#SpreadTheTruth, секој ден, 21 часот


Член од
30 јануари 2009
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Некој да направи скрипта за auto-like на сите постови во темава? :D
--- надополнето: 5 мај 2012 во 15:04 ---
Ти го украдов потписот.
Ако? :)
AKO! за тоа го ставив!

Се радувам ко мало дете за оваа иницијатива! толку горд не сум се осеќал уште од Кометал кога стана шампион!

Crazy in Love

Here's looking at you kid.
Член од
25 јануари 2007
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Нели е глупаво само да стискам Retweeted?? Осеќам дека треба да опнам еден Tweet...
А бе и Твит и Ретвит, ако ти се допаѓа некој Твит и мислиш дека треба да е споделен стискај Ретвит



Добро би било да се осмисли еден текст, во кој ќе биде опфатено не само митингот, туку цел настан. Од убиството, преку апсењето, па се до протестов. И исто така тој текст да биде преведен на повеќе јазици.
On Thursday, 12th of April, 2012 a day known to christians as Good Thursday, four high school students went fishing to a nearby lake in the capital city of Macedonia - Skopje. All they wanted to do is have some fun as the biggest orthodox christian holiday (Orthodox Easter) was approaching... but then something horrible happened. A car pulled over, three men with guns got out and executed them in cold blood. They were lined up on the ground and each of them was shot at least three times in the head. A fifth man (a middle-aged fisherman) was also murdered because he happened to be on the wrong place at the wrong time.

The next day, an entire nation was shocked. No one could believe what happened. Why were they killed in such a way? What did they do wrong? They must have done something. Following the first days after the massacre, various conspiracy theories arose. Some said the kids had to be criminally involved, other said that maybe the middle aged fisherman was the main target and the kids were the ones on the wrong place at the wrong time. But all of these theories turned out to be false. The kids never had any trouble with anyone and didn't even have a criminal record, and the fisherman was a family man who made regular trips to that lake. None of them had any trouble with the law nor were they associated with any kind of criminal activity.

Days went by and the police still struggled to find a motive. Another conspiracy theory argued that they were probably witnesses of a drug deal gone bad so their murders were just a cover up. Almost all conspiracy theories revolved around them being witnesses to something illegal, as no one could believe that a group of innocent kids could be picked in such a random way and executed in cold blood.

But, on May the 1st, a breakthrough. The police carried out an operation codename "Monster". 26 houses were raided, 20 suspects were arrested and a weapons arsenal was found: One AK, several handguns, a hand grenade, AK magazines, sniper rifle and machine gun rounds. Several books that preached radical islam were also found in the raids.

The suspects turned out to be radical islamists who were not directly connected with the suspects, and their motive according to Interior Minister Gordana Jankuloska was:

"The intention of this crime was to create a sense of insecurity and fear among the general population,"

As it turns out, the victims were randomly picked to be murdered a day before the biggest orthodox christian holiday.

What shocked everyone even more is that only three days after the arrests of the suspects, crowds gathered to protest amd claimed that those arrested were innocent and that there was no proof that they where involved in the massacre. 1500 protesters is the most conservative estimate possible. The police said that there were approximately 10 000 people present, but the number is probably somewhere in between - 5000 to 6000, which is still a lot for a small country like Macedonia. The shocking thing about the protests is that only three days have gone by since the arrests, the trial has yet to start and already crowds were gathering, claiming the arrested were innocent when they have no idea what kind of evidence the prosecution has.

Another big reason why muslim radicals cried foul is because one of the women arrested was 'disrespected' by the police. It is appalling that in a dire situation like this, they are more concerned with the dignity of a suspect than justice for the victims. But surely the protesters had a good reason, the police has no right humiliating the suspects, this is a democratic country, innocent until proven otherwise!

So what was this humiliation one of the women endured? Was she beaten by police officers? Was she raped? Genital mutilation?

Not exactly, she felt disrespected because male police officers were holding her by the hands while escorting her. They found an illegal firearm in her house, but even so the radicals claimed the police has no right arresting muslim women.

http://telma.com.mk/images/monstrum_5_zena.jpg - a picture of the "humiliated" and "disrespected" woman.

They also claimed they're being discrimanted by the police and government and that islam is not a religion of violence, the massacre was not committed by muslims, they are peaceful. They are being set up. The irony is, they had jihadist flags and constantly chanted "death to infidels", one of the protesters said he will burn down Skopje with gasoline if the police kept arresting women, others attacked police officers with rocks and two police cars were damaged. Windows from buildings were broken.


What is also surprising is that some of the arrested were radicals who had fought against NATO forces in Afghanistan (according to the police), and traditional muslim leaders have warned the public months before these murders that they've lost control of some of their mosques, and that those mosques have now become breeding ground for muslim radicals.
If you think that this doesn't concern you because it's just a domestic problem, you are clearly wrong. Radical Islam is on the rise on the Balkans and it affects you, whether you live in France, England, Germany or the US.
In fact, there have been several attacks on EU and US soil planned and (un)successfully carried out by Balkan extremists.
Spread the truth.

Kajgana Shop

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