Buddha enlightened many people, but those people were already on the path. Buddha moved with
sophisticated people: learned, virtuous, special. Jesus moved with very ordinary people: down-
trodden, oppressed, poor. This was one of the crimes against him put by the priests: that he moves
with gamblers, with drunkards, with prostitutes. He stays with prostitutes, he stays with anybody, he
eats with anybody. He is a fallen man. And on the surface, to all appearances, he looked like a fallen
man. But he was falling only with those people to help them rise; he was going to the lowest to turn
them into the highest. And there is a reason.
The lowest may be unsophisticated, uncultured, but he has a purity of heart; he has more love in
him. Now you will be able to understand the difference. Buddha’s path is of intelligence. He cannot
go to a fisherman and say ’Come to me and I will make you enlightened.’ That is not possible for him.
His path is that of awareness, intelligence, understanding. The fisherman will not even understand
his language; it is too much above him, it is beyond his grasp.
The path of Jesus is the path of love, and the poor people have more love than the rich. Maybe
that is why they are poor, because when you have much love you cannot accumulate much money
– they don’t go together. When you have much love you share. A rich man cannot be a loving man
because love will always be dangerous to his riches. If he loves people then he will have to share.
I Say Unto You, Vol 1
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The person who
becomes too obsessed with money is really obsessed with the money because he cannot love.
Money becomes a substitute love. He starts hoarding money because he thinks there is no other
thing to be happy about. ’Hoard money, then at least you have the money and you can purchase
everything.’ He even believes that he can purchase love with his money.
He can purchase sex but not love. But then many people think that sex is love. He can purchase
bodies, but he cannot have any intimacy with a person. Many people think that to have the body of
the other, to possess the body of the other is enough. ’What more is needed? Why bother about
anything more?’ Many people are interested only in casual sex, not in intimacy, not in going into
depth, not moving into a deep dialogue. They are afraid of the deep dialogue because then there
is commitment, and commitment brings responsibility. Then they have to be very sensitive, alive.
’Who bothers? Just casual sex is good, and casual sex can be purchased, it is available in the
market-place.’ The man who is after money thinks that ALL can be purchased through the money.
’So why bother about anything else? You can have the most beautiful woman, you can have the
most beautiful house, you can have this and that...’ He thinks that this is going to satisfy him. This
never satisfies. Only love satis?es, no substitute can ever satisfy. A substitute IS a substitute; it is
Poor people have more love, because poor people have not grown their head so their whole energy
revolves around the heart. These are the two centres: either the energy moves into the heart or
the energy moves into the head. It is very rare to find a balanced being whose energy moves into
both or who is capable of moving energy wherever it is needed – diverting it. When he wants to
have intelligence, he moves, channelises his energy into the head. When he wants to love, he
channelises his energy – his whole energy – into his heart. This is the perfect man.