Русија - смена во надворешната политика?

The xx

Russia state-affiliated bot. ☑️
Член од
8 април 2013
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Максимална плата на куриер во Москва 220.000 рубљи.

Таксистиве на Јандекс клатат добар кеш. Во рангот од 200.000 па нагоре. Имаше еден што за месец Октомври околу 500.000 рубљи извадено.

Моменталната инфалција е 8,6 % и се очекува да ја качат кредитната стапка на 25%. Моментално е 21% .

Клучна ќе биде следната година. Мислам дека аллИн ќе отиде Трамп и со санкции и со Украина.


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Мислиш елитата на САД ќе идат ал-ин... Трамп ќе биде само маскота.


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Doom and gloom are somewhat appropriate, but it is more important to think about the future now. What does the fall of Syria tell us?

1. False Peace is Death. A bad faith ceasefire is a recipe for disaster and after Minsk and Astana should never be repeated. False peace is worse than war, because false peace means you still have to fight the war later, but at a disadvantage. No green busses or green corridors for the enemy, no deescalation zones, no freezing of any lines. The enemy has to be defeated completely: victory is a prerequisite for mercy. Until that is achieved, no ceasefires, only death under FABs.

2. Collapse is always sudden. The Assad regime resisted NATO-Israeli aggression for 13 years. And then it fell in a week. Mistakes, systemic errors and structural attrition accumulate until a critical mass is reached, and at that point the smallest impact will bring down the entire house of cards. Likewise, our current enemy in the main theater will resist stubbornly, until he will not be able to anymore, and then we will see Big Arrows. All our efforts should be focused on damaging the enemy's war-waging capabilities to reach that critical point.

3. Infantry is King. A single full-sized, dependable Russian infantry brigade (or a Ukrainian one, for that matter) would have been able to defeat the Jihadi advance for good. They were completely overstretched and to a large degree their offensive was a bluff that only worked because the SAA didn't even try to resist, they just ran. We had our own experience with a lack of infantry in the SMO -- it led to the Kharkov oblast debacle in fall '22. No matter what anyone says, no matter what technological advances there are, the infantry unit was and remains the central actor of history, upon which all else depends.

4. Empire is secondary to the Nation. There was a loud public debate among patriotic circles in Russia when the intervention in Syria began in 2015. Personally, I was opposed to the intervention because it seemed absurd to me to send Russian men to die in a foreign desert while Russian people are suffering under the yoke of Banderite occupation just across the border. We were told by Kremlin propagandists that "Palmyra is a symbol for all mankind" and the Donbass is just, eh, the Donbass. Whatever. Now, Jihadi dogs will get to loot and destroy all that archaeological treasure of all mankind, and we have to fight for the Donbass, anyway. Was it worth it? I have always been staunchly pro-Assad, but a single square mile of Russian land in Novorossiya means more to me than the entire Middle East. A nation should have its priorities in order.

5. You can't change nature. Some peoples and countries are just unreliable. They will never have stable polities unless compelled by overwhelming force or foreign occupation. They will never build working institutions on their own. You can't just offer them a comprehensive reform package and then shrug when they refuse to implement it. They will always be shitty client states if you work with them within a civilized framework. We know how to work around local particularities in other parts of the world, so we should let Middle East policy also be guided by this knowledge. They are not Warsaw Era-pact allies you can let do things on their own.



deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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“If Ambassador Lambsdorff wants to call for peace, he should first address the German government. Secondly, the EU and NATO leadership, who seem to be recklessly churning out decisions to send military aid to Zelensky. As for calling on heavenly forces, I’m not sure the forces protecting the West are even above ground level,” Zakharova remarked. :unsure:

Член од
9 октомври 2022
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Абе ќе се боцкате со новава руска mRNA вакцина против рак?


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Австријците си сонуваат влажни соништа.



deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Nicaragua Invites Russia to Help Build Alternative to Panama Canal

Nicaragua has invited Russia to help build a canal linking the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean, a key trade route for world trade. That role currently belongs to the Panama Canal, which the United States is believed to have taken full control of following a military intervention in 1989.

The Nicaragua Canal project began in 2012 but has been plagued by delays, initially due to U.S. intervention under the guise of “environmental” agreements and then due to investor problems. Now Nicaragua is again calling on Russia and China to cooperate in new geopolitical circumstances.

It is noted that although the project may seem too ambitious to implement, it could become a valuable trump card for Russia and China in future negotiations with Donald Trump.


The xx

Russia state-affiliated bot. ☑️
Член од
8 април 2013
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Таман ќе тестираат хидрауликта на тоа друмовите низ Русија и на -50 :tvg:

Шала на страна, не се сеуште константни во поглед на квалитет. А и доста шуплива легура, профил. Ова од тоа што зборам со Руси. Русите кои малце се повеќе разбрани во автомобило прферираат Јапонски/Ј.Корејски кои за разлика од Западните, полесно се наоѓаат. Патем и западните се тука преку трети страни, само кога доаѓа прашање за денови ем доста се чека а и доста на цена удира. Интересни се кинезите. Ефтините модели имаа доста иновативности, но не се сеиште топ квалитет. Е сега кога одиме веќе над 40.000 веќе тука имаат и кинезите добри понуди.

Аљи за рурална Русија само Лада, Бтр или Тенкот.

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