
Bastardo dentro
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12 јануари 2011
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Јас воопшто не се смеам кога те читам, ме иритираш повеќе со своите „сакам речам не знам кажам“ изјави за Ошо затоа и ти реплицирам демек ќе ме разбереш. Ти, веднаш Кроули, Ипси, Хепта... се на куп :) Веднаш стануваш несвесен (како па да си бил свесен, но ајде).
Ти може да носиш и корисничко име и Ошо и да копираш текстови колку ти душа сака, но ти немаш врска ниту слични ставови за било што со Ошо :)
Те читаат луѓе и се чудат... ти, мастурбираш на тоа како медитацијата е Сегашност постојана... Не, Нуит е сегашност и постојаност непрекината... години пред Ошо да зборува за непрекинатоста на медитацијата собрана како единство во раџа јогата.
Не се нервирај за тајните, има на нет за 7 на г-динот Гурџи. Wow тајните на 7 ќе го спасат човештвото и самиот човек. Оваа сликичка е твојата тајна?
Дали ме ти тоа мене зезаш нешто или те палат вакви работи? Ова е твојата екстаза на мудрост и ТАЈНА?​
Навистина сум го погрешил овој пат соговорникот...​
Ќе ги избегнувам твоите „разбирања“ на јогата за во иднина...​
E koga ke ja razberesh ENAGRAMATA ke pocnam da razgovaram so tebe kako shto trebe.....i da ,tamo se site tajni
Mozesh da shtrakash po net kolku sakas....teshko ke gi otkriesh....

Хептаграм XI

Ἱερὸς Γάμος
Член од
13 февруари 2010
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E koga ke ja razberesh ENAGRAMATA ke pocnam da razgovaram so tebe kako shto trebe.....i da ,tamo se site tajni
Mozesh da shtrakash po net kolku sakas....teshko ke gi otkriesh....
Знам знам... тоа е тоа... големата твоја тајна...
Ајде нека ти биде :)
Реков јас ти мастурбираш на она што тешко го разбираш (y)


Konecno Sloboden...
Член од
2 декември 2011
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Леле леле до кај ја дотеравте:facepalm:
--- надополнето: 29 мај 2012 во 22:01 ---
Ми се смачи и глава ме заболе читајки ве мислев нема да има крај но добро е завршивте, си се олеснавте сите и сега секој пак по свое си тера значи џабе продавање мудрост. Дај прочитајте нешто од Ошо па коментирајте за тоа што сте го прочитале, а не само да мрчите и да се расправате кој е во право и кој да части пиво, јас ке частам само не се карајте ве молам.
Meditation starts by being separate from the mind, by being a witness. That is the only way of separating yourself from anything. If you are looking at the light, naturally one thing is certain: you are not the light, you are the one who is looking at it. If you are watching the flowers, one thing is certain: you are not the flower, you are the watcher.
Watching is the key of meditation.
Watch your mind.
Don't do anything - no repetition of mantra, no repetition of the name of god - just watch whatever the mind is doing. Don't disturb it, don't prevent it, don't repress it; don't do anything at all on your part. You just be a watcher, and the miracle of watching is meditation. As you watch, slowly mind becomes empty of thoughts; but you are not falling asleep, you are becoming more alert, more aware.
As the mind becomes completely empty, your whole energy becomes aflame of awakening. This flame is the result of meditation. So you can say meditation is another name of watching, witnessing, observing - without any judgement, without any evaluation. Just by watching, you immediately get out of the mind....
Whatever Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and other people like him are doing is good, but they are calling something meditation which is not. That's where they are leading people astray. If they had remained sincere and authentic and told people that this will give you mental health, physical health, a more relaxed life, a more peaceful existence, it would have been right. But once they started calling it 'transcendental meditation' they have raised a very trivial thing to an ultimate significance which it cannot fulfill. People have been in transcendental meditation for years, and in the East, for thousands of years. But that has not become their self-knowing, and that has not made them Gautam Buddhas.
If you want to understand exactly what meditation is, Gautam Buddha is the first man to come to its right, exact definition - that is witnessing. -- Osho


Bastardo dentro
Член од
12 јануари 2011
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Знам знам... тоа е тоа... големата твоја тајна...
Ајде нека ти биде :)
Реков јас ти мастурбираш на она што тешко го разбираш (y)
Od koga ti velam da ja naucish enagramata i zakonite shto vladeat vo univerzumot.....ama ti si mrzliv i najlesno ti e da najdesh na net..
Trebe da znaesh shto znaci crtezov..inace ti e gjabe(da ne me isprava posle ateist,on e dezuren za tehnicki greshki vo pishuvanjeto)
Izvini za pauzata...bev na pivo ;)


Konecno Sloboden...
Член од
2 декември 2011
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Еве и нешто повеќе за тие што сакаат да прочитаат

Osho - This is the definition of yoga, the best. In many ways yoga has been defined; there are many definitions. Some say yoga is the meeting of the mind with the divine; hence, it is called yoga -- yoga means meeting, joining together. Some say that yoga means dropping the ego: ego is the barrier; the moment you drop the ego you are joined to the divine. You were already joined, only because of the ego it appeared that you were disjoined. And there are many, but Patanjali's is the most scientific. He says,


Yoga is the state of no-mind. The word "mind" covers all -- your egos, your desires, your hopes, your philosophies, your religions, your scriptures. "Mind" covers all. Whatsoever you can think is mind. All that is known, all that can be known, all that is knowable, is within mind. Cessation of the mind means cessation of the known, cessation of the knowable. It is a jump into the unknown. When there is no mind, you are in the unknown. Yoga is a jump into the unknown. It will not be right to say "unknown"; rather, "unknowable".
What is the mind? What the mind is doing there? What it is? Ordinarily we think that mind is something substantial there inside the head. Patanjali doesn't agree -- and no one who has ever known the insides of the mind will agree. Modern science also doesn't agree. Mind is not something substantial inside the head. Mind is just a function, just an activity.
You walk and I say you are walking. What is walking? If you stop, where is walking? If you sit down, where the walking has gone? Walking is nothing substantial; it is an activity. So while you are sitting, no one can ask, "Where you have put your walking? Just now you were walking, so where the walking has gone?" You will laugh. You will say, "Walking is not something substantial, it is just an activity. I can walk. I can again walk and I can stop. It is activity."
Mind is also activity, but because of the word "mind", it appears as if something substantial is there. It is better to call it "minding" -- just like "walking". Mind means "minding", mind means thinking. It is an activity."
I have been quoting again and again Bodhidharma.
He went to China, and the emperor of China went to see him. And the emperor said, "My mind is very uneasy, very disturbed. You are a great sage, and I have been waiting for you. Tell me what I should do to put my mind at peace."
Bodhidharma said, "You don't do anything. First you bring your mind to me." The emperor could not follow he said, "What do you mean?" He said, "Come in the morning at four o'clock when nobody is there. Come alone, and remember to bring your mind with you."
The emperor couldn't sleep the whole night. Many times he cancelled the whole idea: "This man seems to be mad. What does he mean, 'Come with your mind; don't forget?'" The man was so enchanting, so charismatic that he couldn't cancel the appointment. As if a magnet was pulling him, at four o'clock he jumped out of the bed and said, "Whatsoever happens, I must go. This man may have something; his eyes say that he has something. Looks a little crazy, but still I must go and see what can happen."
So he reached, and Bodhidharma was sitting with his big staff. He said, "So you have come? Where is your mind? Have you brought it or not?"

The emperor said, "You talk nonsense. When I am here my mind is here, and it is not something which I can forget somewhere. It is in me." So Bodhidharma said, "Okay. So the first thing is decided -- that the mind is within you." The emperor said, "Okay, the mind is within me." Bodhidharma said, "Now close your eyes and find out where it is. And if you can find out where it is, immediately indicate to me. I will put it at peace."
So the emperor closed his eyes, tried and tried, looked and looked. The more he looked, the more he became aware there is no mind, mind is an activity. It is not something there so you can pinpoint it. But the moment he realized that it is not something, then the absurdity of his quest became exposed to himself. If it is not something, nothing can be done about it. If it is an activity, then don't do the activity; that's all. If it is like walking, don't walk.
He opened his eyes. He bowed down to Bodhidharma and said, "There is no mind to be found." Bodhidharma said, "Then I have put it at peace. And whenever you feel that you are uneasy, just look within, where that uneasiness is." The very look is anti-mind, because look is not a thinking. And if you look intensely your whole energy becomes a look, and the same energy becomes movement and thinking.


This is Patanjali's definition. When there is no mind, you are in yoga; when there is mind you are not in yoga. So you may do all the postures, but if the mind goes on functioning, if you go on thinking, you are not in yoga. Yoga is the state of no-mind. If you can be without the mind without doing any posture, you have become a perfect yogi. It has happened to many without doing any postures, and it has not happened to many who have been doing postures for many lives.
Because the basic thing to be understood is: when the activity of thinking is not there, you are there; when the activity of the mind is not there, when thoughts have disappeared, they are just like clouds, when they have disappeared, your being, just like the sky, is uncovered. It is always there -- only covered with the clouds, covered with thoughts.


In the West now, there is much appeal for Zen -- a Japanese method of yoga. The word "zen" comes from dhyana. Bodhidharma introduced this word dhyana in China. In China the word dhyana became jhan and then chan and then the word traveled to Japan and became zen.
The root is dhyana. Dhyana means no-mind, so the whole training of Zen in Japan is of nothing but how to stop minding, how to be a no-mind, how to be simply without thinking. Try it! When I say try it, it will look contradictory, because there is no other way to say it. Because if you try, the very try, the effort is coming from the mind. You can sit in a posture and you can try some japa chanting, mantra -- or you can just try to sit silently, not to think. But then not to think becomes a thinking. Then you go on saying, "I am not to think; don't think; stop thinking," but this is all thinking.
Try to understand. When Patanjali says, no-mind, cessation of mind, he means complete cessation. He will not allow you to make a japa, "Ram-Ram-Ram." He will say that this is not cessation; you are using the mind. He will say, "Simply stop!" but you will ask, "How? How to simply stop?" The mind continues. Even if you sit, the mind continues. Even if you don't do, it goes on doing.
Patanjali says just look. Let mind go, let mind do whatsoever it is doing. You just look. You don't interfere. You just be a witness, you just be an onlooker not concerned, as if the mind doesn't belong to you, as if it is not your business, not your concern. Don't be concerned! Just look and let the mind flow. It is flowing because of past momentum, because you have always helped it to flow. The activity has taken its own momentum, so it is flowing. You just don't cooperate Look, and let the mind flow.
For many, many lives, million lives maybe, you have cooperated with it, you have helped it, you have given your energy to it. The river will flow awhile. If you don't cooperate, if you just look unconcerned -- Buddha's word is indifference, upeksha: looking without any concern, just looking, not doing anything in any way -- the mind will flow for a while and it will stop by itself When the momentum is lost, when the energy has flowed, the mind will stop. When the mind stops, you are in yoga: you have attained the discipline. This is the definition: YOGA IS THE CESSATION OF MIND. THEN THE WITNESS IS ESTABLISHED IN ITSELF.

When the mind ceases, the witness is established in itself. When you can simply look without being identified with the mind, without judging, without appreciating, condemning, without choosing -- you simply look and the mind flows, a time comes when by itself, of itself, the mind stops.
When there is no mind, you are established in your witnessing. Then you have become a witness -- just a seer-a drashta, a sakchhi. Then you are not a doer, then you are not a thinker. Then you are simply being pure being, purest of being. Then the witness is established in itself.
Osho Book "Yoga : The Alpha and the Omega, Vol1


Bastardo dentro
Член од
12 јануари 2011
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Еве и нешто повеќе за тие што сакаат да прочитаат

Osho - This is the definition of yoga, the best. In many ways yoga has been defined; there are many definitions. Some say yoga is the meeting of the mind with the divine; hence, it is called yoga -- yoga means meeting, joining together. Some say that yoga means dropping the ego: ego is the barrier; the moment you drop the ego you are joined to the divine. You were already joined, only because of the ego it appeared that you were disjoined. And there are many, but Patanjali's is the most scientific. He says,


Yoga is the state of no-mind. The word "mind" covers all -- your egos, your desires, your hopes, your philosophies, your religions, your scriptures. "Mind" covers all. Whatsoever you can think is mind. All that is known, all that can be known, all that is knowable, is within mind. Cessation of the mind means cessation of the known, cessation of the knowable. It is a jump into the unknown. When there is no mind, you are in the unknown. Yoga is a jump into the unknown. It will not be right to say "unknown"; rather, "unknowable".
What is the mind? What the mind is doing there? What it is? Ordinarily we think that mind is something substantial there inside the head. Patanjali doesn't agree -- and no one who has ever known the insides of the mind will agree. Modern science also doesn't agree. Mind is not something substantial inside the head. Mind is just a function, just an activity.
You walk and I say you are walking. What is walking? If you stop, where is walking? If you sit down, where the walking has gone? Walking is nothing substantial; it is an activity. So while you are sitting, no one can ask, "Where you have put your walking? Just now you were walking, so where the walking has gone?" You will laugh. You will say, "Walking is not something substantial, it is just an activity. I can walk. I can again walk and I can stop. It is activity."
Mind is also activity, but because of the word "mind", it appears as if something substantial is there. It is better to call it "minding" -- just like "walking". Mind means "minding", mind means thinking. It is an activity."
I have been quoting again and again Bodhidharma.
He went to China, and the emperor of China went to see him. And the emperor said, "My mind is very uneasy, very disturbed. You are a great sage, and I have been waiting for you. Tell me what I should do to put my mind at peace."
Bodhidharma said, "You don't do anything. First you bring your mind to me." The emperor could not follow he said, "What do you mean?" He said, "Come in the morning at four o'clock when nobody is there. Come alone, and remember to bring your mind with you."
The emperor couldn't sleep the whole night. Many times he cancelled the whole idea: "This man seems to be mad. What does he mean, 'Come with your mind; don't forget?'" The man was so enchanting, so charismatic that he couldn't cancel the appointment. As if a magnet was pulling him, at four o'clock he jumped out of the bed and said, "Whatsoever happens, I must go. This man may have something; his eyes say that he has something. Looks a little crazy, but still I must go and see what can happen."
So he reached, and Bodhidharma was sitting with his big staff. He said, "So you have come? Where is your mind? Have you brought it or not?"

The emperor said, "You talk nonsense. When I am here my mind is here, and it is not something which I can forget somewhere. It is in me." So Bodhidharma said, "Okay. So the first thing is decided -- that the mind is within you." The emperor said, "Okay, the mind is within me." Bodhidharma said, "Now close your eyes and find out where it is. And if you can find out where it is, immediately indicate to me. I will put it at peace."
So the emperor closed his eyes, tried and tried, looked and looked. The more he looked, the more he became aware there is no mind, mind is an activity. It is not something there so you can pinpoint it. But the moment he realized that it is not something, then the absurdity of his quest became exposed to himself. If it is not something, nothing can be done about it. If it is an activity, then don't do the activity; that's all. If it is like walking, don't walk.
He opened his eyes. He bowed down to Bodhidharma and said, "There is no mind to be found." Bodhidharma said, "Then I have put it at peace. And whenever you feel that you are uneasy, just look within, where that uneasiness is." The very look is anti-mind, because look is not a thinking. And if you look intensely your whole energy becomes a look, and the same energy becomes movement and thinking.


This is Patanjali's definition. When there is no mind, you are in yoga; when there is mind you are not in yoga. So you may do all the postures, but if the mind goes on functioning, if you go on thinking, you are not in yoga. Yoga is the state of no-mind. If you can be without the mind without doing any posture, you have become a perfect yogi. It has happened to many without doing any postures, and it has not happened to many who have been doing postures for many lives.
Because the basic thing to be understood is: when the activity of thinking is not there, you are there; when the activity of the mind is not there, when thoughts have disappeared, they are just like clouds, when they have disappeared, your being, just like the sky, is uncovered. It is always there -- only covered with the clouds, covered with thoughts.


In the West now, there is much appeal for Zen -- a Japanese method of yoga. The word "zen" comes from dhyana. Bodhidharma introduced this word dhyana in China. In China the word dhyana became jhan and then chan and then the word traveled to Japan and became zen.
The root is dhyana. Dhyana means no-mind, so the whole training of Zen in Japan is of nothing but how to stop minding, how to be a no-mind, how to be simply without thinking. Try it! When I say try it, it will look contradictory, because there is no other way to say it. Because if you try, the very try, the effort is coming from the mind. You can sit in a posture and you can try some japa chanting, mantra -- or you can just try to sit silently, not to think. But then not to think becomes a thinking. Then you go on saying, "I am not to think; don't think; stop thinking," but this is all thinking.
Try to understand. When Patanjali says, no-mind, cessation of mind, he means complete cessation. He will not allow you to make a japa, "Ram-Ram-Ram." He will say that this is not cessation; you are using the mind. He will say, "Simply stop!" but you will ask, "How? How to simply stop?" The mind continues. Even if you sit, the mind continues. Even if you don't do, it goes on doing.
Patanjali says just look. Let mind go, let mind do whatsoever it is doing. You just look. You don't interfere. You just be a witness, you just be an onlooker not concerned, as if the mind doesn't belong to you, as if it is not your business, not your concern. Don't be concerned! Just look and let the mind flow. It is flowing because of past momentum, because you have always helped it to flow. The activity has taken its own momentum, so it is flowing. You just don't cooperate Look, and let the mind flow.
For many, many lives, million lives maybe, you have cooperated with it, you have helped it, you have given your energy to it. The river will flow awhile. If you don't cooperate, if you just look unconcerned -- Buddha's word is indifference, upeksha: looking without any concern, just looking, not doing anything in any way -- the mind will flow for a while and it will stop by itself When the momentum is lost, when the energy has flowed, the mind will stop. When the mind stops, you are in yoga: you have attained the discipline. This is the definition: YOGA IS THE CESSATION OF MIND. THEN THE WITNESS IS ESTABLISHED IN ITSELF.

When the mind ceases, the witness is established in itself. When you can simply look without being identified with the mind, without judging, without appreciating, condemning, without choosing -- you simply look and the mind flows, a time comes when by itself, of itself, the mind stops.
When there is no mind, you are established in your witnessing. Then you have become a witness -- just a seer-a drashta, a sakchhi. Then you are not a doer, then you are not a thinker. Then you are simply being pure being, purest of being. Then the witness is established in itself.
Osho Book "Yoga : The Alpha and the Omega, Vol1
Osho lover,abe dosta ne davi so toa angliskiot....napishi neshto po tvoe shto si naucil....
inaku mi izgledash kako ipsi.....fotokopirka


Konecno Sloboden...
Член од
2 декември 2011
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Osho lover,abe dosta ne davi so toa angliskiot....napishi neshto po tvoe shto si naucil....
inaku mi izgledash kako ipsi.....fotokopirka
Што да пишувам по мое кога се си е напишано кој сака ќе си прочита, кој го мрзи ќе чека од мене уште поголема мрза да напишам нешто скратено:P


Bastardo dentro
Член од
12 јануари 2011
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Што да пишувам по мое кога се си е напишано кој сака ќе си прочита, кој го мрзи ќе чека од мене уште поголема мрза да напишам нешто скратено:P
Ajde togash da se zatvori temata i sekoj koj saka neka si procita..;)
Nego drugo da te prasham.....
shto veli osho za religijata...trebe da postoi ili....
meditacijata religija li e ili....
postoenjeto na covekot religija li e ili...


Konecno Sloboden...
Член од
2 декември 2011
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Прво ова со мрзиве ме потсети за еден виц

Си биле Мастер и ученик и живееле заедно во една мала куќичка. Откако едвај ги завршиле дневните активности на иницирање на проста раја, се вратиле и си легнале во собата да спијат, и мастерот му вика на санјасинов ај оди затворија вратата ја заборавивме, после некоја минутна пауза санјасинов млитаво му вика на мастерот, абе никој не влегува кај нас да краде и онака немаме ништо, по некое време пак мастеров му вика на санјасинов ај затвори го прозорот вечерва е свежичко да не настинеме, намуртено на ова санјасинот одговара абе нека се луфтира нема свеж воздух во собава не се спие убаво, и по извесно време пак мастеров, а да ја изгасиш сијалицава , а на ова љут санјасинов вика де бе мастеру се јас работам напрај и ти нешто.:pos:
--- надополнето: 29 мај 2012 во 22:36 ---
Религија е потрагата, т.е. огромната длабока потреба од спознавањето на вистината, а медитацијата е лек таа се користи се додека не се излечиш после тоа не ти треба бидејки и онака ќе станеш медитација т.е. религија т.е. тотално свесен, Абе наречи го како сакаш, некако мора да се нарече религија, медитација се ти е тоа исто, финтата е што има многу техники на медитација, т.е. има многу патишта кои водат до истиот врв на планината е сеа по кој ке се качуваш од тебе зависи, е на врвот веќе нема медитација, ни религија туку нешто што не се кажува со зборови, ако се симнеш малце од врвот да тогаш можеш тоа искуство да го асоцираш со медитација или со религија за да се објасни колку толку, и да се укаже патот(на цело село:icon_mrgr: ) по кој ти си стигнал, но не е и едини пат, ги има колку што има луѓе т.е. луѓе што се во потрага по вистината кои имаат длабока потреба од спознавање на реалноста. Ова е мое мислење не ми мрчите одма како сум давал совети или сум мудрувал


Konecno Sloboden...
Член од
2 декември 2011
Поени од реакции
Ех да беше така лесно, сите ќе знаевме, немаше никој да верува. Но факт е дека сите веруваат. Секој верува во своите убедувања, во она што тој/таа смета дека е вистина. Во генерална смисла на зборот, не постои неверник, бидејќи и атеистите веруваат во своите убедувања. Неодамна пишував за верувањата на атеистите. Еве ти линк.
Дури и во науката се верува многу. Дури и во егзакните науки се верува. Дури и во математиката се верува, бидејќи сите нејзини теореми се докажуваат преку аксиоми, а аксиомата по дефиниција е тврдење кои не се докажува, туку се прифаќа како такво (читај по вера). Некогашна аксиома беше дека две паралелни прави се сечат во бесконечност, но Ајнштајн покажа дека тие можат да се пресечат и на еден метар доколку меѓу нив има силна гравитација (црна дупка). И многу други аксиоми биле побиени како неделивоста на атомот, апсолутноста на времето, изотропноста на просторот итн. Во сето ова научниците верувале дека е така, но се покажа дека не е. Сега сите веруваат поинаку, но разликата е што сега повеќето научници, имајќи ги претходните искуства, скромно признаваат дека веруваат така, се додека не се покаже поинаку.

Имаш простор да истражуваш. Што мислиш дека јас слепо поверував во Библијата? Или батали ме мене, земи за примери еден куп научници, доктори по науки, паметни и интелигентни луѓе кои поверувале во Христос и во Библијата како Божја објава до човекот. Тие не поверувале во Библијата затоа што некој дошол им ја дал во раце и им рекол: „Ова е Божја книга и од денес ти ќе веруваш во неа“ :)
Напротив, тие луѓе истражувале, биле скептични, но објективно и искрено ги следеле аргументите и допуштиле тие да ги одведат до вистината, откривајќи дека Христос е вистината, дека е разумно да се верува во Него.

Ќе се создадат нови, посуптилни религи, со миксирани идеологии вкоренети во материјализмот и натурализмот, или пак некој микс од њу ејџ филозофиите - како онаа на Ошо.

Ако се уништат големите религии (како христијанството, исламот, будизмот, хиндуизмот итн.), ќе останат помалите или пак ќе се создадат (веќе има и секојдневно се создаваат!) еден куп нови филозофии и идеологии. Истомислениците повторно ќе се групираат, повторно ќе се делат и тоа не само по вера, размислувања и убедувања, туку и по нација, по економска положба, по општествена положба, по политичка определеност, по пол, по раса итн. Камо среќа подделеноста на луѓето да беше само заради верата. Не. Луѓето се делат заради гревот кој царува во нив. Гревот ги тера да бидат себични, алчни, користољубиви, да прават раздори, прељуби, бессрамни работи, да истураат гнев, лутина итн. Грешноста на луѓето ги тера да не љубат, туку да мразат. А Христос дојде токму заради тоа, да се справи со гревот, да се жртвува за гревот и со сопствената смрт да ја плати казната за гревот.. На тој начин Христос ни нуди ослободување од канџите на гревот, простување и нов живот проткаен со љубов која извира од Бог.

Ошо е паметен, кажува зборови што ги скокоткаат нашите уши, но тоа не значи дека тоа е вистина. Ошо кажува многу матефизички тврдења. Тој не може на дело да ги поткрепи неговите тврдења. На пример кога Исус рече дека Тој е Светлината, Тој ги отвори очите на еден слепороден. Кога Тој рече дека е Воскресението, Тој го воскресна Лазар. Кога тој рече дека е Лебот, создаде леб и ги нахрани луѓето што го следеа. Зборовите на Ошо немаат сила. Ошо еден ден ќе умре (како и Мухамед, Буда итн.), но Исус воскресна.
Ако си скептичен кон Христовото воскресение, истражи го тој настан. Има една добра книга се вика „Повеќе од Дрводелец“ напишана е од бивш атеист (Џош Мек Дауел) кој барал докази да го побие христијанството, но дошол до спротивни заклучоци од претпоставените.

Ошо нема кандило, не пали свеќа, не држи класични проповеди, но сепак тој шири одредено учење. Тоа не е класична религија, но сепак е верување, негово убедување за вистината. Тоа што некој тврди дека е буден, не значи дека навистина е буден. Понекогаш и кога сме во длабок сон, може да сонуваме дека сме будни, зарем не?
Леле бе комедии си смешки ај ке си ќутам поарно:facepalm:


Член од
23 јули 2010
Поени од реакции
kaj si be ipsi...ziv si?...se izgubi i bev zagrizen, pa morav da te spomnam...
Не се грижи, законите на универзумот се на моја страна, посебно законот на седум. (види кој број е постот на кој ја искажуваш својата загриженост кон мене) :)


Konecno Sloboden...
Член од
2 декември 2011
Поени од реакции
Не се грижи, законите на универзумот се на моја страна, посебно законот на седум. (види кој број е постот на кој ја искажуваш својата загриженост кон мене) :)

Хептаграм XI

Ἱερὸς Γάμος
Член од
13 февруари 2010
Поени од реакции
Не се грижи, законите на универзумот се на моја страна, посебно законот на седум. (види кој број е постот на кој ја искажуваш својата загриженост кон мене) :)
777 = The Flaming Sword, if the path from Binah to Chesed be taken as gimel = 3. For gimel connects Arikh Anpin with Zauir Anpin.
Исто и אחת רוח אלהימ חיימ (One is She the Spirit of the Elohim of Life) :)
Одлично ова :)

P.S. Абе сите се грижат за тебе, море :) Дури и во приватни пораки ти пишуваат. Мене кој ме етииит :)

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