Па треба да бидат примени од државниот врв.Сепак се работи за кралска фамилија.Ама јебига.Со нашиве никогаш не се знае.
Gleda pogore, veke ovie od SDSM [cij pretstavnik e Tomce] se vo panika i se bunat da ne gi primame Makedoncite od Pakistan. Istite tie, vo 1993 g. vo site izjavi za strancite kazuvaa deka ne postoime kako Makedonci, deka ne sme Makedonci i deka nemame nikakva vrska so Makedoncite. Sto mozes da ocekuvas od takvi koi sto sproveduvaat srpsko-grcka propaganda, deka sme cisti sloveni?
Posle pak se otvara prasanjeto, zosto jazikot na Hunzite = Burushaski e protosloveno-persiski, ako antickite Makedonci i nie, sovremenite Makedonci ne sme eden ist narod? Mnogu zborovi se identicni vo makedonskiot i burushaskiot [hunza] jazik, kako vrne, vrti, pagja, bara, r`ga, r`zh, vika, gazi, chuka, urne, turne, itn. Mnogu drugi zborovi od Burushaskiot imaat slovenski koren i toa ubavo go objasnil Dr. Ilia Chashule "
Basic Burushaski Etymologies ", Muenchen Newcastle , ISBN 3 89586 089 1.Затоа и презентирам дел од македонско-бурушаскиот речnик:
ASHMILAS, ASHMILJ = to pacify, placade, persuade, also MILI as a title for the beloved in folk song.
mil`= dear,
LYTV: mylas and meilus = dear.
MIL =dear, Smiluva, Smili = to pacify.
ASPALAS, ASPALJ = to kindle, light
Paliti = to burn, to set in flames.
SPALE,ZAPALE = to burn, to set in flames.
ASH = neck, nape of neck, external trhoat.
The locativ of the ASH is ASHI
PSlav, MK:
Shija = neck.
It is also related to the word SHITI = to sew
The BURushaski word in its special locative form both semantically and phonetically parallels Slavic.
SOUTH SLAV: BLAGO = treasure
MK NAME: BLAGA = treasure.
BERKAT = Berg, Mountain.
MK: BREG= Berg, Mountain.
BERGґ = berg, Mountain
BIRI= boiling
MK: VRIE = boiling
as so many times mentioned, B and V are changed many times, Servia=Serbia.
B'R = a single hair.
ABROUWES = eye brows
BRY, (GENETIV: BR'EVE) = eye brow.
D*- ASPASAS, D*-SPASASH = to protect, save, rescue.
SPASE = save,
DA SPASESH = to save someone.
DELAS, DELIAS, DELJ = 1)to beat, strike, smite, hit, shoot,2) to kill to slay
DALATI = crack, splits
DELATI = to work.
DELIA = Mythical Hero who kills the Turks.
GARU( ALSO: GAR'KI) = spring
ALSO: GAR'M = hot GAR'RUM = hot, warm, AS NOUN: GAR'RUMKUSH = heat.
GARI = lamp, light , pupil of eye.
GORPIAIOS = a hot Macedonian Month
GREE = warm, to warm
GARE= warming meal, cook soup.
GIRATAS; GIRASH = to dance, play
IGRA = dance, play
IGRASH = you play, nominative form from IGRA.
Или пак има оставено англиско-бригиски речник, каде се презентирани неколку бригиски зборови. Бриги (Фриги) е античко македонско племе. Дел од Бригите се иселени во Мала Азија.
Phry: Zetna = gate
Mk : Zatne = to close, to push full(a hole)
(zattvore = to close a door, Literary Macedonian language)
Phry: Wela = Turning ( in the sense of adversity, reverse, vicissitude )
Mk : Vala = to roll, Pro-vale = to break down
Phry : sai-, sei-, si- = to put( away), to leave.
Mk. : stai-, stavi = to put , to leave something on
Phry: astat = to stay, to stand
Mk : stoe = to stand, za-stane = to stop
Old Mk: stati = to stop, to stand, Kumanovo Dialect ifluenced by Serb.
Phry: wrekos = vow
Mk : rekol = told
I almost fortgot it, Bebeto Wreka = the Baby Cry`s loudvreska= screem
Phry : Benagonos = ? rich in deadly strokes (They are not sure about the given meaning)
Mk : Bere = bring, pick fruit ; gone = to chase away
Phry : edaes = he put
Mk : with the form staesh = you put ; daesh = you give
Phry : bambalun = penis ; derived from bhal bhal
Mk : kako bambal = swolen ; (swolen as bambal, archaick, modern bumbar)
Phry : manka = grave stone, memorial ; knuman = grave
Mk : posibly nanka = sleep, rest.
as the modern word pochina = died, derived from pochiva = rest.
Phry : balaios = big, great, quick
Mk : brzo, blzo = quick (blzo is baby talk)
Phy : sur = to feed
Mk : srka = swallow
Phry : gna, gna-s = to strike, to kill
Mk : akna, akne = to hit, to strike ( ako ti aknam edna = if I hit you one )
Phry : bagaios = 1.epithet of supreme diety, 2.mad
Mk : brliv, brlav = mad
Phry : bedu = well, spring, water
Mk : vadi = to pull out, to wather ; vada = a drain, a weir
Phry : Tates, tatos = (grand) father
Mk : Tato = father
Phrygian - English Dictionary
adoikavoi - fed child
aduma - at home (doma = ґhouseґ mod MK (Macedonian)
agart - fired, burnt
agon - fire (ogan = ґfireґ modern MK)
ak - if (ako = if modern MK)
al - but (eli = but, or modern MK)
apelan - taken, carried
Aragajun - demon of the forest
arejast - youngest
arkia - a ditch, grave
avtaj - hugged, turned
bagun, bugn - god (Bog = God mod MK)
e, ie - is
da - yes, so is (DA = ґyesґ modern MK)
dahet - ended, ran out, died (danatos = ґdeathґ ancient MK; dhuni ґ to blow out, expire mod MK)
dai - give (DAI = give mod MK)
deva - lady, diva
gaj - forest
gast - guest (gost = guest mod MK)
glok - (type of a tree)
ha - his
hor - above, up (gor = upper modern MK - see ґAl Goreґ - a croatian by heritage)
in - and
im - to them
ima - there is (IMA = there is modern MK)
jej, joj - to her
jen - one (number) (eden = one mod MK. garden of eden, with first man and woman??)
jev - finished
jo - her
jostutut - remains (of a body) (ostani = leave alone, remain mod MK)
k’ - so, so it is
ka - what if
kanut - finished, done
ke - there; because
kedokey - until world exists, until the end
kte - who’s (khoi = who mod MK)
Kubileya - Cybil (a goddess)
kurit - to burn
la - let it be, so be it; if, only
matar, mater - mother
mekas - soft, rested (meko = soft mod MK)
mem - passed
modrov - wise, intelligent, a sage (donґt know this one but it looks like modern slavic)
moj, mojo, mojun - mine (moj = mine mod MK)
mu - to him
nanogav - the one that stands, standing; faire, noble
na - on (na, nad = on, over mod MK)
nas - us (NAS = us mod MK)
nege - end, death
neger - carcass, body
nej - let it be
nek - so be it
neman - mute, unconscious (nemanci = mute; old slavic name for Germans, ie ґthe muteґ probably because of their different language - compare ґbarbarianґ)
ni - no (nyet = no mod MK)
novo - new (NOVO = new mod MK)
ojav - barren, unfertile
on - he (ON = he mod MK)
onom - smell, aroma
oporokit - to swear, to take an oath
os - remain, let it happen (ostani mod MK = remain - see above in word list)
ovet - to hear
pak - so (pak = again, mod MK)
podaskat - to bury
proitav - just, noble
rajev ko - rather than
roj - heaven
s’ - is, are
sago - dried, withered (suchi = dry mod MK)
se - to yourself (SE = yourself mod MK)
sesait - to drink
sest - to rest, to sit
sgloka - buried under a glok
sit - full (stomach) (SIT = full mod MK)
siveto - ground, earth (Sveto = the world)
sivetoa - buried into the ground
so - with (SO = with mod MK)
sok - milk (SOK = juice mod MK)
suskanutie - eternity
stat - to stay
surg - cheers (with drinking)
tadoj - then
te - you, yours (TEBE = yours mod MK)
tej - this, her
tek - barely, almost
teles, tovo - body (TELO = body mod MK)
ti - you (TI = you mod MK)
tlnaie - buried
to - it (TO = it, the object mod MK)
toj - yours
tu - here (TUKA = here mod MK)
v, va - in, inside (VO = in mod MK)
vagtae - to hesitate, hesitation
var, vara - to protect, protects
vej - branch, limb; know
venavtun - to weave
vesnija - spring (VESNA = spring mod MK)
vid - a prophet, scholar (VIDI = to see mod MK; compare ґvideoґ)
voina - war, battle (VOINA = war mod MK)
voiska - army
vojvete - duke, warlord
vonok - grandson
vosajeja - planted, sown
vrekun - sorcerer, demon
vun, ben - outside
wijan - packed, rapt
us - rise
usim - everything