E-mail измами и измамници!


Член од
24 февруари 2005
Поени од реакции
I'm posting in English because I went on an internet forum dealing with scams and helping people identify and no fall in the trap some of the scam artists in the world set for persons not very aware of the dangers, to show good faith, because they do not speak Macedonian. Later in the text I'll translate this for those that do not understand English.

There are many scams and frauds. I guess most of you have received letters telling you that you have won some big amount of money on a lottery, distant dead relatives inheritance, maybe from some African bank managers telling you they need help transferring funds from dead persons with no living relatives, or as just happened to me from the freemasons (pretending to be freemasons) giving me money to help humanity etc.

They are all frauds. Do not believe them a word; do not send them any details, personal or general, not even in jest. Do not reply to their e-mails.
Inform http://www.419legal.org он тхе форум because they can deal with them properly (informing the general population on the net, informing Interpol, the works). Visit them and get more informed about this. Also, post similar experiences here and there.

I’m leaving this topic here so they can see that we are a serious forum, later we’ll transfer it on an appropriate sub forum if needed.

Постирам на англиски бидејќи бев на еден интернет форум кој се занимава со интернет измами и им помага на луѓето да ги идентификуваат измамите и да не потпаднат во стапицата што некои од тие измамници ги поставуваат, поставени за лица кои не се свесни за опасностите , но и затоа што не говорат македонски, како израз на добра воља, башка се јужноарфички полицајци.

Има многу измами. Чинам дека многумина од вас досега сте добиле писма во кои ви велат дека се освоиле голема парична награда на лото, лотарија, наследство од далечен починат роднина, можеби од некој афрички менаџер на банка барајќи од вас помош да префрлите средства од некој починат богаташ без потомство или како што ми се случи мене неодамна од фримасоните (се претвараат дека се фримасони) кои ми даваат пари да му помогнам на човештвото итн.

Тие се сите измамници и сето тоа е измама. Не верувајте им ни збор, не испраќајте им никакви податоци, лични или општи, дури и како шега или зафрканција.
Информирајте на http://www.419legal.org на форумот бидејќи таму може да се справат со таквите правилно (информирајќи ја јавноста, интерпол, комплет). Посетете ги и информирајте се повеќе за ова. Исто така, напишете за вашите искуства тука и таму.

Ја оставам темава во општи муабети за да утврдат дека сме сериозен форум, подоцна ќе ја префрлиме на соодветно место ако има потреба.


че о надрва
Член од
13 март 2005
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мене по цело време ми доаѓа маил ко демек е од eBay сум член бла бла сметка ова она, ама не сум до толку, до сега милион такви слични сум добил, ама не ги ни читам него одма бришам
Член од
6 февруари 2005
Поени од реакции
The best way to get read of it is not to respond on any mail claiming confidential bank account information and heritage purposes. You must not give your bank account to anyone neither it's confidential informations.

If you receive a mail information of some West or SOuth Africa "Ex-minister" or "President" even of a member of their "defunt" family" - just delete it!!!

Најдобриот начин да се избегне секаква измама од натрапници е да не се комуницираат никако вашите информации на трети лица виа интернет средствата. Не ги давајте вашите доверливи информации за сметките ви во банка никому!!!

Доколку добиете некој e-mail којшто е пратен од некој јужно или западноафриканец - најлесниот начин е да го сигнализирате како спам и веднаш да го избришите. :wink:


Член од
24 февруари 2005
Поени од реакции
Само што се чув (т.е. по ПП) со јужноафричката интернет полиција и рекоа дека покрај обележувањето како спам и неодговарањето на истиот, да се информира за тоа или интерпол или кај нив за да можат да се обидат да ги пронајдат криминалците и да ги уапсат.
Нивниот сајт е раководен од полицајци. Досега се мошне успешни и јас остварив добар контакт со нив околу ова. не само афрички државјани, туку во последно време се јавуваат слични криминалци во Англија, Франција, Германија, Унгарија, а полека доаѓа и во наше соседство.
Знаете на кое мислам.

Не ретко оние кои потпаѓаат под слепилото на алчноста одат да се сретнат со наводните менаџери, лотарџии итн и наебуваат.
Киднапирани, силувани, убиени, најсреќните се само опљачкани, а оние ептем среќните будалетинки само пеку интернет се ограбени.

Ме мрзи да го рпеведасм ова, ен и пол се немам/в прибрано од работа. Ако некој сака, може слободно, ако не, друг пат јас сам.


Член од
24 февруари 2005
Поени од реакции
Или дознајте кој е хедерот на пораката, па пишете го тука или кај нив.

Ако не знаете како, вака:


Sign into your account.
Go to Additional Options.
Click on Mail Display Settings.
Click on Advanced Headers.
Click on OK.
Go to the mailbox where the message is.
Open up the message
Copy and paste the whole message and headers here.

Sign in.
Go to Options.
Go to Mail Preferences.
Under Mail Viewing Preferences, go to Message Headers, then select ALL.
Copy and paste to here.

Outlook Express
Open the message up in it's own window.
Right click on the message and select Properties.
Choose the Details tab and select the Message Source Button.
Select All (CTRL + A) and Copy (CTRL + C).
Close the Message Source window and the Properties window.
Paste (CTRL + V) the copied information into your post here, then paste the message.

OPen the relevant message.
Click on the "More Options" to the right of the senders name.
Click on the "Show Original" link
Copy and paste.

courtesy of kanshi_ng!!


Член од
24 февруари 2005
Поени од реакции
Да не преведувам, сите оние кои знаат англиски се тука енивеј. Нова измама, немојте да се зафркнете. Иако овој текст звучи веродостојно, спеак е измама. На крај бараат registration fee, i fee za visa help etc.

Dear all,
I received an e-mail from Dr. Jerry Hamstrong
Human Resources Manager
United Nations Center For Development Initiative
Helen Drew [newjobs@universia.net.co]

The U.S. Committee for the U.N supports the work of the United Nations
to improve the quality of life for millions of people around the world by
promoting democratic governance, poverty reduction, rural
development,crisis prevention and recovery, energy and environmental
issues, and reducing the impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. It
accomplishes these aims by building a broad-based American constituency
that educates for international development and by identifying U.S.
resources for specific UN projects that support U.S. national interests.

Position: Environmental Officer
Location: Canada and Bahamas
Salary: $169,600.00 USD.
Contract: Full time
They are responsible for development oversight, management, and
evaluation of programs in the following areas:bio-diversity,
forestry, wildlife management, water and coastal resources management,
environmental education, environmental policy, environmentally
sustainable agriculture, community based naturalresources management, urban and industrial pollution reduction,urban planning and management (including such areas as housing, water andsanitation), urban andhousing finance, energy efficiency and conservation, renewable energy applications, clean energy technologies, energy sector planning and global climate change. Environment Officers apply both a technical knowledge of their program area and a variety of management and program evaluation knowledge in order to ensure that projects meet the needs of UNCDI-USA 's partners and customers in a cost-effective manner.

B. Financial Management Officer
Locaton: France,South Africa and Boston
Salary:$172,678.00 USD
Duration: Full time

They direct the accounting and payment operations worldwide. In
addition, they provide significant ,levels of advisory services to all
levels of the mission and host country governments. This includes
administrative, operational and program matters concerning financial,
budgetary and resource management and implementation issues.

C. Program Development Officer
Location:Netherlands,U.A.E,Mexico,UK and Marshall Islands
Salary:$182 ,000.00 USD
Duration: Full time

They are responsible for strategy development, policy formulation,
performance reporting,project management, and public outreach. They are
looked upon to ensure that the Mission's operational procedures are
designed to elicit teamwork, emphasize shared values, make known programming
priorities, and reward innovation. Program development officers must
be able to apply leadership and management skills in order to
ensure that program activities are designed and implemented to achieve
objectives, within resource constraints and in a timely manner.

Applicants are selected on the basis of academic credentials ,
experience and other relevant factors. Successful Applicants are invited to come to Washington, for Training. Candidates are interviewed on their related
knowledge, skills and abilities. Application is open to all interested applicants from any nationality.

New Entrants employed with UNCDI-USA may retire voluntarily after 20
Years of service. Retirement is mandatory at age 65. The maximum period of
creditable service is 35 years.


Please send your resume/CV to: employment@uncdi-org.fr.st or
Fax:1206-350-6234 to the attention of Dr.Jerry Hamstrong with UNCDI/USA
JOBS on the subject line.

Dr. Jerry Hamstrong
Recruitment Officer
U.S. Committee for UN
Two UN Plaza, 24th Floor
New York, NY 10017

after I sent the CV and the application form, I received this one:

Title: Letter of offer

: Date: Sept., 26 2005 United Nations,
New York

I am directed to inform you that your application for the advertised post is successful.

I am therefore, pleased to offer you the position of ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICER. The position is full-time beginning immediately on your arrival for training at a salary of US$168,450.00 per annum. You will be paid monthly.

You are therefore to attend a UNCDI training program under: Lester Consulting and Training Institute. Trainings are for the months of October, November and December 2005.

However, you are at liberty to choose which of the months as stated above suites you best taking into consideration your current employment, but you must register directly with the training institute now to qualify for any of the month you choose to commence your training.

Training will be in Seattle, Washington for duration of one-month .The training starts with three-day indoctrination in which all in-processing formalities are dealt with. Orientation follows, in which the New Entrants are introduced to the UNCDI culture, organization and methods of doing business (program design, implementation, evaluation and management).

During the third week of group training, Individual Training Plans (ITPs) are developed based upon the New Entrant’s education, training, experience and the needs of the organization.

The ITPs run up to one month and include formal classroom training and language training if required. ITPs are designed to prepare the New Entrant for his/her initial overseas assignment. And to ensure an appropriate first overseas assignment, placement will be made to an existing position in a mission via direct assignment.

At overseas posts, you will receive non-taxable government housing, as well as a non-taxable cost-of-living allowance where the cost of living is higher than in New York. You may also receive a "school-away-from-post" allowance for the education of your dependent children. A taxable differential of 5-20% of basic salary may be paid for service at designated overseas posts. Other benefits include paid annual leave, home leave, and sick leave; contributory government life and group health insurance coverage selected by all New Entrants; Medical care and hospitalization overseas; Transportation to and from post; shipment of authorized weights of household goods, and, where permitted, shipment of a motor vehicle.

You are requested to indicate acceptance of this position by printing and returning a signed copy of this letter to me via email. I would appreciate receiving a response to this offer within 2 working days upon receipt.

Welcome to the UNCDI. We are delighted to have you join the Center and I look forward to working with you. Please be advised that our notification to you that your application is successful and invitation to training is a direct confirmation that you are now a new entrant into UNCDI as a staff and would be deployed to one of our foreign missions as a staff at the completion of your mandatory month long training.

Please contact Dr. (Mrs.) Patricia Winhock the Training manager of Lester Consulting and Training Institute via registration@lesterconsulting.euro.st for Registration and Training details.

Best Regards and Congratulations,

Dr.Jerry Hamstrong

I do not know if this is a new type of fraud/scam letters, so I'm addressing you if you can help somehow to get to the bottom of this.

Here are the headers from two e-mails received:

Received: xxxxxxxxxxxx
by xxxxxxxxxxxx (Lotus Domino Release 6.0.2CF1)
with ESMTP id 2005092611111091-53954 ;
Mon, 26 Sep 2005 11:11:10 +0200
X-eSCM-MailFrom: <SRS0+nodG+2+uncdi-org.fr.st=employment@another.com>
Received: from mail.another.com (
Mon, 26 September 2005 11:25:31 +0200
Received: from another.com (unverified [])
by mail.another.com (SurgeMail 3.5b3) with ESMTP id 1350516336
for multiple; Mon, 26 Sep 2005 02:22:36 -0700
Return-Path: <employment@uncdi-org.fr.st>
Sender: employment@uncdi-org.fr.st
From: "United Nations Center for Development Initiative" <employment@uncdi-org.fr.st>
To: xxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Application Successful
X-Mailer: Quality Web Email v3.1o, http://netwinsite.com/refw.htm
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 03:22:53 -0600
Priority: urgent
X-Priority: 1 (High)
Importance: High
Message-id: <4337bded.350.e4.15993@another.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Server: High Performance Mail Server - http://surgemail.com r=1357335204
X-Authenticated-User: angel1@another.com
X-MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on xxxxxxxxxxxxxx(Release 6.0.2CF1|June 9, 2003) at
09/26/2005 11:11:10 AM,
Serialize by Router on xxxxxxxxxxxx(Release 6.0.2CF1|June 9, 2003) at
09/26/2005 11:11:11 AM,
Serialize complete at 09/26/2005 11:11:11 AM,
Itemize by Router on xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(Release 6.0.2CF1|June 9, 2003) at
09/26/2005 11:11:11 AM,
Serialize by POP3 Server on xxxxxxxxxxxxx(Release 6.0.2CF1|June 9, 2003) at
09/26/2005 12:54:12 PM,
Serialize complete at 09/26/2005 12:54:12 PM
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;

Received xxxxxxxxx
by xxxx (Lotus Domino Release 6.0.2CF1)
with ESMTP id 2005090108593473-37616 ;
Thu, 1 Sep 2005 08:59:34 +0200
X-eSCM-MailFrom: <newjobs@universia.net.co>
Received: from correouniversia.universia.net.co (
by xxxx
Thu, 01 September 2005 09:10:20 +0200
Received: from universia.net.co (localhost [])
by uwebmail.universia.net.co
(iPlanet Messaging Server 5.2 Patch 2 (built Jul 14 2004))
with ESMTP id <0IM400J99M3L3L@uwebmail.universia.net.co> for
xxxxxxxx; Thu, 01 Sep 2005 01:59:57 -0500 (GMT)
Received: from [] by uwebmail.universia.net.co (mshttpd); Wed,
31 Aug 2005 23:59:45 -0700
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 23:59:45 -0700
From: Helen Drew <newjobs@universia.net.co>
Message-id: <40aa45408a21.408a2140aa45@universia.net.co>
MIME-version: 1.0
X-Mailer: iPlanet Messenger Express 5.2 Patch 2 (built Jul 14 2004)
X-Accept-Language: en
Priority: normal
X-MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on xxxx
(Release 6.0.2CF1|June 9, 2003) at
09/01/2005 08:59:34 AM,
Serialize by Router on xxxxxxxxxxx(Release 6.0.2CF1|June 9, 2003) at
09/01/2005 08:59:35 AM,
Serialize complete at 09/01/2005 08:59:35 AM,
Serialize by POP3 Server on xxxxxxxxxxx(Release 6.0.2CF1|June 9, 2003) at
09/07/2005 11:37:31 AM,
Serialize complete at 09/07/2005 11:37:31 AM
Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-disposition: inline
Content-language: en

Yes, this is a scam. It is a typical employment scam. Later, you will be asked to pay all sorts of fees for legal paperwork, visas, job permits. That sort of thing. So it is just another variety of a classic 419 scam. The mail domain they use is from the free mail forwarding provider Ulimit.com (http://www.ulimit.com/en/).


Член од
24 февруари 2005
Поени од реакции
I just got this one, it is hilariuos.


Illarion Dorofeyev,

I would like to inform you that we received a court mandate ton issue
an international bank draft of value US$ 2,500,000.00 this sum cannot be
defragmented or tampered with, that will be against the law. The
disbursement of your funds will be handled by only yourself after you have
received your funds. It is on that note that I would advice that you have
the earlier sent form filled and returned for immediate dispatch of
your draft.

Albert Cornwel
Director of Foreign Operations.
Fax: +44-870-135-4924

National Westminster Bank Plc, Registered in England No. 929027. 139
High Street,acton London W36LZ UK

National Westminster Bank Plc is authorised and regulated by the
Financial Services Authority and represents the NatWest Marketing Group. The
Bank sells life polices, collective investment schemes and pension
products and advises only on the Marketing Group's range of these products,
on a With-Profit Bond produced by Norwich Union Life (RBS) Limited and
also on the RBS Investment Funds ICVC operated by RBS Collective
Investment Funds Limited.

This e-mail message is confidential and for use by the addressee only.
If the message is received by anyone other than the addressee, please
return the message to the sender by replying to it and then delete the
message from your computer. Internet e-mails are not necessarily secure.
National Westminster Bank Plc does not accept responsibility for
changes made to this message after it was sent.

Whilst all reasonable care has been taken to avoid the transmission of
viruses, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that the
onward transmission, opening or use of this message and any attachments
will not adversely affect its systems or data. No responsibility is
accepted by National Westminster Bank Plc in this regard and the recipient
should carry out such virus and other checks as it considers

Full headers:

X-Apparently-To: xxxxxxxx via; Mon, 26 Sep 2005 02:03:57 -0700
X-Originating-IP: []
Return-Path: <info@natwest.cjb.net>
Authentication-Results: mta118.mail.scd.yahoo.com from=natwest.cjb.net; domainkeys=neutral (no sig)
Received: from (EHLO mail.cjb.net) ( by mta118.mail.scd.yahoo.com with SMTP; Mon, 26 Sep 2005 02:03:57 -0700
Received: from localhost (mail.cjb.net []) by mail.cjb.net (8.13.5/8.13.5) with SMTP id j8Q93Wsw078852; Mon, 26 Sep 2005 03:03:34 -0600 (MDT)
Message-Id: <200509260903.j8Q93Wsw078852@mail.cjb.net>
To: dorof@ipm.sci-nnov.ru
Subject: RE: INFO.
From: info@natwest.cjb.net Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
CC: xxxxxxx
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 03:03:32 MDT
Reply-to: <info@natwest.cjb.net>
Errors-To: <info@natwest.cjb.net>
X-Priority: 2 (High)
X-Originating-IP: []
X-Username: natwest
User-Agent: NOCC <http://nocc.sourceforge.net/>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Content-Length: 1026


Член од
24 февруари 2005
Поени од реакции
Нова заебанција:
Работа преку интернет, инвестиција која нуди солина заработувачка, само треба да се уплати околу 1000 долари и go for it! ИП адресата е од Лагос, телефонските броеви се ре-рутираат во Нигерија. Nigerian internet scam. Царевите добија "нобелова награда" за интернет литература за спам мејловите.

Хонда лото извлекување е исто така измама.
Гугл после секој таков и сличен мејл или www.419legal.org таму ќе ви кажат дали е измама или не.


Член од
1 март 2006
Поени од реакции
Оф Топик
Не се работи за имеил,но барам помош,денес три пати некој ми влезе во компјутерот и се обидува нешто да ми избрише или вирус да ми подметне...не знам што е ама знам дека еднсотавно стрелката сама си мрда т.е. е управувана од некој друг,ама јас среќа што бев тука кога се случи тоа и цело време го мрдав маусот и цело време ја местев и ја стрелката,ама подоцна пак истото се случи,имам антивирус нод 32...не знам ни дали тој ми врши работа во ова нешто,само ве прашувам како да го спречам да се повтори истото?
П.С.Пред некој ден слушав песни и отидов да купам нешто од продавница,кога си дојдов сите песни од фолдерот кој што го слушав беа избришани


Blue in HearT
Член од
20 април 2006
Поени од реакции
На мене еднаш ми стигна демек од некоја фирма и ако го пратам е-маилот на 10души ке добијам бесплатен лап-топ:pos2::pos2::pos2::pos2::pos2:
Член од
9 август 2006
Поени од реакции
Ova li e takvo nesto?


I do hope this letter will not come to you as a surprise. It was borne out
of my desire to share a mutual business relationship with you. My name is
Dr. Harrison Mills, 42yrs, a Secretary, Nigerian national married with four
children. I work as an administrative Secretary to STANDARD SECURITY AND
SERVICES LTD. in Nigeria. I got the information concerning you from the
Nigerian Chamber of Commerce and after due consultation with my spiritual
adviser, I decided to contact you believing that by the grace of God, you
will accept to be my partner in this business.

I earn a salary of N45 000 – 350 USD equivalent monthly. I joined the
services of this company in 1991 as an office assistant. I have been working
with this company for 14 years. Within this period, I have watched with
meticulous precision how African Heads of States and government
functionaries have been using STANDARD SECURITIES to move huge sums of money
USD, Pound Sterling, French France – (Cash) to their foreign partners.

They bring in these consignments of money cash and secretly declare the
contents as gold, diamond, precious stones, family treasure, documents etc.
Gen. Sani Abacha of Nigeria (dead), Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire (dead) Foday
Sankoy of Siera– Leone. Gen. Ibrahim Babangida (Rtd.) of Nigeria etc. All
these people have hundreds of consignments deposited with STANDARD
SECURITIES. Their foreign partners, friends and relatives, are claiming Most
of these consignments. A lot of them are lying here unclaimed for as much as
15 yrs. No body may ever come for them because in most cases, the documents
of deposit are never available to any body except the depositors most of
them dead.

Since the inception of the 2000 millennium, STANDARD SECURITIES MANAGEMENT
changed the procedure of claims of consignments. As soon as you are able to
produce all the secret information as contained in the secret file of any
consignment, it will be released to you upon demand. From our record, more
than 120 consignments belonging to Gen Abacha / Mobutu Sese Seko, has been
claimed in the past sixteen months. This is why I am soliciting for your
co-operation and assistance.

Late Gen. Abacha has 85 consignments deposited with several names and codes.
35 have been claimed in the past sixteen months. Since he’s dead, his first
son is dead in a plane crash, the second son is facing trial for murder and
embezzlement and the family members are under restricted arrest without
communication. I have finished every arrangement for you to come and claim
consignment No 1201 containing USD 9M and consignment No 1200 contain USD
10M. My duty is to supply you with all the information and documents by Fax
or Email. You will deal directly with the management.

The procedure is simple: - You will apply officially to the Director of
Operations of STANDARD SECURITIES for the release of consignment No 1200 and
No 1201. They will demand some documents and secret codes. You will then get
back to me; I’ll supply you with every detailed information. Fax or email it
to them. As soon as they are confirmed it correct. They will invite you for
the collection. If you do not want to come to Nigeria, you can arrange with
them to transfer the consignment to anywhere on agreement. No body will ever
know I am involved in the deal except the Lawyer who will write an agreement
for us.

I’ll suggest upon conclusion we will share the money 50% for you and 50%
for me. At the successful Conclusion of the deal, you’ll arrange for me and
my family to come over to your country. I assure you that the business have
been hatched for 5 Years now, it is very secure and risk free. You can get
back to me on same e-mail address for further Explanations and directives on
the procedure. Always email me your response on my private email.

God Bless you.
Dr.Harrison Mills.

Go prasav samo kolku pari se vo igra, i eve respond

Dear dragi vasilevski.

Thanks very much for your mail, the content has been noted. What you need to do now is to send me the data stated below. So that we can proceed.
Your full name as stated in your international passport.
Your home and office address.
Your Home and office phone and fax number including your mobile line for easy contact.
Your occupation.
Your age.
Your Marital Status.

Please kindly send me the stated information, upon receipt i will then tell you the next step to follow. Hope hearing from you.

Best regards,
Harrison mills.


impressed by gay people
Член од
26 јануари 2007
Поени од реакции
Мене ми пиша еден човек, демек пред умирање бил и да сум нашол адвокат и од парите што ќе ги префрлел на хуманитарните организации ќе ни дал некој процент. И јас упорно му велам дај ми пасош, а тој слики ми праќа. И едно време се откажа.


Член од
5 ноември 2005
Поени од реакции
јахутерминал напиша:
Мене ми пиша еден човек, демек пред умирање бил и да сум нашол адвокат и од парите што ќе ги префрлел на хуманитарните организации ќе ни дал некој процент. И јас упорно му велам дај ми пасош, а тој слики ми праќа. И едно време се откажа.
Може умрел.. (=
Член од
19 септември 2005
Поени од реакции
Почнаа и Google Translate да користат....

Д-р Павле Vancio

Јас сум д-р Павле Vancio од Harlsden, North West London, овде во Англија. Се работи за NatWest банка Corporation Лондон. Јас пишувам од мојата канцеларија која ќе биде од огромна корист за двајцата нас. Во мојот оддел, како помошник на менаџерот (Голем Лондон Подрачна единица), открив една напуштена сума од £ 15 милиони голем британски фунти (милион Велика Петнаесет британски лири) во предвид дека припаѓа на некој од нашите странски клиенти Доцна господинот Томпсон Морисон еден американски граѓанин, кој за жал го загуби животот во авионска несреќа на Alaska Airlines Flight 261 кој се урна на 31 јануари 2000 година, вклучувајќи ја и неговата сопруга и само ќерка.

Изборот на вас јавите се возбуди од географска природа, каде што живее, особено поради чувствителноста на трансакцијата. и доверливост овде. Сега нашата банка е на чекање за некои од роднините да дојде-up за барањето, но никој досега не го направи тоа. Јас лично беше неуспешна во лоцирањето на роднините за 2 години сега, сакам вашата согласност да се претстави како тебе следниот сродник / Дали корисникот да покојникот, така што приносите од оваа сметка во вредност од 15 милиони фунти можат да бидат платени за вас.

Ова ќе бидат исплатени или дели во овие проценти, 60% за мене и 40% од вас. Јас се обезбедени сите потребни правни документи кои можат да се користат за да се врати до ова тврдење сме одлуки. All I Need е да ги пополните вашите имиња на документи и легализира во судот тука за да ви докаже како легитимен корисник. Сите го бараат сега е твојата чесна соработка, Доверливост и доверба за да се овозможи да видиме преку оваа трансакција. Јас ви гарантира дека ова ќе биде извршена согласно легитимен аранжман што ќе ве заштити од било прекршување на законот.

Ве молиме наведете ми го следново: како што имаме од 7 дена да ги водат низ. ова е многу, многу итни ВЕ.

1. Вашето Име
2. Директно вашиот мобилен број
3. Твојата контакт адреса.

Ја помина низ методички пребарување, решив да се поврзе со Вас надевајќи се дека ќе ги најдете интересни овој предлог. Ве молиме на вашиот потврда на оваа порака и што покажува вашиот интерес ќе обзавеждате ти со повеќе информации. Настојуваат да ми дозволи да знаете вашата одлука што е можно побрзо.

Со почит, д-р Пол Vancio
Мобилен број: +447011173494

Kajgana Shop

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