Ти е*бам тоа политичарите , телевизиите и оние беди наречени новинари - која ли им е намерата , кој к*р им смета у газот напикан па излегуваат со вакви или слични предлози- вардар, север, скопје, нова, ......слепци низаедни , мртви пувала, епа сега читајте и уживајте мамето ваше расипано- поготово ТИ РИСТЕ-ВАРДАР-овски, оти гејците се сложуваат со твоето одвратно непромислено предлогче
Превод .. каков таков за оние кои не знаат грчки ...
Sheds new name to FYROM table
Wednesday, 17.06.09
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«Republic of Macedonia (Vardar)» is the name that throws the table of negotiations, the political leadership of FYROM, pending a new initiative to break the deadlock in Naming.
A statement made by the adviser of the President of Skopje Mr. Excellent Nikovski (speaking television network in A1), rejecting the name «Republic of Northern Macedonia» contained in the last sentence Nimits. Formally the location for the «Republic of Macedonia (Vardar)» addressed by the chair of FYROM as a personal opinion of counsel do not assume the leadership of the country.
However, diplomatic sources do not consider all the random background and content of the discussion opened in Skopje on the name, as next Monday, the UN special mediator Mr. Matthew Nimits has invited the negotiators in Geneva between the two countries, after four months «freezing» of the talks.
Factors of Greek diplomacy is unlikely to accept a composite name type «Republic of Macedonia (Vardar)» from Athens.
Yesterday a meeting of the President of FYROM GG. Ivanov, Prime Minister Mr. N. Gkrouefski, the Deputy Prime Minister Mr Antemi and Foreign Minister Mr. A. Milososki on the problem of the name.
According to all indications, the firm is able to guarantee the so-called «Macedonian identity and language» and refusing any kind of amendment of the Constitution.
Mr Matthew Nimits, after meeting with the negotiators of both countries, Mr. Vassilaki Giolevski and in Geneva on 22 June, is expected to visit Skopje on 6 July and two days after Athens. Besides, the Foreign Minister of Macedonia Mr. A. Milososki will participate at the OSCE summit in Corfu next weekend should not be there to have a square with a square counterpart Ms Dora Bakoyannis.