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Perdica I (729-678 B.C.)
Perdica I is the first Macedonian king. He established the Ancient Macedonian Kingdom in 729 B.C. For capital of his kigndom he choose the town of Ajga, located on high mountains, on the down part of the river Bistrica (Halijakmon). West of the town are located higher mountains which attracts rain. Perdica has been a great king a leader. He made the territory of Macedonia bigger than in the old times. In the period of his authority started Macedonian - Illyrian wars. He was king until 678 B.C.
Argeius, is the second Macedonian king. In the period of his authority he moved on with the Macedonian Illyrian war.
Philip I is the third Macedonian king. Not even he took part in that war, he was even killed there.
Aerop, the fourth Macedonian king. He has been arrogant king, but also very powerful. And he defeated the Illyrians. Aerop died and after his dead started war for authority.
In the period of his authority, Persia became the most powerful country. And as most powerful attempted to conquer land on the Balkan Peninsula.
In the period of Greek-Persian wars, the Macedonian king Aminta I had to accept dependence of Persia.
Alexander I Philhellene (498-454 B.C.)
The becoming of Macedonia as a strong and powerful country started in the period of authority of Alexander I Philhellene. He took part in the Olympic games in Athens. But in the games could only took part only Greeks, not barbarians. So he had to prove them that he is Argeean by origin, that he is from the neighborhood. So they let him to play but, they gave him an epithet Philhellene, which means not Greek. This epithet has been given to all people that have no Greek origin. He is the first known Macedonian who took part in the Olympic games and won in them. He has been excellent politician. He took part in the hits between Greece and Persia. And he used their business and conquered Thrace, which territory has been rich with mine treasures.
Perdica II (454-413 B.C.)
Excellent politic has spread and his son Perdica II, who made public and secret alliances in dependence of state interests. He used the war between democratic Athens and aristocratic Sparta. So he made Macedonia powerful than ever was and became important war power.
Arhelaius I (413-399 B.C.)
He paid attention mostly to the outside politics and made important changes in the country. For him all people said that he made more then all 8 kings before him. He built new towns, built roads, and made changes in the army especially in the cavalry and it's armor. He moved the capital from Ajga to Pella (on the picture). Pella had excellent geographical position. And in Pella Arhelaius built big castle, projected by Greek architects. In this period started the Greek spreading of the culture in Ancient Macedonia. In the capital came a lot Greek cultural workers like the painter Evripid, the dramatist Zeuksis and a lot of others. He conquered Larissa. He established great relationship with Athens and started war with the Liknests. But unfortunately he has been killed.
Dynastic Wars (399-392 B.C.)
The murder of the King made unstable conditions in Macedonia. For short period several kings have been killed. First Arhelaius II (399-396), Orest (396-393), Aminta II (393-392), Pausanius (392-392) and Aminta III (392-369). He defeated the Illyrians again. And he has been killed. Next king his son Alexander II (369-368) killed in the first year of his authority. Next kings Ptolomeius (368-365) and Perdica III (365-360) has been murdered.
Potoa doagja Philip II , pa famozniot Aleksandar Makedonski....
Vo Makedonija nema spomenik na prviot osnovac na Makedonskoto Kralstvo, a nie sme zapnale za toj Aleksandar...