Затворена за нови мислења.
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19 јули 2006
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Дебатираме само нели. Нигде не спомнав дека не се согласувам со некој од претходните твои постови. Јас, и мислам дека голем дел од македонците кои ги интересира оваа тема, за ралика од нашите соседи не интересира вистината. Не ми е јасно на пример доаѓаат словените на балканот и одма пола балкан зборува словенски јазик, а кога доаѓаат бугарите го примаат словенскиот и не се обидуваат да го наметнат својот. Тоа е малку чудно.
Не знаеме, можеби словенски се зборел и пред формирање на Склавиниите и со одметнување од византијска власт само се вратиле (излегле на површина) старите домородни јазици. Сум читал дека и влашкиот можеби има корен од Балканот а не дека е донесен од Римјаните (ова само како дигресија).

Многу веројатно старите Бугари биле премалку во однос на оние што збореле словенски дијалект и затоа не успеале да го наметнат својот јазик.
Член од
14 јули 2007
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Книгата на Курта е преполна со словенски инвазии од преку Дунав но и Курта тврди дека масовна преселба немало нешто со што јас се согласувам.
Моите извадоци се од Алинеи. Но јас пак ќе повторам. ЗБОР ИНВАЗИИ НИКАДЕ НЕ Е ЗАПИШАН. Запишано е дека имало бунтови.
Член од
22 мај 2007
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Не се разбирам многу од историјата, читам по малце, али ај вака тргнете го јазикот, во тој 6,7,8 век кога наводно тие словени се наслиле, потенцирам наводно, наметнале свој јазик, али религијата ја примиле од домородното население што нема логика, исто како што нема логика дека сме словени, зашто тие тука нашле народ кој бил цивилизиран, а до сега немам видено ни слушнато варвар да наметнува писменост на народ кој имал свои школи, развивал политика демократија, писменост, религија која и ден денес постои. Според мене тоа нема логика, мора да има некоја конекција помеѓу староседелците и тие словени, кои според мене мислам дека само напаѓале грабале и си оделе, значи не се населувале.


Walking away
Член од
25 ноември 2007
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The Enigma of Pelasgians and Etruscans Pelasgians, ancient people, the ancestors of all the Indo-European people, was people whom it knew to illuminate and it taught the culture to Europe, about they it is known little, or better to say nearly null.
The' alphabet of this mysterious people is called Pelasgic since to that civilization laughed them, DIODORUS SICULUS one informs to us that the PreHomeric poets expressed themselves just with that alphabet, and from the same source, we learn that, at least 10 centuries aC. That same writing was used. Moreover Diodorus reports that they were the first to bring theyr alphabet in Italy, as well as the rest of Europe, practicing opportune adaptations and improvements.
Also Pliny the elder confirms the information of Diodorus.
Virgil (Aeneid, VIII, V. 62-63), writes:
“It is sayd that the first dwellers of our Italy were the Pelasgians”.
From the ancient authors we have learned that before the arrival of the Greeks, those territories were known as Pelasgia, the several sources inform to us moreover, than the Greeks they learned from the Pelasgians not only the art of the working of the metals, of the construction of walls, but they learned, perfecting it, their way to write and making their divinity own.
Several populations, species the pelasgic one, have given to the country their name
Pausanias (Arcadia, VIII, 1,4,6) reports:
“The Arcadians tell that Pelasgus was the first born in Arcadia. Since Pelasgus became king, the country was called Pelasgia in his honour”
Pindar (Carminia, Fragmenta Selecta, I, 240) tells:
“Bringing a beautifull gift, the earth made the first human being, the "Divine pelasgus", be born in arcadia, long before making the moon”
Pindar's narration could appear as poetically, or even mythically, inspired, thought long later scientists have proved that the moon is formed by fragments separated from our globe.
Homer mentions the Pelasgians between allied with the Troyans, (Iliad, II, 840-843) and narrates that Achille prayed “PELASGIAN ZEUS OF DODONA” (the Iliad, XVI, 223). Homer also mentions them also like “PEOPLE of Crete”, (Odyssey, XIX, 177).
The Eforo historian reports of a book of Esiodo that attests the tradition of people of the Pelasgians in Arcadia and develops the theory that was people of warriors from a “native land” that annexed and had colonized all the regions of the Greece in which the ancient authors they make signal they, from Dodona to Clay to the fine Triade in Italy, where their very recognizable takeovers are anchor in the time of the Elleni and in are tightened relation with the “Tyrrhenian ones”.
The characteristic structure of the masonry of the citadel of Atene has made that all the constructions in squared blocks and without the use of malta have not had the name, of “pelasgian masonry” exactly as sometimes they are said “walls gigant(ciclopiche in italian language)”, that is constructed from the Pelasgians, those who taught to the Greeks the methods of the constructions, the way to write and the culture.

(a fantastic wiew of Dodona, maybe the center of the Pelasgians)
We could continue to the infinite with citations of the Pelasgians, in order to always finish in any case and that the civilizations in general terms begin with the Pelasgians, but the main question that rises to this point is: They still exist? If yes, who are they today?
Nermin Vlora Falaski, in its book “Linguistic and genetic heredities” (written also in English language), has deciphered to registrations Etruscan and Pelasgic with the today's Albanian language. This would try that the Albanians (Descendants of the Illyrians) are the modern descendants of the Pelasgians, one of most ancient civilizations that lived Europe. Here of continuation we will propose some translations of Falaski.
Therefore, in Italy it exists the locality of the TOSCHI (the Tuscany), therefore as the Toschi lives in the “Toskeria”, in southern Albania.
Note: Many authors support that the Tosk word, or Tok, is the "DHE" synonym, a lot that today in Albanian uses indifferently word "DHE" that that TOK in order to say “earth”.
In Tuscany an ancient city is founded from the Pelasgians, that is Cortona, (Famous is called, in Albanian: COR=harvest, TONA=nostri, that is “our harvests”). From the immense and fertile plain of the Val di Chiana it is approached a fast hill, in top to which a beautifulst castle is found, transformed in archaeological museum. In means to a large epigrafic patrimony, there is also one particularly beautiful registration and interesting, on a sarcophagus bearing the following inscription.

Nermin Vlora Falaski simply translated this written pelasgian with the Albanian language:

“The ship is for us pride, courage and liberty”
Ire, ira, in albanian has the positive meaning of "pride", while in english, as well as in latin, italian and in old french stands for "anger". It could make one deduce that ira is a reason of pride in war, becoming negative in peace. However, in albanian the word is rather obsolete. In Sanskrit, latin, spanish, the word ir, ire, means "to go", But with the slight change from ir to iras, in sanskrit means "hostile behavoiur". The several sources inform to us that the Greeks learned from the Pelasgians not only the art of the working of the metals, of the construction of wall, but they learned, perfecting it, their way to write and made their divinity own, like as an example DE-MITRA (Dhe=earth Mitra=womb, that is the GODDESS MOTHER EARTH), let alone AFER-DITA (Afer=near, Dita=day, later call Venus from the Romans).
The Pelasgians, that were called also “The Sea People”, since was skillful and free navigators, they called ILLYRIA (ILLYRIA for the Romans) their homeland: witch meant the country of the free people (lir=free), as a land spanning from the mediterranean to the Danube.
The Root of the word lir can be traced in the following languages: Pelasgo-illyrian (Liri), Etruscan (Liri), Albanian (Liri), Italian (libertа), French (Liberte), Latin (libertas), English (liberty), Spanish (libertad), Rumanian (libertade), Portuguese (liberdade).
In Italy, and precisely in the Lazio, it exists the Liri mount, let alone the Liri river, and Liri Fountain. This name has been conserved during the centuries in several the Mediterranean European countries, a lot probably through the “irradiation” of the several illiric tribes, like the Etruscans, the Messapi, the Dauni, the Veneti, the Piceni, etj, Everyone of these names has meaning in the Albanian language: ETRURIA (E=of, TRURIA= Brain, country of intelligent people), MESSAPI (MES=center, HAPI=open, country of open people), DAUNI (dauni, separated), to VENETI (name to you deriving from the goddess VEND, native land, place for excellence), PICENI (PI=to drink, KENI=you have, place with abundant water).
The "Pelasgian" name can be reported to Albanian word PELLG (deep sea), like in Italian “pelago”.
This is a illiyric registration, dated between the III-II century a.C, than currently it is found in the archaeological museum of Durres, in Albania:

“Underego your pain and weep, if that helps you anguish, but entrust him to the warm earth, to the Heavenly Grace and to the Supreme Good”
It is important to notice that the language of this registration is so similar to the today's Albanian, than with difficulty can be thought that it goes back more than two thousand years ago.
Normally, the more ancient inscriptionsare written from right to left, sometimes continuing alternately from left to right, namely in a bustrophedic way, often without interruption between each word. the Durres documents we have just seen, is formulated from left to right, revealing a relatively recent engraving and the writing always went from left to right.
In going to the search of new registrations, from the Aegean to the Atlantic and accidentally in Egypt and beyond, in the attempt to not only discover their content, but also in order to verify the monogenesis of the languages that comes supported from eminent students, in the Archaeological Museum of Atene it has been met a stele much ancient one that contains a written up bustrofhedic registration with the Pelasgian alphabet and expressing a heartbreak mourning. This stele has been discovered in the island of Lemno and, in general terms, it comes considered much difficult and little every convincing attempt to comprise the content of that writing. And it is for that till now little are seriously engage to you to melt that enigma. We begin showing this Stele of Lemno, attributed to YOU century a.C. (but from some characterized studious more ancient deduction also):

But, observing with attention the registration, since the first words, we can see that it have been recorded in the pelasgo-illyrian language, like in the rest of the euro-Mediterranean territories, and are therefore obvious that comprises only through the Albanian language, this is the translation

This entire bustrophedic registration, where the letters “TH” and “H” can be read continuously, in order to represent sighs and sobs, as we would today make “AH” and “OH”, contains tormenting complains funeral, obviously for the dead person that had been also a great hero, like demonstrates to the repeated pride of all the relationship. We more rewrite hour the Stele in a melted shape adapting it to the modern era:
“MOURNING, we are in full mourning,
anguish, ill luck all over,
women covered with black veils.
Grief you have given to the kinship, oh kinsman!
He belongs to our stock, Ah! , Oh!
He was torn away from us, what misfortune.
But in order which guilt, this disaster?
Gelid is his golden throne, Ah!
Of his fame we were proud, Oh!
Grief, grief in the whole world,
tearing him away, we are beheaded!
This grief struck us suddently, ah!
Alas, who knows for what fault? Oh!

Our kinsman he was,
Why ever did he struck us with such grief?
In Grief and despair, ah!
tears choke us, Oh!
He, who kept up our stock,
for what fault, now does he extinguish it?
Ah! Oh!

Oh! precious he was,
knife wounds, oh misfortune,
he suffered so much!
In Silence, never uttering an insult!
Ah! Oh!
You, kinsman, you have beheaded us, Oh!
You, great affliction you have given us, Ah! Oh!”


наводно, наметнале свој јазик, али религијата ја примиле од домородното население што нема логика..зашто тие тука нашле народ кој бил цивилизиран..мора да има некоја конекција помеѓу староседелците и тие словени, кои според мене мислам дека само напаѓале грабале и си оделе, значи не се населувале.
nikoj ne nametnal jazik...MK e cist Sanskrit...
turcite bile 500 g. pa sto ne zboruvame turski?...
koj normalen moze da veruva deka za 1 vek,isceznal jazikot na Antikata?
slovenite se izmislica...kako i mnogu drugi na balkanive...

kakva konekcija?..
koj grabal i si odel?...
nema nikakvi materijalni dokazi za toa..
ako citame istorija,eden vika bile mirni kako jagninja,mirno se selele (?) drug,bile losi i divi,jadele kucinja,plivale so trski (?)...
a na Dunav nema trski...
a na Karpatite ic...
red slavsi..
red pauza (Bugarija (pravoslavni turci=bugarite,tataro-mongoli), Romanija ,Ungarija (genetski,60 % slavski,istoriski tatari),Avstrija)..
red slavsi..Ceska (genetski-ne slavsi)...

ajde be..


Walking away
Член од
25 ноември 2007
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The word "ZI" (or "SI") appears also in this inscription, very short but remarkable for tenor, found at Feltre (Northern Italy).

"We suffer grief without end"
It must hold always present that the linguistic wealth of the people is the only incontestable archives documentary, species when other tests lack, but is above all the main testimony of the human creativity.
Several scholars uphold the thesis of the monogenesis of the languages, particularly during these last 2 centuries, when the progress of the communications has given to the persons the possibility to move with facility and of having contacts also with populations in remote zones much fastly.
Alfredo Trombetti, Elia Lattes and Francisco have been cited the Italian students Disgust which is valid supporters of this thesis, beyond that to the illyric origin of the italian populations. Beyond to cited authors, there are other scholars, let alone German, Austrians, French and English who assert the illyrica origin of the italian populations. A particular merit goes to prof the Zacharie Mayani, teacher to the Sorbona, which in years 1970 has published 3 large volumes, in order to support that the Etruscan language it can be understand only through the Albanian language. In order to verify the truth of its discovery, it has studied the Albanian, before to Paris, therefore one has oed in Albania, in order to perfect itself. The three volumes publish to you from Mayani are entitled: “Les Etrusques Commencent a Parler”, “Les Etrusques Parlent” and “La fin du Mystиre Etrousque”.
In any case, he who for first has launch and diffused the idea of the monogenesis of the languages it was Sir William Jones (1746-1794), famous orientalist that to the end of its intense life knew 28 languages. However, in our days, the valid supporter of this thesis is prof. the Colin Renfrew of the university of Cambridge, who in his work “Archeaology and Linguistics” published in 1989, he writes:
“The main reason of the publication of this my job is in order to put in evidence that the archeologists of these last years, in order to recompose the past has not taken in the due consideration the witness of linguistics”.
in our globe, there is always a horizon, beyond which it is not possible to see. Therefore, as far as the antiquity, our Divine horizon are the Pelasgians. Being be they the first inventors of the phonetic writing, we cannot deny that the true culture begins with the Pelasgi, as however we have learned from several authors of the antiquity.
For the time being, let us put aside the linguistic correspondences and let us read some inscription found from the Aegean to the Atlantic with the samewords with a common meaning, such as Yj, Arno, Reze etc.
We may begin with words found in Albania, all pelasgo-Illyrian origin. On this little temple of the III century B.C found and kept in the city-state of Apollonia (west-Albania) we can read:

"The Child entrusted to this temple, now is deified. Let it be for the Good!"
After to have read this illyric registration, than, without a doubt, it corresponds to the Modern Albanian, concentrated the essence of just meant, hour we read of it an equally beautiful other, of Durres, than as the previous one narrates of Deification (YJNERIM) and that it belongs to III the century a.C:

"Oh, (Lord) deify her and make her belong to Thou. Let it be for the good!"
Herodotus has explained to us that, before the arrival of the Greeks, that territory was called PELASGIA. Also it has told to us that the Greeks learned from the Pelasgians the art of the working of the metals, the construction of walls, the writing that refined and that until the discovery of the Latin, was the only divulgative writing. Still today, in the several museums of Albania are epigraphs written up with the Greek alphabet, whose contained it is comprised however not with the Greek language, but with that Albanian, with the exceptions ofa few neologism. We shall have later the opportunity to examine some of these inscriptions.
Hour we were dealing the registrations that contain words YJ (stars) like already seen, let alone those with ARNO (Creator) and REZE (beams).
Since we speak about the monogenesis of the languages, we return to this river of the Adriatic and read in the archaeological museum of Siena this registration that is found on a wonderful one sarcophagus, where moreover all and the three words are found with that we mean to deal (YJ, REZE and ARNO).
From the relief shown in front of the sarcophags with personages in a state of meditation and with the Godness Vend in the middle it is easy to deduce a cosmonogiv meaning of the inscription:

Now we read the translation:

As we know, the Etruscans called themselves Resa. Let us now recompose this inscription in its dynamic modern form
“Arno, (Creator), as you for us are in the stars, you deserve be commemorate by all the Etruscans (Resa)”.
The word “ARNO” today we find it alone in the Albanian language with declassed meaning of “restorer”, but, to restore one damaged what, means “to recreate it”, therefore the interpretation of the word very many ARNO in this and other registrations of the Etruria task is valid.
Moreover, there is the very famous river ARNO who bathes, between others, the flourishing city of Florence: and we know that the civilizations always are been born close to important rivers.
YJ (stars): neanche this word has been found in other languages, unless the Albanian, also being much common one in epigrafici documents of the antiquity, from the Aegean to the Atlantic. YJ, YJNOR, HYJNERON are coming from terms from the pelasgo-illirico-Etruscan. In fact, they are found some in abundance in their registrations, but today they are used alone in the Albanian language. From this it can be deduced that the several shapes of YJ could be of origin proto-Indo-European. And it can be arrived to this conclusion taking in consideration all the other Indo-European languages that do not call “YJE” the stars, but: Sanscrito (Astra), Italian (astro, stella), Spanish (Estrella), Portuguese (Estrela), English (Stars), Greek (Aster) Persian (Setareh), German (Stern).
In the Iberian Peninsula registrations much similar to those of the Illiria are found and of the Etruria, recorded with the pelagic alphabet and are always interpreted through the Albanian.
We have mentioned the registrations with word YJE and derivatives. Now, in order to remain in the topic, between the other registrations of the Portugal of the South, discoveries to first of XVIII the century and up to now never deciphered, we see this epigrafe that it appears on the stele n.22:

“I have dedicated It to the divinity when I was still while still alive”


Walking away
Член од
25 ноември 2007
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ПОЗДРАВ SILEN... Во античко време на балканот нема ни с од словени нели... Хомер спонал за грци и пелазги...
Nermin Vlora Falaski, in its book “Linguistic and genetic heredities” (written also in English language), has deciphered to registrations Etruscan and Pelasgic with the today's Albanian language.

Nermin Vlora Falaski simply translated this written pelasgian with the Albanian language... ( Нермин Влора Фаласки едноставно само го преведел напишаниот пелазгијски на албански јазик ) :)
Член од
7 март 2008
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Пак ќе прашам


Пелазгите, како први жители на Балканот, кои се доселиле пред 7 000 години, и исто толку години непречено се развивале, би требало да се намножат во големи бројки, кои единствено би биле “избришливи“ со огромен неповторлив геноцид! А таков геноцид не е запишан.

Со што ќе се правдаш? Дека не знаеле луѓето да пишуваат тогаш?!

Од 40 милиони жители на Балканот (без Цариград), повеќе од 30 милиони се Славјани!


Epa se Slavjanini posto vo 6-iot vek dojdoa Sllovenite i o opustosija Ballkan toa ne e Mal Genocid.

Sllovenite gi asiilira 90% od Aborginalskoto naselenie na Balkanot samo malku ostanaa od cistite palkanski avtenticni narodi koj sega se Albancite i Grcite.
Член од
7 март 2008
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objektivnost? mislam deka ne ni znaat sto znaci poimot... :pos::pos2:

i ko se razbudi - gakjite polni? :)

ebati "nauchnata" diskusija, koga nepismeni ofcari se tupaat ko majmuni v gradi...

@ Silen: ne tropaj i ti gluposti te molam. Slovenite ziveele na Balkanot i pred Aleksandar, koj i sam bil Sloven :)

Dokazi deka slovenite ziveele vo Ballkanot pred 6-tiot vek na nasata Era Fakti celo vreme sboruvas fakti a tie nikade ti se kaj ti se faktite ako slovenite ziveele vo Balkanot pred 6 - iot vek na Nasata er zasto togas se doselile ili onie sto ostanale po pat si dojdoa vo 6-ti vek aj ne fillozofirj bez veza
Член од
7 март 2008
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nikoj ne nametnal jazik...MK e cist Sanskrit...
turcite bile 500 g. pa sto ne zboruvame turski?...
koj normalen moze da veruva deka za 1 vek,isceznal jazikot na Antikata?
slovenite se izmislica...kako i mnogu drugi na balkanive...

kakva konekcija?..
koj grabal i si odel?...
nema nikakvi materijalni dokazi za toa..
ako citame istorija,eden vika bile mirni kako jagninja,mirno se selele (?) drug,bile losi i divi,jadele kucinja,plivale so trski (?)...
a na Dunav nema trski...
a na Karpatite ic...
red slavsi..
red pauza (Bugarija (pravoslavni turci=bugarite,tataro-mongoli), Romanija ,Ungarija (genetski,60 % slavski,istoriski tatari),Avstrija)..
red slavsi..Ceska (genetski-ne slavsi)...

ajde be..
Zasto malku zborovi ima vo Makedonskiot ta i Albanskiot jazik oid Turskiot a mene Licno Profesorka po makedonski na cs vo fakultet ni kazala deka ako se iscistat Ballkanskite jazici od Turcizmi nema jazik, polnoTyurcizmi imas brat ne zbori bez vrska vo sekoj Ballkanski jazik si ima Turcizmi.

MA JOK :pos2: :pos2:


Член од
26 јануари 2007
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Pendzere, Masa, Odzak itn...
Koj bil vo turcija, sigurno znae:)

Inaku Messerchmit, Pirro i drugi albancinja.
Ne se macete, ne postirajte, ne gubete vreme za dzabe.

Jas na prethodnata tema se utepav od postiranje originalni knigi, pa nikoj toa ne go ni poglednuva, ne go zema vo predvid. Si znaat tie samite:)
Strucnaci se site:)
Член од
20 февруари 2008
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Poznatite stranci albanologi: Gustav Majer, Holger Pedersen, Norbert Jokli,Franc Mikloshiq,Hahni,Shuflai,Franc Bob, Maximilian Lamberti, Edith Durham,August Shllajher, Johanes Shmid, Hugo Shuardi,KATICIQ, i mnogu drugi.koi go imat potvrdeno ednas za sekogas vo evropskata istorija ilirsko-albanskoto poteklo.
Член од
7 март 2008
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Pendzere, Masa, Odzak itn...
Koj bil vo turcija, sigurno znae:)

Inaku Messerchmit, Pirro i drugi albancinja.
Ne se macete, ne postirajte, ne gubete vreme za dzabe.

Jas na prethodnata tema se utepav od postiranje originalni knigi, pa nikoj toa ne go ni poglednuva, ne go zema vo predvid. Si znaat tie samite:)
Strucnaci se site:)
abe da zna deka nikoj ne cita evo ja gi citav toa sto ima napisano Piro ostaj sto i porano sum go cital ali nekoj zboruva celo Vreme FAKTI FAKTI FAKTI ali nea fakti sam si dava Objasnubvanje od pamet, ja Kazuvam od toa sto su citl i sto sum ucel u Skolo ali koj te Vrti.

ali eden e Fakt toa za Turcizmi nema sto da se Zboruva vo site Jazici Ballkanski pa znam i lluge od ROmania i vo ROmania na Golema Guzva mu vikat KALLABALAK zamisli do kade Turcizmot ostavil tragi a nekoj si vika tuka ne sme stanale Turci si zbotruva za 5 pari.

Nema Cist jazik vo Svetot site jazici imat padnato pod vlianie na nekoj druk kako Albanskiot pod Srbsko i akedonsko taka i makeonskiot pod Albansko i Tursko i ne znam Sto.
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