Lockerz, Beterz, VK, E-casting и други сајтови за "заработувачка"


Black Rose Dying
Член од
10 декември 2009
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Јас завчера Кога беше првиот интернационал ама кога имаше ерори влегов е имаше доста работи скоро сите ајподи и таман стегнав редеем и излезе ова море соон а вчера не го фатиф си играв кошарка.:drk::drk::drk:
Член од
17 јануари 2009
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Get Z and be one of the first members to preview SHOP. We're inviting our Z-Listers to take an early look at SHOP, and U.S. Z-Listers will be able to get in during the beta stage to earn and use PTZ when they buy. We'll have today's best brands and exclusive items so you can SHOP in true Lockerz style. You're going to love SHOP so get on the Z-List today. You'll also earn double PTZ for everything you do on the site. Find out how to get Z here.

Dali ke go imat ova shop i za nas?.I dali ke se kupvit so poeni .
Член од
15 јули 2007
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April International Redemption Update: We understand that some of our international members experienced frustration during yesterday's redemption. Here's what happened: On Thursday, technical errors related to the captcha caused us to halt the international redemption. We then moved the redemption to Friday, and posted an update so our members would know they would still have the chance to redeem. On Friday, we wanted to be sure to have the redemption during an "international-friendly" time, even though the captcha issue had not yet been resolved. We made the decision to go live without captchas. Traffic was incredibly high because the date had been announced. The combination of unusually high traffic, and a lack of captchas, made the redemption less smooth than usual. Please know that we made the best decision we could to give you the best experience possible — and also know that there will be many, many ways to use your PTZ in the future!


April International Redemption Update: We understand that some of our international members experienced frustration during yesterday's redemption. Here's what happened: On Thursday, technical errors related to the captcha caused us to halt the international redemption. We then moved the redemption to Friday, and posted an update so our members would know they would still have the chance to redeem. On Friday, we wanted to be sure to have the redemption during an "international-friendly" time, even though the captcha issue had not yet been resolved. We made the decision to go live without captchas. Traffic was incredibly high because the date had been announced. The combination of unusually high traffic, and a lack of captchas, made the redemption less smooth than usual. Please know that we made the best decision we could to give you the best experience possible — and also know that there will be many, many ways to use your PTZ in the future!
yeah, right :kesa:


Let's cook!
Член од
15 август 2008
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Не знам дали сте слушнале за VK, ама не емногу битно. Ве молам барем 5-мина да се регистрираат со точни податоци преку овој линк и да ми овозможат учество во наградната игра за Ipod Nano. :smir:


Не знам дали сте слушнале за VK, ама не емногу битно. Ве молам барем 5-мина да се регистрираат со точни податоци преку овој линк и да ми овозможат учество во наградната игра за Ipod Nano. :smir:
има напишано на две-три страни позади, доказ дека никој не чита, сите само пишуваат :гунс:
Член од
12 април 2010
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Не знам дали сте слушнале за VK, ама не емногу битно. Ве молам барем 5-мина да се регистрираат со точни податоци преку овој линк и да ми овозможат учество во наградната игра за Ipod Nano. :smir:
Ако имаш динамичко ИП, напрај си 5 акаунти и решен проблем:wink: ја си "поканив" 9 души :)


Let's cook!
Член од
15 август 2008
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Е немам динамичка, статичка е мојата.
Член од
5 јули 2008
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vcera i pisav i mi vratija ne mi odgovorija na moeto prasanje no sepak eve so mi vratija

Thanks for contacting Lockerz. Here are a few common questions about
with the redemption.

Q: Why is everything already “Fresh Out”?
A: We only stock a limited number of prizes, and we have millions of
Lockerz members all trying to get the same prizes. Usually, the
electronics go quickly, as they are our most popular prizes.

Q: I keep getting an error message. What’s up with that?
A: Unfortunately, there was a problem with your redemption. Don’t
worry, there will be tons of other times to redeem again.

Q: Why did you have it at this time?
A: We try to accommodate all of our members in the world, but
sometimes it won’t work for everyone. We apologize for any

Q: I couldn’t access the site during redemption.
A: If you were using bots or scripts or refreshing repeatedly, our
system most likely shut you out. Please wait 24 hours.

Q: I’m an international/US member. Why wasn’t I able to get in the redemption?
A: You needed to make sure you select your country in the drop down
menu in the My Account page of your profile—otherwise you wouldn’t be
able to get in the redemption.

Q: When will I be able to redeem prizes 24/7?
A: SHOP --featuring weekly some of the world's best brands from
electronics to games to fashion to travel all of which are available
24/7 to members who use their PTZ to drive down prices from 1%-100%
depending on how much they've earned on the site—will be launching
very soon! Additionally, members can earn up to hundreds of PTZ when
they buy items from Lockerz SHOP.

Q: Was this the last redemption?
A: No way! We will continue to have redemptions for the time being.
And remember—your PTZ are good for a year, so you’ll have plenty of

The Lockerz Crew

Lockerz Support
Pittsburgh, PA


да, да, уште ми нема стигнато ништо од odyss навлаката за ајфон, ниту пак подарок за з-листерс :whip:
Член од
3 март 2010
Поени од реакции
i mene istata poraka mi ja vratija da ne pisat za site edna zaednicka pederiiiiiiiii:pusk:

Kajgana Shop

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