7 950 equivalent) paired with the Mushkin Redline Ascent memory. We simply enabled the XMP profiles of the memory and left everything as is. This means Turbo is enabled and will give us the 23X CPU multiplier leaving us with an operating frequency of 3060MHz. The memory is running at DDR3-1600 6-7-6 as outlined by the Mushkin XMP profile.

Our overclocked setup will be portrayed by the red bars in the charts. This overclock will be what we are about to look at shortly in the Stability & Overclocking Results. We won't go into discussing this overclock here as it will be discussed at length in the next section, but it is quite a substantial overclock. Despite the heavy overclock, voltages have remained low and the system is completely 24/7 stable for whatever we want to throw at it. This overclock would be our representation of what we would do with this system for everyday use should this have been a build for a friend or ourselves.

The last item on our list of methodologies outlines how our OS is setup for the benchmarking section in order to keep the results fair.

1. Windows Vista x64 w/SP1 is installed using a full format
2. Intel Chipset drivers and accessory hardware drivers (audio, network, GPU) are installed followed by a defragment and a reboot
3. At time of benchmarks the latest drivers were downloaded from their official web sites as the latest drivers, most notable, ATI Catalyst 9.8 WHQL
4. Programs and games are then installed followed by another defragment
5. Windows updates are then completed installing all available updates followed by a defragment
6. Benchmarks are each ran three times after a clean reboot for every iteration of the benchmark unless otherwise stated, the results are then averaged


Член од
30 јануари 2009
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Ај изјасни се малце поуаво што сакаш да кажеш и објасни ми нели пошто ти си стручњак каде грешам? Пошто гледам не ни разбираш за што се работи нема ни да се замарам со тебе, на кратко те жалам :tapp:


Член од
23 декември 2007
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Дечки, глумиш стручњак а у главном не си во право

Benchmark Methodology

For the majority of the benchmarks we will look at our standard two result set. The 3D/Gaming benchmarks we threw a bit of a wrench in the equation though since we are using the two MSI R4890 Cyclone OC's. Just a sample graph outlining where the results will be coming from in the up-coming benchmarksWith the opportunity to do a quick CrossFireX comparison, we figured why not...it is not like overclocking the system has shown any benefits in the gaming benchmarks up to this point with i7.

Our first set of results depicted in blue will represent the stock settings of our Xeon W3540 (i7 950 equivalent) paired with the Mushkin Redline Ascent memory. We simply enabled the XMP profiles of the memory and left everything as is. This means Turbo is enabled and will give us the 23X CPU multiplier leaving us with an operating frequency of 3060MHz. The memory is running at DDR3-1600 6-7-6 as outlined by the Mushkin XMP profile.

Our overclocked setup will be portrayed by the red bars in the charts. This overclock will be what we are about to look at shortly in the Stability & Overclocking Results. We won't go into discussing this overclock here as it will be discussed at length in the next section, but it is quite a substantial overclock. Despite the heavy overclock, voltages have remained low and the system is completely 24/7 stable for whatever we want to throw at it. This overclock would be our representation of what we would do with this system for everyday use should this have been a build for a friend or ourselves.

The last item on our list of methodologies outlines how our OS is setup for the benchmarking section in order to keep the results fair.

1. Windows Vista x64 w/SP1 is installed using a full format
2. Intel Chipset drivers and accessory hardware drivers (audio, network, GPU) are installed followed by a defragment and a reboot
3. At time of benchmarks the latest drivers were downloaded from their official web sites as the latest drivers, most notable, ATI Catalyst 9.8 WHQL
4. Programs and games are then installed followed by another defragment
5. Windows updates are then completed installing all available updates followed by a defragment
6. Benchmarks are each ran three times after a clean reboot for every iteration of the benchmark unless otherwise stated, the results are then averaged
Ја прочита ли бар статијата пред да постуваш?


One-winged angel
Член од
28 април 2006
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И мене вака на прв поглед графиконот ми изгледа на споредба на перформанси помеѓу процесор на 3 гигахерци и истиот оверклокуван на 4.3 гигахерци........


One-winged angel
Член од
28 април 2006
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Нема да толерирам повеќе испади и глупости за графиконот, пишав за што се работи. Продолжете со разговори на темата "Графички карти"
Член од
10 ноември 2009
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Со оглед дека дома имам MSI - K7 Platinium и процесорче Sempron 2800+ стари 8 години ова ќе дојде како вистинско освежување и можност за играње на некоја од поновите игрици.


...plAy HaRd GO pRo...
Член од
2 октомври 2008
Поени од реакции
Со оглед дека дома имам MSI - K7 Platinium и процесорче Sempron 2800+ стари 8 години ова ќе дојде како вистинско освежување и можност за играње на некоја од поновите игрици.
ne bi rekol ^__^ ... losa e mn taa grafi4ka ... ali so sreka

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