

Член од
17 септември 2011
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У колку и да ти требаат за јасно да го објасниш целиот метод.
Прво треба да знаеш одприлика што е медитацијата.
Методите се милијарди, дури и овој.
Слушајки го http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTcbVXOaxq8&feature=related и пишувајки на темава.
Секој момент е за мене медитација...или поточно dhyana.
Научи прво што е медитација, може и да се глупираш на темава....и тоа е позитивно. Може некој ќе прочита нешто после волку постови, како за среќа.

Black Guard

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Член од
17 септември 2011
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"We are living, but we are not aware that we are or that we are living. There is no selfremembering.You are eating or you are taking a bath or you are taking a walk: you arenot aware that you are while walking. Everything is, only you are not.The trees, the houses, the traffic, everything is. You are aware of everything around you,but you are not aware of your own being -- that you are. You may be aware of the wholeworld, but if you are not aware of yourself that awareness is false. Why? Because yourmind can reflect everything, but your mind cannot reflect you. If you are aware ofyourself, then you have transcended the mind.Your self-remembering cannot be reflected in your mind because you are behind themind. It can reflect only things which are in front of it. You can just see others, but youcannot see yourself. Your eyes can see everyone, but your eyes cannot see themselves. Ifyou want to see yourself you will need a mirror. Only in the mirror can you see yourself,but then you will have to stand in front of the mirror. If your mind is a mirror, it canreflect the whole world. It cannot reflect you because you cannot stand before it. You arealways behind, hidden behind the mirror.This technique says while doing anything -- singing, seeing, tasting -- be aware that youare and discover the ever-living, and discover within yourself the current, the energy, thelife, the ever-living. But we are not aware of ourselves.
--- надополнето: Oct 11, 2011 10:57 PM ---
Gurdjieff used self-remembering as a basic technique in the West. The self-rememberingis derived from this sutra. The whole Gurdjieffian system is based on this one sutra.Remember yourself, whatsoever you are doing. It is very difficult. It looks very easy, butyou will go on forgetting. Even for three or four seconds you cannot remember yourself.You will have a feeling that you are remembering, and suddenly you will have moved tosome other thought. Even with this thought that "Okay, I am remembering myself," youwill have missed, because this thought is not self-remembering. In self-rememberingthere will be no thought; you will be completely empty. And self-remembering is not amental process. It is not that you say, "Yes, I am." Saying "Yes, I am," you have missed.This is a mind thing, this is a mental process: "I am."Feel "I am," not the words "I am." Don't verbalize, just feel that you are. Don't think,FEEL! Try it. It is difficult, but if you go on insisting it happens. While walking,remember you are, and have the feeling of your being, not of any thought, not of anyidea. Just feel. I touch your hand or I put my hand on your head: don't verbalize. Just feelthe touch, and in that feeling feel not only the touch, but feel also the touched one. Thenyour consciousness becomes double-arrowed.You are walking under trees: the trees are there, the breeze is there, the sun is rising. Thisis the world all around you; you are aware of it. Stand for a moment and suddenlyremember that you are, but don't verbalize. Just feel that you are.This nonverbal feeling, even if for only a single moment, will give you a glimpse -- a glimpse which no LSD can give you, a glimpse which is of the real. For a single momentyou are thrown back to the center of your being. You are behind the mirror; you havetranscended the world of reflections; you are existential. And you can do it at any time. Itdoesn't need any special place or any special time. And you cannot say, "I have no time."When eating you can do it, when taking a bath you can do it, when moving or sitting youcan do it -- anytime. No matter what you are doing, you can suddenly remember yourself,and then try to continue that glimpse of your being.It will be difficult. One moment you will feel it is there,


Член од
17 септември 2011
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Eве еден метод да предложам, не е ништо специфично
најверојатно секој го правел ова некогаш...барем за момент
ако ништо друго.
Седиш, лежиш...како и да е, со затворени очи.
Го слушаш ова, евентуално нешто друго.
Се што се бара е свесност за звуците...значи не фокусирање
туку само едноставно "посматрање".
Член од
24 октомври 2011
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Медитацијата ко збор и денес ми звучи ко нешто напорно, исправена кичма и скрстени нозе. А потребно е само да се запре во мислите, со свесност. :) Да се сфати единството со се кое отсекогаш постоело, а ние привидно сме се издвоиле од него.


Каде медитирате? Јас имам проблем да најдам простор кој ќе исполнува некои услови (свеж воздух, светлина)
Кога би ме видел некој би сме сметал за чудак :(


Konecno Sloboden...
Член од
2 декември 2011
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Meditation is Witnessing
Meditation starts by being separate from the mind, by being a witness. That is the only way of separating yourself from anything. If you are looking at the light, naturally one thing is certain: you are not the light, you are the one who is looking at it. If you are watching the flowers, one thing is certain: you are not the flower, you are the watcher.
Watching is the key of meditation.
Watch your mind.
Don't do anything - no repetition of mantra, no repetition of the name of god - just watch whatever the mind is doing. Don't disturb it, don't prevent it, don't repress it; don't do anything at all on your part. You just be a watcher, and the miracle of watching is meditation. As you watch, slowly mind becomes empty of thoughts; but you are not falling asleep, you are becoming more alert, more aware.
As the mind becomes completely empty, your whole energy becomes aflame of awakening. This flame is the result of meditation. So you can say meditation is another name of watching, witnessing, observing - without any judgement, without any evaluation. Just by watching, you immediately get out of the mind....
Whatever Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and other people like him are doing is good, but they are calling something meditation which is not. That's where they are leading people astray. If they had remained sincere and authentic and told people that this will give you mental health, physical health, a more relaxed life, a more peaceful existence, it would have been right. But once they started calling it 'transcendental meditation' they have raised a very trivial thing to an ultimate significance which it cannot fulfill. People have been in transcendental meditation for years, and in the East, for thousands of years. But that has not become their self-knowing, and that has not made them Gautam Buddhas.
If you want to understand exactly what meditation is, Gautam Buddha is the first man to come to its right, exact definition - that is witnessing.


Konecno Sloboden...
Член од
2 декември 2011
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That is the only fear there is: the fear of time. The fear of death is also fear of time because death
stops all time.
Nobody is afraid of death. How can you be afraid of something that you have not known? How can
you be afraid of the absolutely unknown, unfamiliar, strange? Fear can only exist with something
which is known. No, when you say ’I am afraid of death’ you are not afraid of death – you don’t know!
Who knows? – death may be better than life.
The fear is not of death, the fear is of time.
In India we have the same term for both. Time we call KALA and death also we call KALA. We have
one term for both death and time. It is meaningful, the word KALA is meaningful, very significant,
because time is death, and death is nothing but time.
Time passing means life passing. Fear arises. In the West the fear is more acute; it has almost
become chronic. In the East the fear is not so much, and the reason is that the East believes that
life continues for ever and ever; death is not the end; this life is not the only life; there have been
thousands and thousands of lives in the past and there will be thousands and thousands in the
future. There is no hurry. That’s why the East is lazy: there is no hurry! That’s why in the East there
is no time-consciousness – somebody says: I will come at five o’clock SHARP, and he never turns
up. He does not feel any responsibility towards time, and you are waiting and waiting, and he comes
after four, five hours and he says, What is wrong in it? So what?
In the West time is very short, because Christianity, Judaism, both believe in only one life. That has
created the anxiety. There is only one life, seventy years at the most; one third lost in sleep – if you
live sixty years, twenty years are lost in sleep, twenty of the remaining years are lost in education,
this and that; the remaining twenty years – the job, the occupation, the family, marriage and divorce,
and if you really calculate you will find there is no time to live!
When will I live? Fear grips the heart, and life is passing, time is flowing out of your hands and death
is reaching every moment with such a constant pace – any moment it can knock at the door. And
time is irrecoverable, you cannot recover it back, gone – gone for ever.
Fear, anxiety, a time neurosis – it is becoming chronic, it is almost as if it has become second-nature
to Western man, continuously alert that time is going, and afraid.
The fear is basically that: I have not yet been able to live, and time is moving, and it cannot be
recovered, I cannot undo it; gone – gone for ever. And every day life is shrinking, becoming smaller
and smaller and smaller...
The fear is not of death, the fear is of time, and if you look deeply into it then you find that the fear
is of unlived life – you have not been able to live. If you live, then there is no fear. If life comes to a
fulfilment, there is no fear. If you have enjoyed, attained to the peaks that life can give, if your life has
been an orgasmic experience, a deep poetry vibrating within you, a song, a festival, a ceremony,
and you lived each moment of it to its totality, then there is no fear of time, then the fear disappears.
You are ready even if death comes today, you are ready. You have known life – in fact you will
welcome death because now a new opportunity opens, a new door, a new mystery is revealed: I
have lived life, now death is knocking at the door; I will jump to open the door – Come in! Because
life I have known, I would like to know you also.
That’s what happened to Socrates when hc was dying. His disciples started crying and weeping –
and it was natural. Socrates opened his eyes and said, Stop! What are you doing? Why are you
crying and weeping? I have lived my life, and I have lived it totally. Now death is coming and I’m
very very enthusiastic about it. I am waiting with such great love and longing; with hope. A new door
opens, life reveals a new mystery.
Somebody asked, Are you not afraid? Socrates said: I don’t see the point why one should be afraid
of death? Because in the first place I don’t know what is going to be, and secondly: there are only
two possibilities, either I will survive – then there is no problem of fear, or I will not survive – then
too there is no problem of fear. If I don’t survive there is no problem – when I am not, there cannot
be any problem, and if I survive as I am here, if my consciousness survives, there is no problem
because I am still there.
Problems were there in life also – I solved them, so if I am there and there are problems I will solve
them – and it is always a joy to solve a problem, it gives a challenge. You take the challenge and
you move in it, and when you solve it a great release of happiness happens.
The fear of death is fear of time, and the fear of time is, deeply, fear of unlived moments, unlived life.
So what to do? Live more, and live more intensely. Live dangerously. It is your life, don’t sacrifice
it for any sort of foolishness that has been taught to you. It is your life, live it. Don’t sacrifice it for
words, theories, countries, politics, don’t sacrifice it for anybody.
There are many who are ready like butchers; they can get hold of you; and they have implanted
within you conditionings: Your nation is in danger – die for it! Absolute foolishness. Your religion is
in danger – die for it! Nonsense. It is your life, LIVE IT! Don’t die for anything else, die only for life.
That’s the message. And then there will be no fear.
But there are people who are ready to exploit you. They go on saying – Die for this, Die for that.
They are ready for only one thing – that you should become a martyr, and then there will be fears.
Live it! And don’t think that it is a courage to die. The only courage is to live life totally, there is no
other courage. Dying is very simple and easy. You can go and jump off a cliff, you can hang yourself
– it is such an easy thing. You can become a martyr to a country, to a god, to a religion, to a church
– all butchers! all murderers!
Don’t sacrifice yourself. You are here for yourself, for nobody else.
And then live. And live in total freedom so intensely that every moment is transformed into eternity.
If you live a moment intensely it is transformed into eternity. If you live a moment intensely you move
into the vertical, you drop out of the horizontal.
There are two ways of being related with time: one is just to swim on the surface of the ocean,
another is to dive deep, to go to the depths.
If you are just swimming on the ocean of time you will be always afraid because the surface is not
the reality. The surface is not really the ocean, it is just the boundary, it is just the periphery. Go to
the depth, move towards the depth. When you live a moment deeply you are no more part of time.
If you have been in love, and deeply in love, time disappears. When you are with your beloved or
your lover or your friend suddenly there is no time. You are moving in depth. If you have loved
music, if you have a musical heart, you know time stops. If you have the sense of beauty, aesthetic
sensibility and sensitiveness – look at a rose and time disappears, look at the moon and where is
time? The clock immediately stops. The hands go on moving but time stops.
If you have loved anything deeply you know that you transcend time. The secret has been revealed
to you many times. Life itself reveals it to you.
Life would like you to enjoy. Life would like you to celebrate. Life would like you to participate so
deeply that there is no repentance for the past, that you don’t remember the past, because every
moment you go more and more deep – every moment life becomes more and more beautiful, more
orgasmic, a peak experience, and by and by, when you become attuned to the peak, that becomes
your abode.
That’s how an enlightened man lives, he lives totally and moment to moment.
Somebody asked a Zen Master: Since enlightenment what have you been doing? He said: I carry
water from the well, I cut wood in the forest, when I feel hungry I eat, and when I feel sleepy I sleep,
that’s all.
But remember well, when a man who has come to a deep understanding of his own being cuts
wood, he simply cuts wood. There is nobody else there. In fact the cutter is not there, only the
cutting of the wood, the chopping. The chopper is not there because the chopper is the past. When
he eats he simply eats.
One great Zen Master has said: When sitting sit, when walking walk, above all, don’t wobble.
Time is a problem because you have not been living rightly – it is symbolic, it is symptomatic. If you
live rightly the problem of time disappears, the fear of time disappears.
So, what to do? Each moment, whatsoever you are doing, do it totally. Simple things – taking a bath;
take it totally, forget the whole world; sitting, sit; walking, walk, above all don’t wobble; sit under the
shower and let the whole existence fall on you. Be merged with those beautiful drops of water falling
on you. Small things: cleaning the house, preparing food, washing clothes, going for a morning walk
– do them totally, then there is no need for any meditation.
Meditation is nothing but a way to learn how to do a thing totally – once you have learnt, make your
whole life a meditation, forget all about meditations, let the life be the only law, let the life be the only
meditation. And then time disappears.
And remember, when time disappears, death disappears. Then you are not afraid of death. In fact
you wait.
Just think of the phenomenon. When you wait for death how can death exist?
This waiting is not suicidal. This waiting is not pathological. You lived your life. If you have lived your
life death becomes the very peak of it all. Death is the climax of life, the pinnacle, the crescendo.
You lived all small waves of eating, drinking, sleeping, walking, making love, small waves, great
waves, you lived – then comes the greatest wave. You die! You have to live that too in its totality.
And then one is ready to die. That very readiness is the death of death itself.
That’s how people have come to know that nothing dies. Death is impotent if you are ready to live it,
death is very powerful if you are afraid. Unlived life gives power to death. A totally lived life takes all
power from death. Death is not.


Единствената медитација што ми е потребна е само-медитација.

Член од
31 јули 2006
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Каде медитирате? Јас имам проблем да најдам простор кој ќе исполнува некои услови (свеж воздух, светлина)
Кога би ме видел некој би сме сметал за чудак :(
Не ти требаат никакви посебни услови. Можеш и во спална. Можеш и да легнеш на под ако сакаш - ама немој да заспиеш. Најлесно е на столица, ама не некоја мека - туку со цврст и прав наслон за грбот и стапалата цврсто доле.


Konecno Sloboden...
Член од
2 декември 2011
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It is natural. Whenever you become aware of anything you bring a new quality to it, it changes.
If you become aware of your breathing, the breathing will change its rhythm. You don’t try to
change it, there is no need to make any effort; you simply become alert that you are breathing
in and out and there will be a change felt, the rhythm will not be the same, because now you are
consciously breathing. First you were unconsciously breathing, now something new has come into
it – consciousness.
You walk; ordinarily you walk unconsciously, there is no need, the body is like a mechanism; but then
you walk consciously, bring consciousness to it – suddenly you will see that your walk has taken a
different quality: it is more graceful, more aesthetic, more beautiful, and you are not dragging –
rather, deep down you have started dancing.
When the breathing changes with consciousness you will feel a subtle silence surrounding you
With the change of breath your whole vital body changes, you feel more alive, more intensely alive.
Whatsoever you do there will be more totality in doing it. If you eat, you will eat more totally, there
will be less thoughts in the mind rolling about. If you walk with conscious breathing you will see that
the mind is more centred, there is no inner chattering. And then you will be able to see more clearly.
With your breathing conscious you will see the beauty of flowers more intensely, they will have more
colours than they ordinarily have – as if something like LSD has been released within your being; you
will see trees as more green, and you will see each tree as a different green: there are thousands
of shades of green, you simply see one green – because you don’t see at all; otherwise each tree
has its own green, and each leaf has its own being.
The more you become aware, the more life will be beautiful. It is a cosmic dance, it is a cosmic
symphony, but when your being is in a symphony only then you come to be in tune with it, it is
natural! But remember, become very very slowly aware, don’t force concentration on breathing –
these are two different things: you can force concentration, then whatsoever I have said will not
happen; then on the contrary you will feel drained. If you concentrate on breathing that means you
force yourself on breathing, you narrow down your consciousness and look at your breathing – you
will be in a tense mood. Then you will not be able to see the flowers, the sun, the sky, the sands and
the sea – no, because when you see them you will forget your concentration....
Concentration is not awareness. Awareness is totally different: you are simply aware without any
effort in it. If you forget, that too is okay – forget. Don’t feel guilty about it. When you again remember
– again look. A relaxed awareness is needed, otherwise there can be such a strain on the breathing
it can be fatal, it can be dangerous to the body, and you can create many illnesses out of it.
So – not concentration, but simple alertness; it gives really a totally different quality. You will feel
very very graceful, in tune, at home.
Член од
31 октомври 2011
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Oh this Damien Walter post. —On the one hand it is very nice to see well it isn’t writing advice per se, but it’s nonetheless the sort of thing writing advice needs much much more of, and much much less of “cut the adverbs” and “don’t head-hop” and “spelling is important.” —What are you writing? How are you approaching it? What are the tools in your toolkit, and how might they be used to solve the problem? What the heck is the problem, anyway, and is conceiving of it as a problem even what you want to be doing? (What if you’re focused on the sound of what you’re building, and thus that string of adverbs is necessary for the swing?) (What if you’re making a point about universality and actively embrace a cacophonic leap from point to point of view?) (What if you’re making up a whole new slanguage as you oh but this is getting silly, the point is almost made—)
What if you want to write prose that plays with the grammar of cinema?
So maybe you want to cater to the more widespread literacy in cinematic grammar that Walter notes; it’s all about the reading protocols, after all. And maybe you want to mess around in the limen between the words you say and the scene they see; maybe you want to show and not tell. Maybe you want to have a narrative voice as flat and objective as possible because flat objectivity’s impossible, and that’s one of the points you’d maybe like to gesture toward. —So maybe I have a dog in this fight. The visible world is merely their skin.
But also, that other hand: any time you find yourself making essentialist arguments (“Novels dial the phone like this; movies dial the phone like this”), you need to run your check/wreck protocols, or you’ll find yourself stating things that just ain’t so merely because they neatly fit your strictures: the primary sin of fanfic, for inst, isn’t that it’s too cinematic, but almost precisely the opposite: in its attempt to exercise the authority needed to tell a story with someone else’s setting and these characters loved widely and too well, fanfic often indulges in interior monologuery far too drearily specific and on-the-nose in an attempt to demonstrate a basic competence with the material. And while I haven’t read enough Dan Brown to tell you just how cinematic he is, his failing most commonly mocked (probably because it’s the opening sentence of that book, and thus one doesn’t have to have read much further)—

Niche marketing.

So apparently it’s our duty or something? As individuals of whichever gender or gender expression who find the Bechdel Test the bare minimum of acceptable standards?
“Hey A Lot Of Ladies,” began a mass email I received on Wednesday from Emily Bracken, a writer and acquaintance. She was forwarding a message from Kirsten “Kiwi” Smith, a producer and the screenwriter of Legally Blonde and The House Bunny, who has no professional connection with Bridesmaids but is nonetheless agitating on its behalf. “I know you get a lot of emails about donating money to worthy causes, but I’d like to draw your attention to one in particular: The Chick Flick,” Smith wrote. “It is currently on the Motion Picture Association of America’s list of Endangered Species and it faces extinction if we don’t act now.”​
Urging everyone to buy tickets to the movie, Smith continued, “Let’s show the planet we are capable of queefing out some major box-office lady-power.”​
The wonderful and tragic thing about the Bechdel Test is not, as you’ve doubtless already guessed, that so few Hollywood films manage to pass, but that the standard it creates is so pathetically minimal—the equivalent of those first 200 points we’re all told we got on the SATs just for filling out our names. Yet as the test has proved time and again, when it comes to the depiction of women in studio movies, no matter how low you set the bar, dozens of films will still trip over it and then insist with aggrieved self-righteousness that the bar never should have been there in the first place and that surely you’re not talking about quotas.​
Well, yes, you big, dumb, expensive “based on a graphic novel” doofus of a major motion picture: I am talking about quotas. A quota of two whole women and one whole conversation that doesn’t include the line “I saw him first!”​
—Mark Harris, “I Am Woman. Hear Me… Please!”
I was struck by the simplicity of this test and by its patent validity as a measure of gender bias. As I thought about it some more, it occurred to me how few of the classic works of literature that I teach to my high school freshmen would pass this test: The Odyssey? Nope. The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass? Nope. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Nope. Romeo and Juliet. Nope.​
What’s wrong with me?​
—Frank Kovarik, “Navigating the waters of our biased culture
—Filed 218 days ago to Paralitticisms; Comment [1].

Why do Americans still dislike atheists?

“A growing body of social science research reveals that atheists, and non-religious people in general, are far from the unsavory beings many assume them to be. On basic questions of morality and human decency—issues such as governmental use of torture, the death penalty, punitive hitting of children, racism, sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, environmental degradation or human rights—the irreligious tend to be more ethical than their religious peers, particularly compared with those who describe themselves as very religious.” —Gregory Paul, Phil Zuckerman


But what about “limpid”? “Muscular”?

The Pawlenty Inevitability.

Amanda Marcotte on Shawshank 2012.


It’s not like I meant to take a couple months off or anything. —Oh, hush. Y’all already got more posts outta me in Q1 of 2011 than Calvin Coolidge, put together! (And two whole chapters yonder, which the Inner Marketer made me promise I’d mention somewhere in here.)
Christ, I’ve been complaining about it almost as long as I’ve been blogging: the instant gratification of a ranty political post; the lengthy time thereafter one has to regret what one has said. And it’s not that there’s anything specific I posted in haste that I especially came to repent at leisure (recently) (well, not so much; not as such); it’s just that once I made a conscious effort to post more frequently, well, there they came: outrage pellets, guaranteed to please the crowd: it may not serve to increase US, but by god it sure as hell kicked THEM in the rhetoric!
Not that THEY ever actually noticed, but hey.
I never wanted the pier to be a political blog; I hate arguing! (Cue the Spouse’s knowing smirk.) —No, it’s true: I like forcefully stating my opinions, I can enjoy staking out the silliest possible position for or against some inconsequential thing and defending my claim with bulwarks of trivia, but the moment some actual conflict rears its head, over something that matters, I’m circling the wagons to close off the episteme: I must physically restrain myself from finding a pair of lapels I can grab. My God, how can you deny this is true? For fuck’s sake why are you repeating that lie? Who could possibly intend that consequence, can’t you see it? How on earth did you get to be so stupid?
It’s why the koan’s so important to me. I don’t know that I ever will manage a sunny heart. —Anyway. Less frequency; less pelletage. Or something. That’s my pledge to you. This week, anyway.
The irony I suppose being that whenever I’m recognized offline for my online contributions it’s inevitably the rants that get mentioned? “Man, you really knew how to fire ’em up,” said the genial older gentleman at the science fiction convention, who shall remain nameless through the simple expediency of never having caught his name. —“Well, I did start blogging again,” I said. “I’m just trying to stay away from the ranting, you know?” —“Oh, that’s too bad,” he said.
As I was saying. Evergreen perennial, this. Ah, well.
Fantasy, unlike science fiction, relies on a moral universe: it is less an argument with the universe than a sermon on the way things should be, a belief that the universe should yield to moral precepts.​
Farah Mendlesohn
—Filed 233 days ago to Squawkbox and Indulgences; Comment.

I mean it’s not like I watch TV anymore or anything.

They’re still making episodes of The Office or something? The American version, anyway. (The Israeli version launched last year. Hell of a thing, franchising.) —Anyway a couple days ago I read this, which, yes, at least from what I’ve seen, and then when I tried to go and find it again I found this instead, about Roseanne, which, it’s distressing how easy it is to forget how fucking good that show was? Because it was. —But mostly I’m struck suddenly by how odd it is nobody ever mentions The Newsroom when they mention The Office? But maybe that’s just me.

Then and back again.


I put the book in the envelope. I put the mailing label on the envelope. I put the cash card in the self-serve machine and get the postage and put the postage on the envelope. I take the envelope and I, aw, hell.
—I mean this isn’t happening now. This is happening about five or six hours ago. (Twenty-seven or so as I edit.) (My first-pass edits, anyway.) —What I’m doing now is I’m typing. I mean I’m not typing now. Or maybe I am but not this. Right now what’s happening is you’re reading this. I have no idea how long from this now that now is, so I have no idea how long ago by now the now was when I did all that.
But: it had to be done. I’d made a promise. Deal’s a deal.
So I put the envelope in the mailbox and sent it back the way it came.
question was in a B. Dalton’s and leave it at that.
Somewhat earlier.

Oh I was sunk already. I mean Tolkien, yes, and Lewis, and Heinlein and Asimov and Clarke, Alexander, Norton, Donaldson even, all of them hard on the heels of a diet of Matthew Looneys and Lewis Barnavelts and Bob Fultons and Furious Flycycles and Fat Bear Spies and Davids and Phœnices, but the thing that took off the top of my head was when Mom all unlooked-for brought home The Grey King. Magic that’s happening here, and now? —I mean, “here” was Wales, but it way sanctioned way, to college; I dumped my high school sweetheart over the phone. I got an email address. (It was a much bigger deal, in those days.) I spent a summer in the Weaponshop of Isher, whose walls were held together with scotch tape; I got drunk, on beer, on wine, on White Russians. I tried acid, since I couldn’t stand smoking. I started drinking coffee in a diner in New York after seeing Crimes and Misdemeanors. I started smoking clove cigarettes. I dressed in nothing but black for weeks at a time and lost my heart beyond recall to my best friend’s sister. I saw Shock Treatment. I saw Liquid Sky. I saw Rare Air take the roof off Oberlin’s Finney Chapel. Twice. I found a Boiled in Lead album on CD. (It was harder to do, in those days.) I dropped out of college and got a job washing dishes so I could afford an 80-dollar-a-month walk-in closet that was so small I had to roll up my futon so I had room for my books. I found my heart again and sold the bass guitar I never learned how to play so I could cover rent. I was living with game desigf us got our own place. We bought a house. I backed into a career that had nothing to do with the writing I was starting to get done. We had a kid. We named her Taran, from the Lloyd Alexander books. We started buying more bookshelves for all the damn
THEY win by themming US; WE win by ussing THEM.

Нели ??
Член од
24 јануари 2012
Поени од реакции

Dinamička meditacija traje jedan sat, i sastoji se od pet stadija. Možete je raditi sami, ali će energija biti jača ako se radi u grupi. To je individualno iskustvo, tako da trebaš zaboraviti na ljude oko sebe i držati zatvorene oči tokom meditacije, a preporuča se čak i držati povez preko očiju. Najbolje je raditi na prazan stomak i nositi široku udobnu odjeću.

Prvi stadij: 10 minuta
Diši kaotično kroz nos, sa pažnjom na izdisaj. Tijelo će se pobrinuti za udah. Radi ovo što je moguće brže i snažnije - dok doslovno ne postaneš disanje. Koristi prirodne pokrete tijela koji će ti pomoći da pojačaš energiju. Osjeti je kako se podiže, i ne popuštaj tokom prve faze.
Drugi stadij: 10 minuta
Eksplodiraj! Pusti sve što treba biti izbačeno van. Totalno poludi, vrišti, viči, plači, skači, tresi se, pleši, pjevaj, smij se, bacaj se naokolo. Ništa ne zadržavaj, i stalno održavaj tijelo u pokretu. Malo glume često pomaže da se započne. Nemoj dopustiti umu da utiče na to što se dešava. Budi potpun.

Treći stadij: 10 minuta
Sa podignutim rukama skači gore dole, izgovarajući mantru 'HUU! HUU! HUU!' što je moguće dublje. Svaki put kada stopalima dotaknete pod, pusti da zvuk pogodi duboko u seksualni centar. Daj sve od sebe, iscrpi se totalno.
Četvrti stadij: 15 minuta
Stop! Zamrzni se gdje jesi i u kojem god položaju da se zatekneš. Nemoj se namještati i pomjerati tijelo. Kašalj, pokret, bilo šta će rasuti tok energije i sav napor će propasti. Budi svjedok svemu što se događa u tebi.

Peti stadij: 15 minuta

Slavi i raduj se prateći muziku, pleši izražavajući zahvalnost cjelini. Zadržati osjećaj sreće sa sobom, tokom cijelog dana.
Dali nekade vo Makedonija postoi centar kade sto organiziraat dinamicka meditacija

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