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Η Μακεδονία δεν είναι Ελληνική
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2 јуни 2007
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Би сакал да го чујам мислењето на Анавено, се разбира и на сите останати , за :

Archaeologists from the Institute of Prehistory and Early History of the University of Vienna have found an amulet inscribed with a Jewish prayer in a Roman child’s grave dating back to the 3rd century CE at a burial ground in the Austrian town of Halbturn.

This amulet shows that people of Jewish faith lived in what is today Austria since the Roman Empire. Up to now, the earliest evidence of a Jewish presence within the borders of Austria has been letters from the 9th century CE. In the areas of the Roman province of Pannonia that are now part of Hungary, Croatia and Serbia, gravestones and small finds attest to Jewish inhabitants even in antiquity. Jews have been settling in all parts of the ancient world at the latest since the 3rd century BCE. Particularly following the second Jewish Revolt against the Roman Empire, the victorious Romans sold large numbers of Jews as slaves to all corners of the empire. This, coupled with voluntary migration, is how Jews also might have come to present-day Austria.

Greek script, Hebrew language

Greek is common with amulet inscriptions, although Latin and Hebrew and amulet inscriptions are known. In this case, the scribe's hand is definitely familiar with Greek. However, the inscription is Greek in appearance only, for the text itself is nothing other than a Greek transcription of the common Jewish prayer from the Old Testament (Deuteronomy, 6:4): "Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one."

The inscription on the amulet is a Jewish prayer:

Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one.

Целиот текст е на:



Η Μακεδονία δεν είναι Ελληνική
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2 јуни 2007
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Мижи Асан да ти бајам е работава на овој институт:

http://www.nia.gr/ (The Netherlands Institute at Athens (NIA)

....stimulating the contacts between the scientific and cultural institutions in the Netherlands and Greece.

А еден од атинските проекти е и овој:



Η Μακεδονία δεν είναι Ελληνική
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2 јуни 2007
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Би сакал да го чујам мислењето на Анавено, се разбира и на сите останати , за :..
Аууу...дури сега те открив. Мое мислење, го кажав во една тема-пост, се вика ДОСЕЛУВАЊЕТО НА ЕВРЕИТЕ ВО МАКЕДОНИЈА (секако во период пред австрискиот-римскиот)

Eвреите живееле во Македонија најмалку >2.000 год. и тие се секако дел од Македонската цивилизација и историја, тoa не смееме да го заборавиме и попгазиме, иако не ни се сроден народ.


tamu e i

fonetskoto pismo od caska-veles


Η Μακεδονία δεν είναι Ελληνική
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2 јуни 2007
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Emmanouil Papas,leader Greek revolution in Macedonia 1821

When the enslaved Greeks uprised against the Ottoman yoke in southern Greece in 1821 it was impossible for the Macedonians to stay idle.They participated in this pan-Hellenic struggle for freedom uprising in two Macedonian regions,Emathia and Chalkidiki and despite the fact they couldn't achieve to liberate their homeland and fulfill their dream of seeing it included within the boundaries of free Greece,due to the presence of overwhelming Turkish military forces in Macedonia at that time,they offered valuable help to their brethren in the south giving them the chance to consolidate the revolution.

The leader of the Macedonian insurgents in Chalkidiki who participated in the Greek revolution was Emmanouil Papas,a very rich merchant from Serres.He was born in 1773 in the village Dovista (today it's named after him),17 km eastern of Serres.His father Dimitrios and his grandfather Papa Leontis (or Papa Leontaris)were priests (hence the family's surname Papas which means priest in Greek).

The statue of Emmanouil Papas in Liberty Square at Serres

After his elementary education in his village he continued his studies in the Hellenic school of Serres.He got married with his fellow villager Phaedra who bore him 8 sons (Alexandros,Anastasios,Athanasios,Georgios,Ioannis ,Konstantinos,Michail,Nikolaos) and 3 daughters (Eleni,Efrosyni,Nerantzi) and settled in Serres.There he engaged in trade and banking business and acquired a vast property establishing trading posts in Constantinople, Vienna and Budapest.During one of his visits in Constantinople,he became in 1819 member of ( ),the secret Greek revolutionary organization .

letter of Alexandros Ypsilantis,the leader of the secretive Greek Friendly Society "Filiki Eteria" to Emmanouil Papas

Thus,two days before the start of the Greek revolution (23 March 1821)Papas bought at his own expense weapons,ammunition and supplies in Constantinople according to Ypsilantis' orders and departed for Mt Athos in Chalkidiki by the ship of Georgios Chatzivisvizis.He established his headquarters in the monastery of Esphigmenou.The congress of the monks of the Byzantine monasteries that are located in this mountain (hence its denomination = Holly Mountain) proclaimed him as .Papas started the war operations against the Ottomans with his < regular> troops which were consisted of 3.000 Macedonians,(Greek inhabitants of Chalkidiki joined with other Greeks from Serres ) and 1000 monks while he received help by all the Greek villages of Chalkidiki that had uprised.His assistants were two other Macedonian chieftains,Kapetan Chapsas (a native of Kassandra peninsula at Chalkidiki)and Diamantis Nikolaou from Mt Olympus region.The insurgents won initially some victories over the Ottomans,mainly during May and June and achieved to reach the outskirts of the Macedonian capital Salonica.Their plan was to join there with the Greek fleet and other reinforcements from southern Greece and attack simoultaneously by sea and land the numerous Turkish troops of that city.But this never happened since the fleet of the southern Greeks was engaged in various operations against the Ottomans in the Aegean sea.Thus the Macedonian insurgents started lacking ammunition and required supplies and when the adept Ottoman general Mehmed Emin (club-bearer) Pasha arrived leading a force of 14.000 men from Constantinople,the fate of the insurrection took a negative turn.The insurgents were limited in the peninsulas of Mt. Athos and Kassandra and totally defeated after the desicive battle at Vasilika where Kapetan Chapsas and his men fought to the death in order to save from the massacre women and children who were pursued by Ottoman troops.The later commited horrible attrocities against the Greek populations of Chalkidiki after the repression of the revolution while persecutions against Greeks had already taken place in other Macedonian cities like Salonica and Serres at the outbreak of the Greek insurrection in Macedonia.Papas retreated to the monastery of Esphigmenou accompanied by his son Ioannis and some of his faithful followers but he risked there to be captured by the Ottomans.So he fled to southern Greece,embarking on the same ship that brought him to Chalkidiki,but died en route of heart attack on December 5,1821.He was burried in the island of Hydra and in 1966 his remnants were transported to Serres and engraved in the base of his statue that was errected then.

The tombstone of Emmanouil Papas in the island of Hydra.

After the repression of the Greek revolution in Macedonia,many Masedonian fighters and chieftains (like Karatasos,Kasomoulis and many others) fled to southern Greece where they continued to struggle alongside their brethren for the liberation of Greece.Amongst them were the 4 adult sons of Emmanouil Papas of whom only one survived:Anastasios,who survived of the siege of Mesolongi and was appointed after the establishment of the free Greek state as judge in Patras,where he died in 1858.The fate of the other 3 wasn't different of that of their father:Athanasios was captured and executed by the Ottomans near Chalkida in 1826,Ioannis was killed in 1825 fighting alongside chieftain Papaflesas in the battle of Maniaki and Nikolaos was one of chieftain's Karaiskakis men who fell in the battle of Faliro,in 1827.As for Papas' wife and the underage children,they were imprisoned for many years by the Ottomans,their house was burnt and the rest of their property was confiscated.They were released after many years,having lost all of their vast property,their father and three of their brothers for the freedom of Greece.

A letter of Dimitrios Ypsilantis prominent member of "Filiki Eteria" and brother of Alexandros Ypsilantis to the sons of Emmanouil Papas after his death.

Refferences:Apostolos E. Vakalopoulos: "History of Macedonia 1354-1833", Vanias Press,1984

Apostolos E Vakalopoulos: "Emmanouil Papas,leader and defender of Macedonia:the history and the archives of his family" ,by Institute for Studies on the Haemus Peninsula,1981

Thomas Gordon: "History of the Greek revolution",1844.

G.Gervinus: "Geschichte des neunzehnten jarhunderts",1861.

G.Finlay: "History of the Greek revolution",vol.1,1861.


Η Μακεδονία δεν είναι Ελληνική
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2 јуни 2007
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Може убаво да се види како гејциве упорно работат на присвојување туѓа историја- и тоа забрзано од 1996-па наваму.

Можеби анавено ќе најде нешто интересно овде? :toe:

TELA, a city in Elimeia, Makedonia, it seems. The form TELA rather than DETELA, if correct, is undoubtedly genitive masculine), with a nominative O TELAS.The inscription involved is discussed by P. Nigdeles in TEKMHRIA A' (1995) 173-179, No. 1, with photograph [last plate, P. Nigdeles]. From the photograph one could read POLEVSDE v TELA, but there is some irregularity in the lettering.



testimonia of the Makedonian dialect


Η Μακεδονία δεν είναι Ελληνική
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2 јуни 2007
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Овие четири засебни плочи и предмети - пронајдени во Македонија - околу Пела - и за кои гејците со сигурност сеуште неможат да ги објаснат- кои се и што претставуваат ,затоа истите ги нарекле херои- Смешно навистина :pos2:

За дел од нив имаат свои претпоставки како на пример за оваа плоча претпоставуваат дека е Хефес- но со кратка коса , кој со десната рака подава нешто на ќерка си пред да влезе во пештерата...
Прашање е кој би можел да биде??????доколку не е Хефес

Потоа следува и оваа со ловецот на бикови-
И тој е само ХЕРОЈ за гејците- безимен

И последните двајца ХЕрои за кои исто немаат ОБЈАСНУВАЊЕ

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8 август 2008
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секојдневно обновување на сајтов- http://remacle.org/
така се работи пријатели мои- упорно терајќи ја водата на своја бразда-жално но вистинито.каде месечната посетеност е 15 ооо гости, кои ги читаат сервираните им грчки лаги.и на кого тие ќе веруваат- сигурно не на нас, зошто нашите книги љубоморно се чуваат во книжарници и домашни рафтови -фаќајки пајажина.

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Η Μακεδονία δεν είναι Ελληνική
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2 јуни 2007
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„Чудото“ во кое учествува и вештеркана Нина Гацулис
погледајте- има што да видете


Штета што ние немаме така припремен материјал од сите гејски збироштини - насочени против нас.

Чинијата на НОЕ- пронајдена во водите на Црно море на длабочина од 120 ΜΕΤΡΩΝ - за која гејците тврдат дека е доказ стар од околу 7000-9000 години за постоењето на древната гејска писменост- односно гејската азбука е онаа од Пелазгите


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