Случајно најдов нова страна на интернет слична на paypal која плаќа 25$ на вашиот акаунт ако се регистрирате ,исто така плаќа и за некој што ке го регистрирате преку вашиот referral link 10$.
Ова е мојот линк за регистрирање :
We will currently add
$10 to your VirtaPay balance for every person who follows your referral link and joins VirtaPay. Here's your personal referral link:
Welcome to VirtaPay!
This is the first post to our fresh, new blog.
Your VirtaPay account may not seem very useful right now, but that’s about to change! We’re working on launching our Digital Delivery project over the coming weeks. Before long, you will be able to purchase digitally-delivered goods using the balance in your VirtaPay account.
Би ви препорачал што побрзо да се регистрирате и да си направите многу пари на вашиот акаунт со регистрирање на нови корисници ..... вреди да се проба можно е да добиете.
Еве нешто ново од virtapay:
Tue, Apr 19 – DD Update (part 4)
Posted on
April 19, 2011 by
The work continues on the Digital Delivery (DD) project. Our programmers estimate they have finished about 75% of the total project. There are several areas of the project that are still being developed, including a rating system for purchases. Current estimates are that the first stage of the project will be ready to launch by the end of next week.
For our new users, and as a reminder for our existing users, here’s a recap of how we plan to launch the DD project…
Stage 1
The first stage will allow a
very limited number of sellers to post a handful of digital products for sale. These products will be available for purchase using your VirtaPay account balance. This stage is designed to test the Digital Delivery system on a limited scale, before rolling out to possibly thousands of sellers. The problems we find and fix in this stage will help prepare us for Stage 2.
We estimate Stage 1 will be ready for testing by the end of next week. The release date could be sooner or later depending on possible unforeseen issues in development.
Stage 2
The second stage of the Digital Delivery project launch will allow
many more VirtaPay users to become sellers. If you have a product or service that can be digitally-delivered, we may invite you to become a seller in this stage.
We estimate Stage 2 will be ready to launch 2 to 3 weeks
after the launch of Stage 1. Again, this is just an estimate, it could be sooner or later depending on what development issues our programmers encounter.
Thanks for participating as we work to take VirtaPay to the next level!