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Rare Earth Hypothesis која се надоврзува на Фермиевиот парадокс и практично пробува да го одговори прашањето
Where is everybody? Mене засега најмногу смисла ми има. Да не препишувам, на Википедија е добро објаснето, ќе ги копирам главните поенти.
In planetary astronomy and astrobiology, the Rare Earth hypothesis argues that the origin of life and the evolution of biological complexity, such as sexually reproducing, multicellular organisms on Earth, and subsequently human intelligence, required an improbable combination of astrophysical and geological events and circumstances. According to the hypothesis, complex extraterrestrial life is an improbable phenomenon and likely to be rare throughout the universe as a whole.
The Rare Earth hypothesis argues that the evolution of biological complexity anywhere in the universe requires the coincidence of a large number of fortuitous circumstances, including, among others, a galactic habitable zone; a central star and planetary system having the requisite character (i.e. a circumstellar habitable zone); a terrestrial planet of the right mass; the advantage of one or more gas giant guardians like Jupiter and possibly a large natural satellite to shield the planet from frequent impact events; conditions needed to ensure the planet has a magnetosphere and plate tectonics; a chemistry similar to that present in the Earth's lithosphere, atmosphere, and oceans; the influence of periodic "evolutionary pumps" such as massive glaciations and bolide impacts; and whatever factors may have led to the emergence of eukaryotic cells, sexual reproduction, and the Cambrian explosion of animal, plant, and fungi phyla. The evolution of human beings and of human intelligence may have required yet further specific events and circumstances, all of which are extremely unlikely to have happened were it not for the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event 66 million years ago removing dinosaurs as the dominant terrestrial vertebrates.
In order for a small rocky planet to support complex life, Ward and Brownlee argue, the values of several variables must fall within narrow ranges. The universe is so vast that it might still contain many Earth-like planets, but if such planets exist, they are likely to be separated from each other by many thousands of light-years. Such distances may preclude communication among any intelligent species that may evolve on such planets, which would solve the Fermi paradox: "If extraterrestrial aliens are common, why aren't they obvious?"
Според мене, имајќи ја предвид неограниченоста на Универзумот, некако е арогантно да се тврди дека сме сами, меѓутоа исто така треба се земат предвид потребните (пред)услови за содздавање живот. Веројатно постои, иако тоа може да значи во некој сосем друг галактички кластер или група (за нас исто како да не постои...). Пред 10-тина години некаде по интернетов налетав на многу интересна дискусија на оваа тема, сѐ уште се пцујам што не ставив bookmark на страната...