Фан Клуб: Барселона

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Член од
30 септември 2009
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Туре може да игра Стопер! со Милито заедно!:smir:


Лаеш НЕ касаш !
Член од
19 ноември 2009
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Фантастична игра на Барса во првото полувреме, не толку добра во второто:toe:


Член од
26 февруари 2009
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Со оглед на тоа дека Абидал знае да игра и како централен дефанзивец, можна е и оваа варијанта на реваншот со оглед на тоа во каква ,,форма" се Маркез и Чигрински.

А зошто да се ризикува со Абидал како централен која не е природна позиција за него кога имаме доволно играчи да ги покриеме и двете казнети играчи!


nema potreba od takvi izmeni u odbranata.Neka igraat Marquez i Milito ili pa Milito-Chigi...kakov Toure,on sakam da igra mesto Busquets i taka.Ali ako 1% postoi somnez kaj vas za toa Barca da kiksne,slobodno remove that procent cuz the gunners are going to suck it:pusk:
Член од
21 август 2008
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мислам дека не заслужено арсенал стигна до израмнување


Traumatic Playground
Член од
31 јануари 2007
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Guardiola: "Ha sido la mejor primera parte desde que soy entrenador":vozbud:
Член од
27 ноември 2008
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Добро бе шо толку сте му запнале на Бускетс денеска. Прво полувреме изигра фантастично, ЅВЕР беше, е сеа напраи грешка па јебига се дешава и тоа. Јај Туре е подобар, ама ваков натпревар Бускетс одамна нема изиграно.
Да, се дешава, али него ова му е 4-та грешка сезонава по која барса прима гол а да не зборам во колку ситуациии грешел па само заради среќа не сме примале гол.
И како што кажа сам, Туре е подобар и затоа треба да игра на вака важна утакмица.:toe:


Mes que un club
Член од
8 декември 2008
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Еве го цело пола шпански/пола англиски:

The coach admitted that his training culé enjoyed occasions to have left "crowned" the knockout quarter-finals of the Champions League but said he feels "very proud" and game performance of his men.

"Es una pena, porque tuvimos la ocasión de dar un paso enorme hacia las semifinales, pero cuando jugamos con equipos de este nivel, estas cosas pasan. Estoy orgulloso de mi equipo, es lo que puedo decir", admitió el 'míster' azulgrana.​
"It's a shame because we had the opportunity to make a huge step towards the semifinals, but when we play teams of this level, these things happen. I'm proud of my team, I can say is," admitted the 'Mr.' Barca .

Guardiola negó que su escuadra hubiera sido "superior" a juzgar, dijo, por el resultado.​
Guardiola denied that his squad had been "superior" to judge, he said, with the result.

"No lo hemos sido, hemos terminado 2-2, pero en el fútbol entra todo, la precisión en ataque, en defensa, en la atención; hay millones de cosas, son tantas variables, que a veces pasa esto", indicó, valorando el duelo con los pupilos de Arsène Wenger.​
"We have not been, we finished 2-2, but in football comes around, the precision in attack, defense, care, there are millions of things, so many variables, sometimes this happens," he said, assessing the duel with the students of Arsène Wenger.

Sin embargo, el entrenador del Barca aseguró que se marchaban a casa con la impresión de "haber dado una buena sensación al mundo por cómo hemos jugado".​
However, the Barca coach said that they were leaving home with the impression of "having given the world a good feel for how we played."

Y esto, añadió, "ya es mucho, pero tenemos que recuperarnos bien contra este equipo y necesitamos a todo dios en el estadio, que nos echen una mano", dijo, en un claro mensaje a la hinchada culé.​
And this, he added, "it is much, but we have to recover well against this team and we need every god in the stadium to lend a hand," he said in a clear message to the fans culé.

Recordó que era "muy difícil" jugar a este nivel y que por ello, se iba "orgulloso, satisfecho de entrenar a estos jugadores" y reiteró que cuando se juega así "pocos reproches" se pueden hacer.​
He recalled that it was "very difficult" to play at this level and therefore, it was "proud and happy to train these players" and reiterated that when he plays like "few criticisms" can be made.

Del goleador del Barca, el sueco Zlatan Ibrahimovic elogió los "dos goles preciosos" que había marcado, así como el hecho de que "ha jugado muy bien".​
The Barca striker, Zlatan Ibrahimovic Swedish praised the "two beautiful goals" that had marked, and the fact that "has played very well."

También tuvo claro que sabían que "había que marcar un gol si queremos ir a semifinales" y no dudó al apuntar que la primera parte que hizo su equipo era "la mejor" desde que él es entrenador del Barcelona, al menos la que él "recordara".​
It also became clear they knew they "had to score a goal if we want to go to semis and did not hesitate to point out that the first part that made his team was" the best "since he is coach of Barcelona, at least he" remembered. "

"Me imagino que la gente estará orgullosa del equipo y al final de eso se trata. Jugamos por la gente y me hubiera gustado tener un mejor resultado, pero el resultado no es nada malo. Hemos marcado dos goles fuera de casa", afirmó.​
"I guess people will be proud of the team and at the end of that question. We play for people and I would have liked a better result, but the result is not bad. We scored two away goals," he said.

Con miras a la vuelta, en el Camp Nou, hizo un vaticinio: "Intuyo que el partido de vuelta no será como el de hoy. El de vuelta será más complicado. Juegas con el tiempo. Habrá que jugar con muchos aspectos".​
Looking around at the Nou Camp, made a prediction: "I sense that the second leg will not be like today. The return leg is more complicated. You play with time. We will have to play with many aspects."

Y recordó que considera un "gran error" no arriesgar en el campo: "Es más arriesgado no arriesgar".​
And he recalled that as a "big mistake" not to risk in the field: "It's more risky not to risk."

Preguntado si el partido de este miércoles le dejaba "tranquilo" respondió: "Yo cuando me voy a casa, prefiero irme cuando el equipo ha jugado así que de otra manera. Intuyo que (el choque de vuelta) será mucho más duro, en cuanto a posesión, a ocasiones de gol. El que no vaya para adelante, aquí no juega".​
Asked if the party on Wednesday left him "quiet" replied: "When I go home, I prefer to leave when the team has played so differently. I sense that (the second leg) will be much harder, as to possession, scoring chances. He who does not go forward, does not play here. "


rezultatot ne e los iako mozese da bide i mnogu podobar, no kaznata ni stigna koga ne se iskoristija 5-6 100% sansi

P.S.i toa busktes ke se povrede li vike ednas i da ne go gledam do krajot na sezonata,samo so povreda nema da go ima vo timot i taka moze da si go gledame milenikot ture

venger ne moze da razbere zosto negoviot arsenal igral tolku loso
znaci po izjavata izgleda mnogu zagrizeno venger,jasno mu e na covekot so go ceka na kampot :)
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