
Член од
6 мај 2009
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And Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha and Krishna
remain strangers.
They do not belong to this world, that’s why Hindus call them avatars. Avatar means one who has
come from beyond descended from the beyond, like a ray of light descends into darkness. It comes
from the transcendental world, from the world of turiya – the fourth.
Jesus LOOKS like you, but he is not like you. Don’t be deceived by the appearance. He is here on
the earth, and not of it. He moves in the same world, the same market-place, the same people, rubs
shoulders with you, holds your hand, looks into your eyes, but he does not belong to this world. He
belongs to the other shore. He has risen, he has risen in God.
You can also rise, and only by rising will you be able to understand him; befreind him, otherwise he
will remain an outsider.
Jesus is a lotus. You are still the mud. There cannot be any dialogue between the lotus and the mud
– although the lotus is born out of the mud, although the mud is carrying many more lotuses than
have become manifest. Many unmanifest lotuses are there in the mud, but the mud and the lotus
are so different – strangers to each other. That is the situation. If you want to understand the lotus
you will have to become a lotus. Only a lotus can have a dialogue with the lotus.
Never become a Christian. If you want to become something, become a Christ. Never become a
Buddhist. If you want to become something, become a Buddha. Otherwise you will remain unaware
of the reality of Jesus.
And because people feel uneasy – uneasy because they cannot comprehend Jesus – they create
theories. Rather than transforming themselves, they load Jesus with theories, theories which can
help them make him comprehensible. No theory can make him comprehensible. All theology is

--- надополнето ---

конечно се снајдов :pos2:


Член од
6 мај 2009
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The skeptical mind is one of the most beautiful things in the world.
It has been condemned by the religions because they were not capable of answering skeptical
questions; they wanted only believers.
And the skeptical mind is just the opposite of the believer.
I am all in favor of the skeptical mind. Do not believe anything unless you have experienced it.
Do not believe anything -- go on questioning, however long it takes.
Truth is not cheap. It is not available to the believer; it is available only to the skeptical.
Just remember one thing: don't be skeptical halfheartedly. Be a total skeptic. When I say be a
total skeptic, I mean that your skeptical ideas should also be put to the same
test as anybody else's beliefs. Skepticism, when it is total, burns itself out because you have to
question and doubt your skepticism too. You cannot leave your skepticism without doubt;
otherwise that is the standpoint of the believer.

OSHO The God Conspiracy
The path from superstition to superconsciousness


Член од
6 мај 2009
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First, the contented pig. It has
nothing to do with pigs, remember: all these categories are of human beings. The contented pig is that man
or woman who lives in an unconscious way; who simply vegetates, who has no awareness -- hence there is
no discontent. Discontent presupposes a little awareness.
If you are unconscious and somebody is doing surgery on you, you will not feel any pain. How can you
feel pain? To feel pain, consciousness is needed. That's why in surgery we have to give anaesthesia, so the
man falls completely asleep in a coma. Then you can cut, remove parts of the body without any pain.
Otherwise, the pain is going to be unbearable.
A contented pig is that kind of man who lives in life absolutely like a robot, a zombie. Who eats, walks,
goes to work, comes home, makes love, reproduces children, and dies, never becoming aware of what really
was happening. Just moves from one thing to another in a kind of daze.
The second is the discontented pig. He is still unconscious, ninety-nine percent unconscious, but one
percent of consciousness is arising. The first ray of consciousness has penetrated; one is becoming aware of
the pain and the anguish and the anxiety of life. People avoid the second state; they want to live in the first.
The first state is that of the materialist. Don't think, don't contemplate, don't meditate upon anything.
Don't become conscious -- consciousness is dangerous. Remain unconscious. And if sometimes in spite of
you some consciousness happens -- because life has so much pain that sometimes it can happen that just the
pain can give you a little consciousness -- then go and take drugs, tranquillize yourself. Or alcohol is there
and other intoxicants are there. Just dull yourself again, back into your anaesthetic life, into your
unconsciousness. Fall again into that anaesthesia.
The discontented pig is one who is coming out of this anaesthesia. Have you ever been into anaesthesia?
Slowly slowly, when you start coming out of it, you start hearing a few noises around -- the traffic noise, the
doctors walking, the nurses talking. Slowly slowly, you start feeling some pain in those parts of the body
where the operation has been done. Slowly slowly, you come back.
The discontented pig is one who is coming out of the anaesthesia of life, who is becoming a man. It is
painful -- to be a man is painful, to remain a pig is very painless. Millions have decided to remain pigs.
When the discontent arises, you are becoming religious: the first approach towards God.
And the third state is discontented Socrates. You are fully alert about the pain, and you are divided. You
are two now: the pain is there and you are there. And life becomes almost unlivable, the pain of it is so
much. Something has to be done -- either you fall back and become again a pig, or you start moving and
become a Buddha.
The discontented Socrates is just the midpoint. Below, at the lowest, is the pig. Above, at the highest, is
the Buddha, the real, natural man of Zen. Discontented Socrates is just in the middle, in the middle of the
bridge. And there is every possibility that you will fall back -- because the old is known, and the future is
unknown. Who knows? If you go ahead, pain may increase even more -- who knows? You have never
known that state ahead. But you know one thing -- that at the back there was a moment when there was no
pain. Why not fall back into it?
That's where people start becoming interested in drugs That is falling back, that is a regression. Man
cannot be freed from alcohol and such intoxicants unless man is but on the way towards Buddhahood. No
government can prevent people from alcohol; they will find ways. Because life becomes so unbearable, one
has to forget it. Either one has to become a Buddha or one has to become a pig. One cannot remain in the
middle -- the middle is such a torture.
The fourth state is contented Socrates. You start moving ahead, you don't go back. You move more and
me re into awareness, you move more and more into meditation. Your thinking is transformed more into a
kind of meditativeness. So the fourth stage is contented Socrates: consciousness and unconscious are being
And the fifth state is: no contentment, no discontentment; no pig, no Socrates. All is gone, all those
dream have disappeared. Neither conscious nor unconscious, but a new thing, transcendence, has arisen.
This is Buddhahood. This is what Zen people call the natural state of man. Purified of all junk, cleaned of
all dust. Purified of all poisons and the past and the memories, SANSKARAS, conditionings. You have
come home.
The pig is completely unconscious. The natural man of Zen is completely conscious. Between these two
are those other three states. These five states have to be pondered over. Find out where you are, and start
moving from there.
The goal is not far away. Sometimes it can be reached in a single step, in a single leap. All that is needed
is courage. It is out of fear that people fall back into the old rut.
If I can teach you courage, I have taught you all. If I can help you to be courageous, then I have made
you religious. To me, courage is the MOST important religious quality. More important than truth, more
important than honesty, more important than anything else. Because without courage, nothing becomes
possible -- neither truth nor love nor God.


Член од
10 октомври 2009
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One man - тема...

ДИПЛОМАТ: Оној кој ќе ти каже да одиш у пизду материну и тоа ќе ти го каже на таков начин што едвај ќе чекаш да почне патувањето.
Oшо е нешто слично.
Ако не и исто.


Член од
6 мај 2009
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What is Osho's Message about?

"My message is simple. My message is a new man, homo novus. The old concept of man was of either/or; materialist or spiritualist, moral or immoral, sinner or saint. It was based on division, split. It created a schizophrenic humanity. The whole past of humanity has been sick, unhealthy, insane. In three thousand years, five thousand wars have been fought. This is just utterly mad; it is unbelievable. It is stupid, unintelligent, inhuman.

Once you divide man in two, you create misery and hell for him. He can never be healthy and can never be whole, the other half that has been denied will go on taking revenge. It will go on finding ways and means to overcome the part that you have imposed upon yourself. You will become a battle-ground, a civil war. That's what has been the case in the past.

In the past we were not able to create real human beings, but humanoids. A humanoid is one who looks like a human being but is utterly crippled, paralyzed. He has not been allowed to bloom in his totality. He is half, and because he is half he is always in anguish and tension; he cannot celebrate. Only a whole man can celebrate. Celebration is the fragrance of being whole. Only a tree that has lived wholly will flower. Man has not flowered yet.

The past has been very dark and dismal. It has been a dark night of the soul. And because it was repressive, it was bound to become aggressive. If something is repressed, man becomes aggressive, he loses all soft qualities. It was always so up to now. We have come to a point where the old has to be dropped and the new has to be heralded.

The new man will not be either/or; he will be both/and. The new man will be earthy and divine, worldly and other-worldly. The new man will accept his totality and he will live it without any inner division, he will not be split. His god will not be opposed to the devil, his morality will not be opposed to immorality; he will know no opposition. He will transcend duality, he will not be schizophrenic. With the new man there will come a new world, because the new man will perceive in a qualitatively different way and he will live a totally different life which has not been lived yet. He will be a mystic, a poet, a scientist, all together. He will not choose: he will be choicelessly himself." ~Osho (Zorba The Buddha, 1979)


Член од
6 мај 2009
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Whatever you want your death to be, let first your life be exactly the same - because death is not separate from life, it is not an end to life, but only a change. Life continues, has continued, will always continue. But forms become useless, old, more a burden than a joy; it is better to give life a new, fresh form. Death is a blessing, it is not a curse. OSHO


На Ошо не му беше гајле за трторлајките што се пишуваат по форуми за него.
Исто така треба и вие да не му ја мислите за Ошо.
Еве,малку во контекст на моралот,великодушноста и другите глупештини.


Член од
6 мај 2009
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Three sutras that are basic for life transformation, that are ultimate in a way. The first: Be
UNLESS AMBITION IS KILLED, you will remain in misery. Ambition is the source of all miseries.
What is ambition? ’A’ wants to be ’B’, the poor wants to be rich, the ugly wants to be beautiful.
Everyone longs to be someone else, something other than what he is. No one is content with
himself. That’s what ambition is.
Whatsoever you are, you are not content with it. This is ambition. Then you are bound to be in
misery, because you cannot be anything else. You can only be yourself; nothing else is possible. All
else is just futile, harmful, dangerous. You can waste your whole life, your whole existence.
Whatsoever you are, you are. Accept it; don’t desire it to be otherwise. This is what nonambition
means. Nonambitiousness is basic to all spiritual transformation, because once you accept yourself,
many things start happening. But the first thing.... If you accept yourself totally, the first thing that
happens to you is a nontense life. There is no tension. You don’t want to be anything else; there
is nowhere else to go. Then you can be here and now. There is no comparison. You yourself are
unique. You no longer think in terms of others.
Then there is no future. Ambition needs future, it needs space to grow. It cannot grow here and
now; there is no space. This moment is so small, so atomic. Ambition needs the future; and the
greater the ambition, the greater the future that is needed.
If your ambition is so great that it cannot be fulfilled in this life, then you will create an afterlife. You
will create heaven, you will create moksha, you will create the concept of rebirth. I am not saying that
there is no rebirth. I am saying that you believe in rebirth not because it is there but because your
ambitions are so great that they cannot be fulfilled in one lifetime. Your belief in rebirth, reincarnation,
is not because it is a fact. It is because of ambition and desire. Reincarnation may be a fact, but for
you it is just a fiction. For you it is just a matter of the future, of more space to move in.
Remember, you cannot be ambitious in the present moment. It is impossible. There is no space.
The present moment is so atomic, so small, that you cannot move in it. You can be in it, but you
cannot desire in it. It is long enough to be, but it is not long enough for desiring. To desire you need
future, time. Really, time exists because of desire. For the trees here, there is no time. For the birds
singing here, there is no time. For the stars and for the sun and for the earth, there is no time. Time
exists because of human desire. If humanity was not on this earth, there would be no time; there
would be no past and no future.
Your desire creates the future. Your memory creates the past. They are both parts of your mind.
Don’t desire, and the future disappears. And when there is no future, how can you be tense? How?
There is no possibility of being tense if there is no future And if there is no past – if you know that
it is simply memory, the dust collected on the way – how can there be any anxiety? With the past,
anxiety enters. And with the future – plans, imaginations, projections – tension exists. When the
past drops and the future is not open, you are here, now. No anxiety, no tension, no anguish.


Член од
6 мај 2009
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There is no God, but that does not mean that I’m an atheist. Certainly I am not a theist – I am saying
there is no God – but that does not mean that you jump to the opposite, the atheist.
The atheist says there is no God also, but when I say there is no God, and the atheists like Charvaka,
Karl Marx, Lenin, Epicurus.... When these people say there is no God, there is a tremendous
difference between my statement and their statement – the statements are absolutely similar –
because I say at the same moment that there is godliness.
Charvaka will not agree on that point; Epicurus, Marx, other atheists will not agree on that point.
To them, denying God means denying consciousness. To them, denying God means the world is
simply matter and nothing more, and whatever you see as consciousness is only a byproduct of
certain matter put together, just a byproduct. Take those things apart and the byproduct disappears.
It is just like a bullock cart: you take the wheels away, you take other parts away, and each time
you can ask, ”Is this the bullock cart?” When you take the wheels away, certainly the answer will be,
”It is not.” No part is the whole. You can take, by and by, each part and remove the whole, and no
single part was the bullock cart. And in the end you can be asked, ”Now where is the bullock cart?

– because we have not removed it; you have never said at any point that the bullock cart has been
’Bullock cart’ was only a combination. It had no existence of its own, it was a byproduct. That’s
what Marx means when he says consciousness is an epiphenomenon: remove the body, remove
the brain, remove all that constitutes a man’s being – you will not find anything like consciousness.
And when you have removed everything, it is not that consciousness will be left behind; it was only
a combination. You have taken the combination apart.
So when I say there is no God, I am not agreeing with Marx or Epicurus. I am certainly not agreeing
with Jesus, Krishna, Moses, Mohammed, when they say there is God, because they use God as
a person. Now, to think of God as a person is just your imagination. The God of the Chinese has
a Chinese face, and the God of the Negroes has a Negro face, and certainly the God of the Jews
must have a Jewish nose; it can’t be otherwise. And if horses think about God, their God will be a
horse. So this is just projection. Giving personality to God is your projection.
When I say there is no God, I am denying personality to God. I am saying God is not, but there is
tremendous godliness. That is an impersonal energy, pure energy. To impose any form on it is ugly.
You are imposing yourself on it................
OSHO : From Unconciousness to Consciousness


Член од
6 мај 2009
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EXISTENCE IS - UNEXPLAINED, UNEXPLAINABLE, UNKNOWN - not only that, but unknowable also. There is no way to know it, because there is nobody who is separate from it. Knowledge needs separation. You can LOVE existence because love depends on union, and we are already united with it. But you cannot know it, because knowledge needs division, and there is no way to be divided from it.

Knowledge means the knower is separate from the known. We are not separate from existence - we ARE it. It is our suchness - how can we know it? The claim to know is the greatest conceit. The claim to know is the greatest ego there is. Hence the knowledgeable man goes on missing it. Only lovers know, scholars never. But to be a lover needs courage - you have to dissolve and disappear.

To be knowledgeable needs no courage. That is the hiding place of the cowards. All cowards become scholars. Because they cannot love, the only thing left for them is to try to know. And because knowledge is impossible in the very nature of things, all that they claim is false.

All knowledge is false, absolutely false. Not even a bit of it is true. It CANNOT be true. Only love is true, only love can be true.


Се е јасно со цитатов:

кога бил протеран во Сад зад себе оставил 90 ролс ројс автомобили, членовите на ова група исто така се знае дека секој припадник (член) на Мохан освен парите и трудот требал да им нуди и жената,и во оваа група све сe делит ортачки.
Секта? Има и кај нас организација? НВО? Нешто? :tv:


Член од
6 мај 2009
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Се е јасно со цитатов:

Секта? Има и кај нас организација? НВО? Нешто? :tv:
:pos: Има организација , јас сум главен ако треба нешто кажи добиваш 1 месец бесплатен престој у мојот ашрам.
Не за друго него ете како искусен форумџија и би можел да ги пренесеш искуствата на други луѓе.
Моментално имам 10 ролс ројси , до 90 има време .
Сепак Македонија е мала држава.


Игорче, Ролс-ројси немаш. Барем не ги лажи децата. :)

И жена немаш, претпоставувам. Па, нема зошто да доаѓам. :pos: Уствари, ако има некоја слободна позиција, дебело платена или како и да е, нека е, понуда бе дај. ? а?

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