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Search Pretty Girls from your city for night
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5 септември 2008
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Eve edna poraka od nasiot OTEC,KREATOROT !Ova se negovi zborovi:My voice of justice will be heard like a violent earthquake and these traitors will be struck on account of the evil done to my children whose innocent blood is shed as a sacrifice;i will avange my house,but the world will have to reap still what it hes harvested;I cannot forgive their guilt unless the world repents! I am sending in the nest of those vipers what I dearly love,I am sending you,with my word,into the depths of iniquity;I am delivering you as my mouthpiece to spread my messages;so dearly loved by me,wherever u pass,I,the Lord,shall leave on your traces a roaring Fire to consume the hearts of stone,extirpating atheism;I shall make them Fall in my arms,The arms of their God,ah,and it will be terrible to fall into my arms,in a flash I shall turn them into appointed disciples,and I shall send them to defend my word and take up My cause;daughter,as you have learned from me,in this way I will teach the others too,I am now delivering amoung wolves what My soul mostly delights in and dearly loves, to reveal My Holy Face;repent!generation,you sins have dried up your soul,why die,generation?repent and you will live!repent,becouse there is not much time left now;The Destroyer will reveal himself in these coming days,entirely!oh Vassula!whom can I urge to hear and warn?whom am I to speak to and who will listen?since everything is coming near the end now and the end is close,go and announce My Messages even in every public square;go and widely publicise My Merciful calls;.....the yeast of those exploiting My House is powerful so beware and keep your eyes open;understand why I am sending My Son and your Holy Mother to patrol the world in your days;this is my blessing sweeping across the face of the whole world;so raise all of you your eyes and when you do,you will see heaven wide open and gleaming in all its glory,the ark of my Covenant,the symbol of My Presence amoung you,the symbol of My Mercy and of My salvation;the One who shows pity towards all of you;ovaa poraka e pratena 25.05.1993. i ke vi kazam da se pazite od lazni uciteli i lazni proroci!

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poraka od nasiot ISUS HRISTOS!ova se negovi zborovi:My angel,formed by Me,wound me not but do not leave My Hand now;some will stone you, some will drug you in mud,some will raise their fists and menace you,but do not fear them,you say that they heap insult on your head,calumny upon calumny,I tell you,they are only heaping reward upon reward here in heaven for you,and blessing upon blessing on your forehead from Me,so declare without fear My message;withess,My angel,and I shall not pass sentence on many souls on account of the wounds you receive;I will give you a fair wage for the wounds you receive in the House of My friends;I have selected you to be the victim of My Passion,the altar upon which I will lay Unity;so what more could you ask?what more could I give you that I have not yet given you?Wisdom has been given to you and My Spirit is with you to make you endure the scourge of the world and ah .... I have given you the gift to thirst for Me and to long for me,a priceless gift;therefore,walk with Me and allow Me to use you and send you from nation to nation to tell them that THE GOD THEY HAVE FORGOTTEN HAS NEVER FORGOTTEN THEM;remind them that the heart of the Lord is Mercy;yes,tell them that I am gentle and humble of Heart,JESUS IS MY NAME;IC;
porakata e pratena na 27.05.1993.

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PROCITAJTE JA CELA VE MOLAM!!! poraka od nasiot ISUS HRISTOS ovaa poraka ako moze nekoj do detalji da ja prevede da razberat i tie sto neznaat angliski ve molam,zasto mn... e vazna mora da ja procitaat site!!!ISUS HRISTOS: I am the Resurrection but the prince of this world is Death;accuse not your persecutors so that I will not judge you too in the Day of judgement; soul-of-My-Passion,I,the Lord,im showing you the steps I have taken for My Passion;since you are serving Me,you must follow Me,what do you want Me to say;"follow Me but not in My Footprints?" this cannot be,whoever serves Me will follow My Blood-stained Footprints .... it is throught My Finger that you raise the Dead;those who STILL do not see My wonders are those that My Kingdom has overtaken them;My friend,My little friend,look how much Celestial manna I have been feeding you with;and I,your God, will keep on nourishing you; NO MAN WILL PUSH AWAY MY HAND FROM YOUR MOUTH;I will be your strenght to fulfil My Plan through your frailty;I am preparing you all for My Kingdom;write:the world today rejects Our Two Hearts,the Heart of your Holy Mother and My Sacred Heart;the times you are living in now are times of Mercy;I have already explained to you what will follow when the sixth seal will be broken;and now hear Me and write;just after Our Two Hearts have accomplished the witnessing, I will break the seventh seal and upon this,there will be an awed silence .... in this silence the people of the world would belive they got rid of Our Two Hearts witnessing throught Our mouthpieces,since what they withessed had become a plague in their ears and a plague to their interests and their evil intentions;then,suddenly this silence will be broken with the coming of My Day,and woe to the unclean!woe to the unrepentant!,their corpses will litter this desert,this desert they themselves laid out; My angel then will fill the censer he has been holding in front of My Throne and the altar,with Fire he will throw down on to the earth;and while everybody will be watching, a violent earthquake will come, and the elements of the earth will catch Fire and fall apart; many will take to the mountains to hide in caves, and amoung the rocks, they will call out to Me but I will not listen, they will provoke Me and blaspheme My Holy Name and say to the mountains and rocks,"fall on us and hide us away from the One who sits on the Throne and from the anger of the Lamb",for My Day will come and who can survive it? and the survivors will fall on their knees,overcome with fear and will only praise Me their God .... then, the new Heavens and the new Earth will come upon you; the Kingdom and I will reign in every heart; the world of the past will be gone; soul, My reign will become in your days; ovaa poraka ISUS HRISTOS i ja diktiral na vassula ryden na 03.06.1993.

Lele brat koj ke te procita alal mu vera .... Jas su Pravoslaven Hristijanin Fanatic koj veruva vo semokniot BOG Isus Hristos !


Search Pretty Girls from your city for night
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5 септември 2008
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Ja go procitav ama do detal ne mozev me bolat ocite mnogu mi e zbieno , a mnogu tekst e i plus na angliski se zamaram da citam !

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Search Pretty Girls from your city for night
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5 септември 2008
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Abe decko ti gledas li malku sto prasav KOJA E VASULA RAJDEN !


Search Pretty Girls from your city for night
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5 септември 2008
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ti si fanatik sto uste neznae koj e toj Isus Hristos.
A ti bozem znaes sto e Isus i koj e a ?>??

Se gleda kolku si prost .... koj go znae Bog be momak toj e se vidlivo i nevidlivo go znaes toa ??? Ako fatis drvo i se potpres i tamu e Bog , a tvojava poenta vo prasanjevo e glupa i tupa ... KOJ E TOJ ISUS HRISTOS ?? Kakvo prasanje ti e toa be covece normalen li si ?

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A da te prasam nesto ? Od koja religija si ti ?

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ti si fanatik sto uste neznae koj e toj Isus Hristos.
I de ti se molam kazi mi sto greska kazav deka Isus e Semokniot gospod Bog !


Search Pretty Girls from your city for night
Член од
5 септември 2008
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6 јули 2010
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A ti bozem znaes sto e Isus i koj e a ?>??

Se gleda kolku si prost .... koj go znae Bog be momak toj e se vidlivo i nevidlivo go znaes toa ??? Ako fatis drvo i se potpres i tamu e Bog , a tvojava poenta vo prasanjevo e glupa i tupa ... KOJ E TOJ ISUS HRISTOS ?? Kakvo prasanje ti e toa be covece normalen li si ?

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A da te prasam nesto ? Od koja religija si ti ?

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I de ti se molam kazi mi sto greska kazav deka Isus e Semokniot gospod Bog !
pocni da citas malce brat i ke sfatis.

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Search Pretty Girls from your city for night
Член од
5 септември 2008
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ne veruvaj vo sonovi , toa e isto kako da veruvas deka mozes da si fatis mislata :)


Search Pretty Girls from your city for night
Член од
5 септември 2008
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nekade imav napisano sto znaci da si pravoslaven ovde na forumov idi najdi go mnogu raboti ke sfatis . otidov na spienje jas !

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