Pametna investicijaA Story of Cristiano Ronaldo.. It's worth to read.
"I have to thank my old friend Albert Fantrau for my success. We played together for the same team in the U-18 championship. When Sporting Lisbon's manager came to see us he said that: "Who scores more goals will come in our academy".
"We won that match 3-0. I scored the first goal then Albert scored the second with a great header. But the third goal was impressive for all of us. Albert was 1 on 1 against the goalkeeper, he skilled the goalkeeper and i was running in front of him. All he has to do was to score but he passed to me and i scored the third goal, so i went to the Sporting Lisbon academy. After the match i met him and i said to him Why? .. he said that "You are better than me"..
"Many journalists went to Albert's house and asked him if it was a true story. He said yes. He also said that his career as a player after the match ended and now is unemployed. "But how did you build this house so great, you have a car? You seem like a rich man. You also keep your family.. From where did this come from? Albert more proudly replied: "It is by Ronaldo!
A Story of Cristiano Ronaldo.. It's worth to read.
"I have to thank my old friend Albert Fantrau for my success. We played together for the same team in the U-18 championship. When Sporting Lisbon's manager came to see us he said that: "Who scores more goals will come in our academy".
"We won that match 3-0. I scored the first goal then Albert scored the second with a great header. But the third goal was impressive for all of us. Albert was 1 on 1 against the goalkeeper, he skilled the goalkeeper and i was running in front of him. All he has to do was to score but he passed to me and i scored the third goal, so i went to the Sporting Lisbon academy. After the match i met him and i said to him Why? .. he said that "You are better than me"..
"Many journalists went to Albert's house and asked him if it was a true story. He said yes. He also said that his career as a player after the match ended and now is unemployed. "But how did you build this house so great, you have a car? You seem like a rich man. You also keep your family.. From where did this come from? Albert more proudly replied: "It is by Ronaldo!
Прв го пофалив за асистенцијатаApidrone сеуште мислиш дека Кедира не го бива за во офанзива ?
сигурно нема да игра, суспендиран е.НајверојатноАлонсо нема да игра против Апоел, и на негово место ќе игра Гранеро заедно со Кедира.Не ми изгледа за вистиното, кај го прочита?
Така ами какоГи имаше убаво на полувремето разговараа... Се објаснуваа нешто. Па нормално е тоа, капитен и голман ако не вика по нив и не ги советува играчите на терен, кој ?