heories on Bigfoot's Identity
There have been numerous names given the bigfoot over the years. “Bad Idians", “Mountain Devils”, "Omaha Bushman”, "Sasquatch", "Yeren" and "Yeti" just to name a few.
A more scientific name shared by some scientists is the Gigantopithecus Blacki, an extinct primate that lived in Asia some 3000,000 years ago and could have found its way to other parts of the world via the land bridge before Asia broke off the mainland.
Dr. Grover Krantz a well known and respected Cyptozoologist, feels the Sasquatch is indeed Gigantopithecus. He has studied all aspects of the creature for many years. He is convinced of its existence and is one of the scientists who has studied the Patterson film footage and is certain it is genuine. In his book, Bigfoot Prints, Krantz shows a jawbone of what he believes a whole skull would have looked like and using it, was able to construct a skull of what he believes a whole skull would look like. There have only been a handful or teeth and jawbones of Gigantopithecus found throughout the world. The first tooth was found by in 1932 by a Dutch paleoanthropologist, G.H.R. Von Koeingswa1d in a Hong Kong apothecary shop. Since that time only a few jawbones and thousands of teeth have been found.
Is it possible this species that walked Asia some 300,000 years ago, did not die out, but survived well into the 20th century? Perhaps. A species of fish, the coelacanth, thought to be extinct for 70,000,000 years turned up in South Africa in 1938. Another fish, completely unknown to the world, was discovered in 1976. It was called the megamouth shark. Other animals thought to be myth have turned up in this century. The okapi, mountain gorilla, and the giant panda. If Bigfoot is indeed Gigantopithecus Blacki, he may one day be rediscovered and the mystery will finally be solved. - adamwolf@theshadowlands. net