General Redemption Update: We want to thank you for your patience in two ways.1. No camping out for the redemption this weekend! We'll have it sometime between July 4th at 11.59 PM EDT and July 10th at 11.59 PM EDT.
2. We're introducing yet another amazing new way to earn PTZ beginning next week — watch the hallway for details.
Stay tuned as we introduce more new ways to earn LOTS of PTZ to help you with your SHOP discounts and future redemptions!
и пак ќе си чекаме, ваљда ќе бидне нешто по олку одолговлекувања..
туку, ова WayIDo доаѓа како ВК нешто, или fake e?
2. We're introducing yet another amazing new way to earn PTZ beginning next week — watch the hallway for details.
Stay tuned as we introduce more new ways to earn LOTS of PTZ to help you with your SHOP discounts and future redemptions!
и пак ќе си чекаме, ваљда ќе бидне нешто по олку одолговлекувања..
туку, ова WayIDo доаѓа како ВК нешто, или fake e?