Фан Клуб: Јувентус

Член од
13 декември 2010
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HRVATSKA nakon Tudora, Kovača i Kneževića ima novog igrača u Juventusu. Riječ je o 18-godišnjem vrataru Simonu Slugi.

Mladi vratar u Staru damu stiže iz Rijeke, a potpisao je jednogodišnji ugovor s mogućnošću produljenja. Juve je Rijeci platio 50 tisuća eura, a ukoliko Sluga ostane i sljedeću sezonu Riječani će dobiti još 350 tisuća.

"Velika je to čast i veliko zadovoljstvo. Jako sam uzbuđen zbog transfera. Hvala svima, mojim roditeljima, trenerima, menadžerima i Rijeci koja je bila uz mene. Ovo je uspjeh svih nas", rekao nam je Sluga.

Pred Slugom je sad zadatak da se izbori za mjesto trećeg vratara. Mogao biti budućnost Juventusa jer su u klubu uz velikog Buffona još dva 34-godišnja vratara - Marco Storari i Alexander Manninger. Tu je još i 22-godišnji Bugar Mario Kirev. Pred Slugom je veliki posao, a prvi "nastup" u Juventusu će imati danas.

"Još nisam trenirao s Juveom, tek sam jučer došao i danas popodne imamo trening. Upoznao sam nove suigrače i konkurencija je stvarno jaka. Dobro je da je tako, moje je samo da šutim i radim. Ne sumnjam da ću dobiti priliku i da ću je iskoristiti. Dobio sam priliku života i dat ću sve od sebe."

Klubovi u Seriji A mogu u godinu dana dovesti samo dva igrača izvan Europske unije stoga je Sluga morao uzeti talijansku putovnicu.

"Da, dobio sam je prije dva dana, praktički u pet do dvanaest. Nije bilo mjesta za strance pa je to bio jedan od uvjeta za transfer. Bogu hvala, u zadnji trenutak sam uspio dobiti putovnicu i potpisati za Juventus", kaže mladi vratar.
Знам за ова старо е !
Член од
27 јануари 2010
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Амаури од утре сам ќе тренира :pos: Е така е кога бараш рогови сега ќе остане и без уши :pos:


Патник, педер, поет, администратор, масон
Член од
29 јануари 2007
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Во биографијата на Гери Невил има место и за Јувентус

Gary Neville about Juventus in his autobiography

The previous year we’d been knocked out of the Uefa Cup in the first round by Rotor Volgograd. We might be champions of England but this wasn’t form to terrify the rest of the world, especially when in the autumn of 1996 we stumbled through the Champions League group stage. We lost the club’s 40-year unbeaten record at home, defeated by Fenerbahçe, and went down in both games to Juventus – the European champions, and one of the best teams I ever faced.

Juventus were unbelievably good, so big and powerful as well as packed with talent. Just standing in the tunnel next to them was intimidating. I’d never faced such a formidable team: Ferrara and Montero in defence, Deschamps, Conte and Zidane in midfield, and Del Piero with two big and dangerous strikers in Boksic and Vieri. Big names, big players, in every respect. We lost 1–0 to them in Turin, but it could have been 10–0. It was the biggest battering I’ve ever had on a football pitch. They took us to school, boys against men. We didn’t have a proper chance in the whole match. Manchester United played ninety minutes without a shot, without a sniff of a chance. It’s the only time that happened in my 602 games.

Del Piero was a class act, so sharp and elusive and intelligent. There’s a lot of thick footballers out there, players with huge talent when the ball’s at their feet but no real understanding of where to move or how best to link with their teammates. That is a criticism you’d never make of Zidane or Del Piero, and Juventus had both of them. These were the guys who made the Champions League such a massive test. They knew how to play and they were streetwise, too. They could handle themselves, and if anyone did have a go they had tough nuts like Montero to offer protection.
Член од
26 март 2011
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Gary Neville about Juventus in his autobiography

The previous year we’d been knocked out of the Uefa Cup in the first round by Rotor Volgograd. We might be champions of England but this wasn’t form to terrify the rest of the world, especially when in the autumn of 1996 we stumbled through the Champions League group stage. We lost the club’s 40-year unbeaten record at home, defeated by Fenerbahçe, and went down in both games to Juventus – the European champions, and one of the best teams I ever faced.

Juventus were unbelievably good, so big and powerful as well as packed with talent. Just standing in the tunnel next to them was intimidating. I’d never faced such a formidable team: Ferrara and Montero in defence, Deschamps, Conte and Zidane in midfield, and Del Piero with two big and dangerous strikers in Boksic and Vieri. Big names, big players, in every respect. We lost 1–0 to them in Turin, but it could have been 10–0. It was the biggest battering I’ve ever had on a football pitch. They took us to school, boys against men. We didn’t have a proper chance in the whole match. Manchester United played ninety minutes without a shot, without a sniff of a chance. It’s the only time that happened in my 602 games.

Del Piero was a class act, so sharp and elusive and intelligent. There’s a lot of thick footballers out there, players with huge talent when the ball’s at their feet but no real understanding of where to move or how best to link with their teammates. That is a criticism you’d never make of Zidane or Del Piero, and Juventus had both of them. These were the guys who made the Champions League such a massive test. They knew how to play and they were streetwise, too. They could handle themselves, and if anyone did have a go they had tough nuts like Montero to offer protection.


Ovoj tekst treba da go procita Amauri , i site drugi svinji koi gi imame .. DA ZNAAT ZA KOGO IGRAT ~~~


Уф што лепо изгледа ^^
Колкав капацитет има сега стадиончево?
Дали деби мечот на него беше изигран и ако беше против кого и кој е резулатот?
Има капацитет 41 000 и уште не е официјално отворен.Ке се отвори против Нотс Каунти на 8ми Септември.Првата утакмица од калчото ке се изигра на 11ти Септември против Парма.
Член од
26 март 2011
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Appena si saprà il nome dello stadio (probabilmente il giorno dell'inaugurazione), ci trasferiremo in un nuova pagina facebook col nome ufficiale del nuovo stadio!!(purtroppo non possiamo rimanere su questa pagina perchè la modifica del nome delle pagine è possibile solo per quelle con meno di 100 fans)

Juventus Arena è il nome provvisorio.Il nome dello stadio sarà legato ad uno sponsor così come avviene per molti altri stadi calcistici europei. La società Sportfive si è aggiudicata il diritto esclusivo di trovare gli sponsor che legheranno il loro nome all'impianto. Per contratto, l'azienda che legherà il proprio nome allo stadio non potrà essere né un concorrente dello sponsor tecnico della Juventus (Nike), né una casa automobilistica (per via dello storico legame tra il club e la FIAT).

Vo Cetvrtok ke znaeme kako ke se vika nasiot nov Stadion ...





iii ... Ke vidimeee ...


Appena si saprà il nome dello stadio (probabilmente il giorno dell'inaugurazione), ci trasferiremo in un nuova pagina facebook col nome ufficiale del nuovo stadio!!(purtroppo non possiamo rimanere su questa pagina perchè la modifica del nome delle pagine è possibile solo per quelle con meno di 100 fans)

Juventus Arena è il nome provvisorio.Il nome dello stadio sarà legato ad uno sponsor così come avviene per molti altri stadi calcistici europei. La società Sportfive si è aggiudicata il diritto esclusivo di trovare gli sponsor che legheranno il loro nome all'impianto. Per contratto, l'azienda che legherà il proprio nome allo stadio non potrà essere né un concorrente dello sponsor tecnico della Juventus (Nike), né una casa automobilistica (per via dello storico legame tra il club e la FIAT).

Vo Cetvrtok ke znaeme kako ke se vika nasiot nov Stadion ...





iii ... Ke vidimeee ...

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