Член од
24 октомври 2010
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Еве што вика за религијата.
The word religion is very beautiful, but because of these priests it has fallen into wrong company. The word comes from an origin which means "coming together." But the priests have been doing just the opposite! They are creating splits in man, not oneness. Religion means creating in man an organic unity.... It has nothing to do with God, it has something to do with you. It has nothing to do with worship, it has something to do with a transformation of your own consciousness.

Thomas A. Anderson

Cheng-tao Ke
Член од
1 декември 2010
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Through aloneness, the ego is shattered. It has nothing to relate to, so it cannot exist. So if you
are ready to be alone, unwaveringly alone, neither escaping nor falling back, just accepting the fact
of aloneness as it is – it becomes a great opportunity. Then you are just like a seed that has much
potential in it. But remember, the seed must destroy itself for the plant to grow. Ego is a seed, a
potentiality. If it is shattered, the divine is born. The divine is neither ”I” nor ”thou,” it is one. Through
aloneness, you come to this oneness.
Член од
24 октомври 2010
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You are sitting at your window looking at the sky or at people in the street; you are not
identified. You are aloof, a watcher on the hill -- different. Now if anger is there you can
look at it as an object. Now you do not feel that YOU are angry. You feel that you are
surrounded by anger -- a cloud of anger has come around you -- but you are not the
anger. And if you are not the anger, anger becomes impotent, it cannot affect you; you
remain untouched. The anger will come and go and you will remain centered in yourself.
Член од
24 октомври 2010
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When people come to me and I look into them, it is surprising how many forms they have moved in, how many bodies, how many shape they have lived in, how many names and religions and countries...and still they are not fed up.

And they go on repeating the old circle again and again.

Remember one thing more.

Just as I said to you that suicide is absolutely human, no animal commits it, the same is true about boredom.

Boredom is absolutely human. A buffalo is never bored, a donkey is never bored -- only man, only a highly evolved consciousness.

If you are not bored with your life, it simply shows that you live in a very low state of consciousness.

A Buddha is bored, a Jesus is bored, a Mahavira is bored -- bored to death! Just repetition all around and nothing else. Out of boredom comes renunciation.

A man who is bored with the world becomes a Sannyasin. The search is not for another world, it is for an end of the search. It is suicide, total, ultimate


Ја не сум спремен на ова, мојата верба не е на тоа ниво.
Се додека има и најмала шанса.
Член од
24 октомври 2010
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Once it happened that Mulla Nasrudin was walking on a path. It was a lonely path, the sun had set, and darkness was descending. Suddenly he felt afraid because a few people were coming, in a band, and he thought: These must be dacoits, robbers, and there is nobody else here, only myself.

So he jumped over a wall that was just nearby and found himself in a graveyard. A newly dug grave was there so he climbed into it, somehow calmed himself, closed his eyes, and waited for the people to pass so he could go home. But the people had also seen that somebody was there.

Mulla had jumped suddenly, so they also became afraid. What was the matter? Was somebody hiding there, or doing something mischievous? So they all jumped over the wall.

Now, Mulla was certain: I was right, I inferred right, they are dangerous people. Now nothing more can be done; I must pretend that I am dead. So he pretended. He stopped his breathing because you cannot rob or kill a dead man.

But the people had seen the man jump so they became very worried. What was he doing They gathered around, looked in the grave, and they said: What is the idea? What are you doing? Why are you here?

Mulla opened his eyes, looked at them, then became certain that there was no danger. He laughed, and said: Now, here is a problem, a very philosophical problem. You ask me why I am here, and I would like to ask why you are here.

I am here because of you, and you are here because of me!It is a vicious circle: you are afraid of others, others are afraid of you, and your whole life becomes a mess.

Drop out of this nonsense, drop out of this vicious circle, don't be concerned with others. Your life is enough, don't be concerned with others. And I tell you that if you can live unconcerned your life will flower, and then others can share in it. You would like to share, and you can give much to others, but first you must stop thinking about others and what they are thinking about you.This 'about' is very dangerous. Nobody is at ease, nobody is at home. Because of others, everybody is chasing everybody else -- and life has become a hell.

Член од
24 октомври 2010
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Buddha enlightened many people, but those people were already on the path. Buddha moved with
sophisticated people: learned, virtuous, special. Jesus moved with very ordinary people: down-
trodden, oppressed, poor. This was one of the crimes against him put by the priests: that he moves
with gamblers, with drunkards, with prostitutes. He stays with prostitutes, he stays with anybody, he
eats with anybody. He is a fallen man. And on the surface, to all appearances, he looked like a fallen
man. But he was falling only with those people to help them rise; he was going to the lowest to turn
them into the highest. And there is a reason.
The lowest may be unsophisticated, uncultured, but he has a purity of heart; he has more love in
him. Now you will be able to understand the difference. Buddha’s path is of intelligence. He cannot
go to a fisherman and say ’Come to me and I will make you enlightened.’ That is not possible for him.
His path is that of awareness, intelligence, understanding. The fisherman will not even understand
his language; it is too much above him, it is beyond his grasp.
The path of Jesus is the path of love, and the poor people have more love than the rich. Maybe
that is why they are poor, because when you have much love you cannot accumulate much money
– they don’t go together. When you have much love you share. A rich man cannot be a loving man
because love will always be dangerous to his riches. If he loves people then he will have to share.

I Say Unto You, Vol 1

--- надополнето ---

The person who
becomes too obsessed with money is really obsessed with the money because he cannot love.
Money becomes a substitute love. He starts hoarding money because he thinks there is no other
thing to be happy about. ’Hoard money, then at least you have the money and you can purchase
everything.’ He even believes that he can purchase love with his money.

He can purchase sex but not love. But then many people think that sex is love. He can purchase
bodies, but he cannot have any intimacy with a person. Many people think that to have the body of
the other, to possess the body of the other is enough. ’What more is needed? Why bother about
anything more?’ Many people are interested only in casual sex, not in intimacy, not in going into
depth, not moving into a deep dialogue. They are afraid of the deep dialogue because then there
is commitment, and commitment brings responsibility. Then they have to be very sensitive, alive.
’Who bothers? Just casual sex is good, and casual sex can be purchased, it is available in the
market-place.’ The man who is after money thinks that ALL can be purchased through the money.
’So why bother about anything else? You can have the most beautiful woman, you can have the
most beautiful house, you can have this and that...’ He thinks that this is going to satisfy him. This
never satisfies. Only love satis?es, no substitute can ever satisfy. A substitute IS a substitute; it is

Poor people have more love, because poor people have not grown their head so their whole energy
revolves around the heart. These are the two centres: either the energy moves into the heart or
the energy moves into the head. It is very rare to find a balanced being whose energy moves into
both or who is capable of moving energy wherever it is needed – diverting it. When he wants to
have intelligence, he moves, channelises his energy into the head. When he wants to love, he
channelises his energy – his whole energy – into his heart. This is the perfect man.
Член од
19 август 2007
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А уствари фраеров кој sex & drugs & rock'n'roll манијак е. Закон :)
Член од
19 август 2007
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Abe ne deka e zlo i da e taka, ama ne ke da e taka.
Do dusa i ja ne sum tolku siguren, sepak 200 knigi dodeka procitam i da zaklucam definitivno.
Кој рече дека е лошо.
Фраерот имал колекција од само 90-тина ролс-ројси.
Пари колку сакаш. Секс колку сакаш. Духовност колку сакаш.

Дури и ден-денес ако сакаш да одиш во неговиот ашрам во Индија не те пуштаат внатре без СИДА тест.
Член од
24 октомври 2010
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Кој рече дека е лошо.
Фраерот имал колекција од само 90-тина ролс-ројси.
Пари колку сакаш. Секс колку сакаш. Духовност колку сакаш.

Дури и ден-денес ако сакаш да одиш во неговиот ашрам во Индија не те пуштаат внатре без СИДА тест.
А кој му давал пари ?
Член од
31 октомври 2010
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Имав среќа да порастам со еден старец и честа беше моја што тој ми беше и дедо. Кога за прв пат читнав нешто од ОШО бев изненадена дека начинот на повеќесмисловна интерпретација преку поучни приказни е добар патоказ да се спознаеме но, и да ги видиме вредностите.
Но, како што е секогаш правило во животот нештата ги гледаме тогаш кога сме го постигнале нивото на свест за да ги спознаеме, ниту еден момент пред тоа не е вистинскиот.
Паметам толкување за Исус од Ошо за 101вата овца.
Еден овчар имал 101 овца. Една заминала , се одвоиле од стадото. Овчарот го остави стадото и ја барал со часови. Кога ја пронашол ја зел во прегратка и извикал : Многу ми е драго што те најдов.

Толкувањето кое самиот го изнесува, а воедно нуди и форми за сопствено расудување на ситуацијата е следново
1.Овцата не добива казна, туку награда, тој ја гушка и се радува на нејзиното враќање.
2. Таа е посебна, да - згреши, но да- се врати- само таа знае која е цената да се биде во булукот
3. Ги остави 100те овци сами и тргна по онаа 1 која се изгуби- таа е вредна, таа посегна и замина, таа е лош пример, но нејзиното враќање е сатисфакција. Тоа е показател дека нема што надвор од рамката, стадото, матрицата

И така во недогед. Читајќи го Ошо вие се читате самиот себе си на некој Сократовски начин со себе спознание до одговорите на филозофијата на животот и реигијата наспроти верникот и фанатичкиот апсолутен пристап на верата и вербата. Многу е добар за секој и сечија возраст, но не секој може или знае да го чита. Човеков имал премногу животни лекции и духовно просветлување.
Член од
19 август 2007
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А кој му давал пари ?
Сите негови следбеници.
Нема џабе знаење на ова свет.

Еве и сега ако сакаш да го посетиш Osho центарот во Индија, тоа задоволство ќе те чини околу 70 EUR на ден. А тоа е многу повеќе од месечна просечна плата во Индија.
Во споредба, да одиш кај Саи Баба е скоро џабе :)

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