Wikileaks и Julian Assange (генерална дискусија)


courage is contagious
Член од
12 декември 2008
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–Corruption: AK rode to power on the common citizen's revulsion against corruption. Charges that Erdogan amassed his fortune through kickbacks as mayor of Istanbul have never been proven but we now hear more and more from insiders that close advisors such as private secretary Hikmet Bulduk, Mucahit Arslan, and Cuneyd Zapsu are engaging in wholesale influence peddling. xxxxx that Erdogan and he benefited “directly” from the award of the Tupras (state petroleum refinery) privatization to a consortium including a Russian partner. Erdogan's direct acquisition of a significant interest in a food distribution company has become a public controversy.


Kajgana's Heroj Ulice
Член од
28 ноември 2010
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А чекај малце, ако Американскиот војник дал документи до Викиликс за Америка, тогаш кој е замешан со документи од Македонија, сеа на радио слушав дека и можно Грција да е замешана, ц ц ц ц колку режирана војна направија а загинаа неши војници за џабе, Да ти ебам Тие сите светски сили и Америка и Русија и Кина и се, значи си играат како сакаат без малку размислување, Сакам апсолутно се да излези на Викиликс за сите држави се да се издаде, па нека плачат сите после, да осетат како е кога си немоќен, Викиликс засега е Светска сила бр.1, едино се плашам дека КГБ можи да вмеша овде прсти како што и се заканија...ама се надевам дека се ке излезе на виделина оти се изнервирав кога слушнав дека можно е Грција да е вмешана во 2001...


Член од
17 октомври 2005
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Za Amerikance bi najneugodnije moglo biti eventualno postojanje dokumenta kojim je Richard Holbrooke navodno obećao imunitet ratnom vođi bosanskih Srba Radovanu Karadžiću. Dokaže li se postojanje tog dokumenta, to bi moglo izazvati potrese u BiH, na Haaškom sudu i u Srbiji. Također, mogla bi se rasvijetliti uloga Amerikanaca u operaciji Oluja, uhićenju Ante Gotovine, ali i informacije koje su dobivali od hrvatske Vlade i tajnih službi. Za cijelu regiju najzanimljivije će biti objavi li WikiLeaks dokumente o potragama za ratnim zločincima ili pregovorima s njima.


Jesus Loves Macedonia
Член од
30 август 2009
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Germany: CIA 'torture guards' were protected

The case still amounts to one of the most disturbing Central Intelligence Agency blunders on record. It involved an innocent German citizen who was wrongly kidnapped on CIA orders and held for months in an Afghan jail where he was tortured and sexually abused.

Khaled el-Masri is a German citizen of Lebanese descent. He became the focus of international attention in 2004 after he was released from US captivity and dumped on a road in Macedonia where he was told by guards: "Don't bother telling anybody what happened to you – they won't believe you."

He later revealed to the US media that the CIA had mistaken him for an al-Qa'ida suspect and arranged for him to be kidnapped while he was travelling through Macedonia on a coach.

The case provoked outrage in Germany. But the State Department tapes revealed yesterday that American officials sharply warned Germany in 2007 not to enforce arrest warrants for the CIA agents involved. A senior US diplomat told a German official that "our intention was ... to urge that the German government weigh carefully ... the implications for relations with the US". TONY PATERSON


Biafran Baby
Член од
12 мај 2009
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Барања во конгресот Викиликс да биде прогласена за терористичка организација,Асанж државен непријател,измеѓу редови се бара ликвидација...

A Republican Congressman from New York has invented a new definition for the word "terrorism" that doesn't require guns, bombs, vast underground networks of sleeper cells, a criminal conspiracy or even violence.

All that's needed to be a terrorist, according to Rep. Peter King, is a website and some inconvenient information.

That's why King sent a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Attorney General Eric Holder on Sunday, demanding that whistleblower website WikiLeaks be deemed a "foreign terrorist organization" and it's founder declared a terror ringleader.

"To me they are a clear and present enemy to the United States of America," he told a CBS radio reporter on Sunday.

King said the website's release of sensitive -- but not "top secret" -- US diplomatic cables was "worse than a military attack."

Во Италија исто почнуваат да мрчат...

Italy’s Foreign Minister Franco Frattini on Sunday called the release the “Sept. 11 of world diplomacy,” in that everything that had once been accepted as normal has now changed.
Член од
7 мај 2005
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...ама се надевам дека се ке излезе на виделина оти се изнервирав кога слушнав дека можно е Грција да е вмешана во 2001...
Грција се знае дека има умешано прсти во 2001ва, не мора документ да има за тоа иако добро би било да има. На неа таков конфликт најмногу и одговара.

Што се однесува до источниот душман, има документ во кој се наведуваат насоките за дипломатите и разузнувачите да собираат информации. Покрај точките за владината корупција во Бугарија, организираниот криминал, владеењето на првото и целото друго ѓубре во таа држава, се спомнуваат и намерите кон Македонија и Косово. Интересно е дека има посебен дел за слабостите на Бугарија спрема Русија.

4. (S/NF) Reporting and collection needs:

A. National Leadership and Governance

1) Rule of Law, Corruption, and Crime (CRIM-4). Policies, plans, and efforts to develop, protect, and strengthen independent and effective judiciary, including advocates, opponents, obstacles, and progress. Government, non-public and public views about, and indications of, impact of corruption and crime on governance, internal development, financial stability, intelligence and security services, weapons security, military readiness, and foreign investment. Details about organized crime groups, including leadership, links to government and foreign entities, drug and human trafficking, credit card fraud, and computer-related crimes, including child pornography. Details about cyber crime. Government plans and efforts to combat cyber crime. Details about drug trafficking, including trends, types of drugs, production, identification of trafficking groups and individuals, money laundering, and smuggling methods and routes. Government counter-drug control and enforcement plans, organizations, capabilities, and activities. Government efforts to cooperate with international partners to control illicit drug trade. Illegal acquisition of government documents, such as passports and driver licenses. Links between terrorists, organized crime groups, and cyber criminals. Details about law enforcement organizations and capabilities, including procedures, capabilities, challenges, and plans to remedy obstacles to swift and equal justice. Plans and efforts of law enforcement organizations to use biometric systems.

2) National Leadership (LEAD-3H). Objectives, strategies, efforts, authorities, and responsibilities of national leaders. Philosophies and motives behind leadership objectives, strategies, and efforts. Identities, motives, influence, and relations among principal advisors, supporters, and opponents. Decisionmaking procedures, including differences under varying circumstances. Relations among national government entities, including president, premier, ministers, national security and defense council, intelligence and security services, legislature, prosecutor general, and judiciary.
Corruption among senior officials, including off-budget financial flows in support of senior leaders. Sources of funding for political candidates, and government plans and efforts to ensure funding transparency. Public support for or opposition to administration, as well as government strategies and tactics to increase, maintain, and exercise authority. Assessment, vulnerability, personality, financial, health, and biometric information about current and emerging leaders and advisors.

3) Political Evolution and Democratic Reform (DEPS-4H). Government and public commitment to, and plans and efforts to protect and strengthen, representative government, rule of law, freedom of press, religious freedom, private ownership, and individual liberties. Policies and efforts regarding political, judicial, economic, social, and educational reform. Plans and programs to manage perceptions, including through media manipulation. Popular attitudes about Bulgaria,s evolving political, philosophical, and regional identity. Identification, roles, goals, and composition of significant societal groups, such as nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). Developments within political parties and blocs. Details about internal workings of major political parties. Strength and vitality of political parties. Information about opposition and extremist groups, including domestic and foreign support.

B. Energy Security and Foreign Relations

1) Energy Security (ESEC-3H). Policies, plans, and efforts to diversify energy sources and develop, rehabilitate, or expand energy infrastructure, including investment in capacity, efficiency, storage, nuclear power, flex-fuel, or other sources of alternative energy. Details about financing strategies, and openness to foreign investment. Willingness, plans, and efforts to develop and implement unified Europe energy security strategy. Declared and secret energy agreements with Russia, Iran, other Caspian basin countries, and others. Details about national energy policymakers, key commercial figures in the sector, and their relations with other national leaders. Views about and responses to Russian plans and efforts regarding Bulgarian dependence on Russian energy. Factors, including corruption and foreign influence, affecting government decisionmaking on key energy issues. Energy imports, including sufficiency, impact on economy, and influence on bilateral relations. Organized crime involvement in energy sector.

2) Russia (FPOL-4H). Policies, plans, and efforts regarding relations with Russia, especially on strategic issues, such as energy, security, transportation, and trade. Details about personal relations between Bulgarian leaders and Russian officials or businessmen. Senior leadership, intelligence officials, and ministerial-level vulnerabilities to Russian influence. Efforts to cooperate with or oppose Russia in support of, or opposition to, US policies. Leadership and public views about relations with Russia. Government and public attitudes about Russia,s strategic objectives in the region, and Bulgaria,s vulnerability to Russian coercion and influence. Views about Russian attempts to exploit historic and current ties in order to influence internal developments and advance Russia's interests in Bulgaria and throughout the region.

3) European Union (FPOL-4H). Philosophies and motives behind leadership objectives, strategies, and efforts regarding the European Union (EU). Leadership and public views about levels of influence among European states, including relations between states and EU institutions as well as emergence of a preeminent state or a core alliance in Europe. Evidence of Bulgarian mismanagement of EU funding, and government efforts to ensure transparent management of financial aid. Details about formal and informal alliances between Bulgaria and other EU states, including plans and efforts to cooperate on issues of mutual concern. Plans and efforts to cooperate with regional neighbors, EU members, and non-state actors to influence EU policies. Response to Russian efforts to influence EU policies through Bulgaria. Plans and efforts, including investment strategies, regarding European Security and Defense Policy (ESDP). Plans and efforts regarding EU expansion. Plans and efforts regarding specific EU policies and decisions.

4) Black Sea, Balkans, and Other Regional Neighbors (FPOL-4H). Plans and efforts regarding relations with Black Sea and other regional neighbors. Plans and efforts to jointly respond to challenges regarding counterterrorism, counterproliferation, counternarcotics, and illegal migration. Plans and efforts regarding cooperative agreements, especially Black Sea FOR, Harmony, Enhanced Black Sea Security Proposal, and Black Sea Economic Cooperation Zone. Bulgarian participation in US-sponsored programs designed to promote regional security cooperation, healthy civil-military relations, and effective management of military resources. Plans and efforts regarding Russian influence in the region, especially on politics, energy, and other domestic issues. Plans and efforts to cooperate with regional neighbors on energy security.
Details about disputes with neighbors. Relations with, and military deployments in, the Balkans. Plans and efforts to promote democracy in Eastern Europe and the Balkans. Plans and efforts regarding Macedonia and Kosovo. Policies, plans, and efforts regarding Ballistic Missile Defense.

5) The United States (FPOL-4H). Policies, strategies, and efforts concerning relations with the US. Expectations regarding diplomatic, security, and economic relations with the US. Leadership and public perceptions about US regional policies, presence, and activities. Plans and efforts to support or oppose US positions in international fora.

6) International Organizations and Other Foreign Relations (FPOL-4H). Plans and efforts to pursue national objectives in international fora, such as the United Nations and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Plans and efforts regarding leadership opportunities in international organizations. Details about relations with China and nations that are hostile to US interests.

C. Financial Stability, Economic Development, and Societal Challenges

1) Financial Stability and Economic Development (ECFS-5). Plans and efforts to respond to global financial crisis. Public response to financial challenges. Plans and efforts regarding economic cooperation with the US, EU, Group of Eight, and international financial institutions, including World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and Paris Club. Opposition, extremist, and fringe group plans and efforts to exploit financial crisis to achieve objectives. Plans and efforts to pursue economic reform, including among monetary and fiscal policies. Plans and efforts to develop national infrastructure, and private sector and market institutions, including financial system. Plans and efforts to adopt international investment norms, protect intellectual property, and support entrepreneurs, especially in small and medium businesses. Plans and efforts to attract foreign investment. Plans and efforts to protect foreign investors from government corruption and inefficiencies. National and regional economic conditions, including real output, domestic and foreign investment, foreign trade, capital flight, monetization, and gray economy. Role and attitudes of Currency Board regarding fiscal and monetary policy. Plans and efforts to limit capital flight and barter. Economic policy decisionmaker identities, philosophies, roles, interrelations, and decisionmaking processes. Role of private businessmen in economic planning. Published and non-published national budget, including oversight and associated banks and financial institutions. Details about major financial institutions. Plans and efforts to comply with IMF agreements.

2) Money Laundering (MONY-4). Government plans and efforts to implement anti-money laundering legislation, enforcement, and prosecution. Money laundering, including methods, techniques, transactions, locations, and associated individuals, organizations, and institutions. Use of shell corporations and non-financial intermediaries, such as lawyers, accountants, and casinos, as well as related bank accounts to launder criminal proceeds. Links between money laundering groups and terrorists. Drug traffic involvement in money laundering. Use of money laundering as an influence-gaining measure.

Demographics, Minorities, and Human Rights (DEMG-5H). Information about, and government policies and efforts regarding, religious and ethnic minorities, especially Roma and Turks. Public attitudes toward minorities. Indications of human rights abuses. Details about demography, including birth rate, fertility rate, mortality rate, incidence of infectious diseases, and migration. Plans and efforts to respond to declining birth rates, including through promotion of immigration. ......



courage is contagious
Член од
12 декември 2008
Поени од реакции
Грција се знае дека има умешано прсти во 2001ва, не мора документ да има за тоа иако добро би било да има. На неа таков конфликт најмногу и одговара.

Што се однесува до источниот душман, има документ во кој се наведуваат насоките за дипломатите и разузнувачите да собираат информации. Покрај точките за владината корупција во Бугарија, организираниот криминал, владеењето на првото и целото друго ѓубре во таа држава, се спомнуваат и намерите кон Македонија и Косово. Интересно е дека има посебен дел за слабостите на Бугарија спрема Русија.

Details about disputes with neighbors. Relations with, and military deployments in, the Balkans. Plans and efforts to promote democracy in Eastern Europe and the Balkans. Plans and efforts regarding Macedonia and Kosovo. Policies, plans, and efforts regarding Ballistic Missile Defense.

Јас на твое место не би го базирал обвинението на една реченица во целиот текст. Реченица во која не се споменува каков план и каков труд. А додуша не би ме зачудило со оглед дека Македонија, Косово и Босна се црни дупки на балканот. Така да не би рекол душман бугарија додека не прочитам што точно планираат. А тоа дека имаат планови за соседите нормално е да се има стратегија за соседот бидејќи ти е сосед ако гори кај него ќе се запали и кај тебе .

Исто така од каде обвинението за Грција и нејзиното мешање прсти во 2001 ?
Текст некаде?

Многу важен дел од текстот кој е испуштен . Ми делува како да се спремаат да го јавнат балканот под контрола ако населението се побуни или да ја јавнат турција под контрола со оглед дека дава отказ .

D. National Security

1) GRPO can provide text of this issue and related requirements.

2) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (FMCC-4H). Plans, efforts, and ability to maintain defense spending for force modernization, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) interoperability, meeting NATO-required spending levels and force goals, and defense capability initiative implementation. Strategy and efforts to win public support for such spending. Plans and efforts to fulfill commitments to NATO, including manpower and equipment for out-of-area operations. Actions to accommodate NATO procedures and methods. Government and public confidence in NATO Article 5 security guarantees. Attitudes toward stationing or long-term deployment of NATO or US forces on Bulgarian soil, NATO commands in Bulgaria, and out-of-country deployments of Bulgarian forces. Plans and efforts regarding NATO enlargement, including strategic concepts and future roles of the alliance. Government, including military, intelligence, and security service willingness, ability, and efforts to protect US and NATO classified information. Awareness of and concern about foreign penetration. Implementation and strengthening of personnel-vetting procedures. Policies, plans, and efforts regarding EU defense and security cooperation, including ESDP; views and intentions regarding any conflict between ESDP and NATO obligations.

3) Force Structure, Modernization, and Readiness (FMCC-4H). Details about threat assessment, including agreement and disagreement among civilian and military leaders. Perceptions about, and response to, cyber warfare threat. Plans and efforts to support or oppose US objectives in Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere. Willingness and capability to participate in NATO, EU, and other multilateral relationships, including out-of-area operations, multinational peacekeeping force in Southeast Europe, and humanitarian and peacekeeping operations. Policies and efforts regarding access, overflight, and transit of US military forces and equipment. Disposition, readiness, and mission of military forces. Plans and efforts regarding force structure, military reform, and modernization, including future roles, strengths, and compositions of military services. Details about military cooperation with other nations. Details about defense industry, including plans and efforts to cooperate with foreign nations and actors. Weapon system development programs, firms, and facilities. Types, production rates, and factory markings of major weapon systems. Decisionmaking regarding acquisition of US or other nation weapon systems. Military and paramilitary manpower, structure, budget and expenditure by service and function, mission, doctrine, tactics, order of battle, command and control, equipment, maintenance, training, exercise participation, support for international peacekeeping operations, professionalism, non-commissioned officer development, health care, pay, housing, loyalty, and morale. Civil-military relations. Offensive and defensive cyber warfare policies, plans, efforts, and capabilities. Indications of national-level denial and deception program, including doctrine, targets, goals, organizations, and activities. Location, mission, organization, associated personnel, funding, development, and use of underground facilities and other hardened structures, including for protection of command and control networks, civil and military leaders, and critical resources. Details about, and transfer of, advanced engineering techniques to harden key facilities, including by use of specialty concretes. Details about dual use of underground civil infrastructure. Plans and efforts to help other states develop underground facilities and other hardened structures.
Член од
7 мај 2005
Поени од реакции
Прво, ти не си на мое место, а депешата убаво им дава насоки на разузнувачите да најдат информации за намерите на Бугарија спрема Македонија и Косово. Тие информации се за да ги има Клинтон на претстојната средба со дибекот во Софија.

Второ, самото создавање на вештачката држава Бугарија од страна на Русија е диаметрално спротивно на постоењето на држава Македонија во било кој облик, а најмногу обединета Македонија. Во остварувањето на своите интереси, Бугарија никогаш не престанала да работи против Македонија, некогаш со поголем некогаш со помал интензитет. Но тоа е друга тема.

Трето, несомнено е дека државата Атина работи на сите основи на уништување на Македонија. Нејзе меѓутоа и е потребна таква држава за да држи отстапница и да не се створи една голема Албанија. Најдобар начин да се "уништи" Македонија е да се ослабне одвнатре со конфликт кој ги инволвира двата народа против кои Атина се бори. Но и тоа е друга тема.


Драган Богдановски
Член од
17 јануари 2008
Поени од реакции
Од првите објавувајна може веќе да се видат доста интересни работи, не ги разбирам тие што пишуваат дека немало ништо интересно или ново до сега...
Иначе мал број е веќе објавен, големиот дел во наредните дена ќе биде објавен и очекувам доста сериозни информации посебно за тајната дипломатија од 2006 - 2008 за решавајне на спорот со името. Очекувам да видиме дали нашава влада била „флексибилна“ како би кажале во дипломатски речник и колку реално биле подготвени да остапат од официалната линија, истот важи нормално и за Грција. Првиот документ кој е објавен во овај случај е доста интересен, поред мене.
Член од
5 август 2007
Поени од реакции
Од првите објавувајна може веќе да се видат доста интересни работи, не ги разбирам тие што пишуваат дека немало ништо интересно или ново до сега...
Иначе мал број е веќе објавен, големиот дел во наредните дена ќе биде објавен и очекувам доста сериозни информации посебно за тајната дипломатија од 2006 - 2008 за решавајне на спорот со името. Очекувам да видиме дали нашава влада била „флексибилна“ како би кажале во дипломатски речник и колку реално биле подготвени да остапат од официалната линија, истот важи нормално и за Грција. Првиот документ кој е објавен во овај случај е доста интересен, поред мене.
А кој е тој документ. Дај стави го овде.
И ве молам, сите што ќе дојдите до документи што се поврзани со Македонија, дај поставувајте ги и овде.


Драган Богдановски
Член од
17 јануари 2008
Поени од реакции
А кој е тој документ. Дај стави го овде.
И ве молам, сите што ќе дојдите до документи што се поврзани со Македонија, дај поставувајте ги и овде.




5. (C) Levitte expressed optimism that a new Greek government would be "more solid" and allow greater flexibility for progress in the Greek-Macedonian name dispute. A/S Gordon agreed that either a more solid Conservative government or a Socialist government would be a stronger, more flexible partner in the negotiations. He expressed hope that if the international community could convince Macedonia to abandon the idea of a referendum and get Greece to abandon the necessity of changing passports, then progress could be made. On Croatia, Levitte observed that the border issue with Slovenia is making progress. He hoped that the upcoming September elections in Germany would also allow the new German government to be more open to EU enlargement to include the Balkan countries. Paris wants the door to enlargement to remain open, even if the accession process takes time.


Мислам ама дека веќе е постиран овој документ.
Член од
5 август 2007
Поени од реакции
Да да, го постирав јас овај, мислев дека има и други...


Драган Богдановски
Член од
17 јануари 2008
Поени од реакции
Да да, го постирав јас овај, мислев дека има и други...
Не уште, допрво треба да бидат објавени уште многу документи кој ги има доста. Има 783 документи за Македонија поред овај диаграм

Имаше и на Германски Шпигел диаграм со околу 600 документи и кој најголем дел беа од 2006 - 2008 година. Постирав веќе линк пред неколку страни мислам.

--- надополнето ---

Во овој линк од Шпигел можете во диаграм убаво да видите од кој дипломатски пристаништа на САД во светот излегле документе и прецизно за које време. Ако споредите сега активноста на амбасадата во Скопје и амбасадите во Солун и посебно во Атина ќе видите, дека од 2006 - 2008 година има екстремно покачувајне на активностите. Поради овој факт шпекулирам дека претежно се документи поврзани со спорот за името кој требаше да се реши за влез на Македонија во НАТО. Ако се објават овие документи очекувам мноооогу интересни работи да излезат. Посебно во врска со тоа каде бевме ние флексибилни за компромис и каде Грците. Иначе за конфликтот 2001 не очекувам многу да излезе но кој знајт, се е можно...има доволно документи.

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