- Член од
- 17 јули 2008
- Мислења
- 534
- Поени од реакции
- 71
Ако ми дозволиш јас би цитирал неколку реакции од руските новински агенции , за да биде појасно тоа што претходно го напишав.Ако не си се уште запознаен со проблемите и со разговорите между БГ и РФ- врати се миналата година некаде Август-Септември при посетата на примиера ни во Москва ако не се лажам и разговорите тамо.
Па еве ти и от днес
1. The Russian daily “Rosiyskaya Gazetta” writes that Bulgaria’s Prime Minister, Boyko Borisov, is pulling out of the joint project with Russia and Greece – the Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil line over environmental and profitability concerns, but “even this ended up not being enough for him, and he announced the freeze of the project to build a second Nuclear Power Plant at Belene, striking with one blow two of the three Russian projects in the country.” The article further points out the surprise of Economy and Energy Minister, Traicho Triakov, upon hearing the news about Borisov’s announcements.
2. The news agency Interfax also writes that the only Russian project remaining in Bulgaria now is the South Stream gas line, but adds the cabinet’s attitude towards it can be defined as “lukewarm.”
“Sofia never officially notified Moscow about its intentions to not go forward with Belene and Burgas-Alexandroupolis. If some decisions have been made in Bulgaria about energy projects with Russian participation, it would make sense if Sofia notifies its partners first,” Interfax reports, citing an unnamed high-ranking official from the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry.
3. “Our Brothers struck two major projects with Russia at once,” the Russian “Moskovskiy Komsomolets” points out