- Член од
- 1 февруари 2007
- Мислења
- 13.039
- Поени од реакции
- 2.270
Да не заборавиме дека и Србите му се наклонети.
А каде проработила оваа Балканска тројка, само лошо се случило.
Tripoli, 18.06.2011 (JANA) The Secretary of General People's Committee, Dr. Al-Baghdadi Al-Mahmoudi, on Saturday telephoned Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou. The Secretary of General People's Committee informed the Greek Prime Minister about what NATO alliance is committing of barbaric aggressive bombardment which target civilians and destruction of Libyan civil locations. Dr. Al-Baghdadi Al-Mahmoudi urged the Prime Minister to intervene and put an end to the aggression, which continues in a blind hatred and violates all international humanitarian laws, conventions and norms. / JANA /
Tripoli, 18.06.2011 (JANA) A telephone call on Saturday between the Secretary of General People's Committee, Dr. Al-Baghdadi Al-Mahmoudi, and Bulgarian Foreign Minister Nikolay Mladenov. During the telephone contact, the secretary touched on actions of the NATO crusade aggression that kills civilians and destroys Libyan civilian locations. The secretary urged the Bulgarian minister that his country assume its role in ending the barbaric NATO aggression, which does not refrain from bombing safe civilians and continues to destroy civilian facilities, hospitals, educational institutions hotels and buses in Libya. / JANA
Кажите кога да се смеjaм на ваквите глупости. Некои луге имат преплитка памет и не памтат,дека Бугариja и Либиja имаха повеке от 10 години многу лоши односи поради бугарските медицински сестри. На неколко пати от државниот ешалон беше кажано,дека интервенциjaта на НАТО касни со години и дека режима на Гадафи мора да падне.