Се продлабочуваат односите Грција-Израел

Член од
17 март 2005
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3а жал, намерата на Турција да извлече максимум со играње на картата држава-водач во муслиманскиот свет има за нас нус ефект, а тоа е израелсо-грчкото зближување.

Сем геостратешко балансирање, останува да видиме до каде ќе одат. Израелциве барем знаат што им правеле грците и колку се антисемитски настроени.


Israel-Greece Ties Warm as Relations with Turkey Chill

by Maayana Miskin

As Israel's ties to Turkey remain distant, ties with Greece are growing warmer. Greek Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas was in Israel this Monday to meet with Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman and sign an aviation treaty.

In July, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu announced that Israel and Greece would undergo “a major upgrade of relations.” He spoke as Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou visited Israel in the first visit by a sitting Greek prime minister in decades.

Both Israel and Greece have denied a connection between Israel's strained ties with once-friendly Turkey and its newfound friendship with Greece. Droutsas stated that there was no competition between Greek's ties to Israel and its relationship to Turkey. “Each of these relationships has its own dynamic,” he said. Greece and Turkey fought over control of Cyprus and an uneasy truce exists between the two since 1974 with relations sometimes warming and sometimes at crisis level.

As the two signed the aviation agreement, Lieberman expressed hope that stronger ties between the two countries would be helpful “not only for this country, but the whole region.” During his term in office to date Lieberman has sought to forge new ties, reaching out to South America, southwest Asia, and other parts of the globe sometimes overlooked by Israel's diplomats.

Israel's ties with Turkey began deteriorating when Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan took office. Erdogan harshly condemned Israeli counterterror operations in Gaza, and allowed Turkish media to broadcast video clips with an extreme anti-Israel message.

In May, the Turkish government encouraged members of the terrorist group IHH to set sail for Gaza in defiance of Israel's naval ban on Hamas, along with many other foreign activists. IHH members attacked IDF commandos who took control of their ship off the coast of Gaza, leading to a battle in which nine Turkish citizens were killed. Following the clash, Turkey's leaders froze ties with Israel.

Israeli tourism to Turkey, previously the most popular site for vacations and backpacking for Israelis of all ages and economic levels because of its proximity, has dropped by an estimated 90 percent. Tourism industry workers say that many Israelis are now traveling to Greece instead.
Член од
30 август 2008
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Vo bliska idnina i ednite i drugite ke popusat:drk:

uste edna ekonomska kriza i otide cela Grcija

Kako i da e vo idnina ke se vzestuva situacijata na balkanot..


Vo bliska idnina i ednite i drugite ke popusat:drk:

uste edna ekonomska kriza i otide cela Grcija

Kako i da e vo idnina ke se vzestuva situacijata na balkanot..
Грција и онака го пуши секој ден, а Израел да го попуши мало морген попрво Америка ќе ја снема ..


wanna BOMB?
Член од
11 април 2010
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druze ke se zacudis kolku evrei se lideri vo neevrejski drzavi
Член од
30 август 2008
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druze ke se zacudis kolku evrei se lideri vo neevrejski drzavi
Pa da de,zaradi toa rekov deka vo teoriite na zagovor izraelcite se naj jaki, vo svetot ima edna golema tradicionalna propaganda,i so toa vo svetot se pretstavuva deka se e evrejsko, tocno e toa deka ima nekoi vazni bogatasi vo SAD sto se evrei,ama ne se tolku vliatelni kolku sto se prikazuva vo svetot, znam deka ima mnogu spekulacii,deka site vazni masoni vo svetot bile evrei..

I vonzemjanite bile Evrei:pos2:

izrael vo bliskiot istok e edinsvena zemja sto se razlikuva verski od drugi zemji, a na SAD i na Velika Britanija ova im odgovara,zaradi toa Izrael ke bide zastitena za sekogas od SAD i od Velika Britanija.

izrael e klucot na amerikancite i na britancite za bliskiot istok,,
Член од
17 март 2005
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Никако не е добра работава. Се усојузија во Вашингтон:

Israel Lobby Lends Support to Greece

American Jewish groups that make up the pro-Israel lobby are putting their muscle behind Greek-American causes on Capitol Hill, angering Turkey but reflecting new strategic shifts in the eastern Mediterranean.

Greece, once a sharp critic of Israel and an outspoken supporter of the Palestinians, has drawn much closer to Israel this year, signing agreements that have deepened their political, economic and military ties. The rapprochement between Athens and Jerusalem follows growing tensions between Israel and Turkey, which spilled over after a May 31 Israeli commando raid on a Gaza-bound flotilla that left nine Turks dead.

The alliance between pro-Israel and pro-Greek groups comes amid growing anger with Turkey on Capitol Hill, where many lawmakers support Israel and criticize Turkey, a NATO ally, for voting against new sanctions on Iran at the United Nations in June.

In an initial show of force, the two ethnic lobbies helped push House passage of a resolution calling for the protection of Greek Orthodox religious sites in the Turkish-occupied areas of Cyprus. Turkey’s 1974 invasion and occupation of northern Cyprus has long been a major issue for Greek-American groups, but the Israel lobby had not spoken out on the issue until now because of its earlier strategic alliance with Turkey.

“With Turkey becoming increasingly antagonistic to the rule of law and moving eastward, it behooves both Greece and Israel to bond together and forge a strategic relationship that strengthens the security of each nation,” Florida Republican Gus Bilirakis told a Washington audience last week. Bilirakis chairs the Congressional Hellenic Caucus, a group of lawmakers who support Greece and its allies.



Стоик и Машкртник!
Член од
27 јануари 2007
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Да не заборавиме дека:
Greece has withdrawn from joint military exercises with Israel in protest at the raid on the flotilla

лицемерието и анти-израелскиот однос на Грција е толку многу изразен последниве 100тина години што не верувам дека Евреите ќе го игнорираат.

Грција никогаш нема да ја замени улогата која ја има Турција за Израел, како пријателска муслиманска држава.

Еве ти еден текст од американски Евреј во врска со грчко-еврејското сојузништво:

AIPAC, AJC, ADL: To Hell With The Turks

It must be fun being the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the Anti-Defamation League, or the American Jewish Committee. You can switch policies on a dime and everybody understands.

For decades, these three have been unabashedly pro-Turkish. If Turkey was for it, they were for it. No matter what the issue -- even one as emotional as the Armenian genocide -- the big three Jewish organizations backed Turkey to the hilt as did their Congressional cutouts. (Not long ago, ADL fired an official in Boston for saying that there was an Armenian genocide).

The reason. Turkey was (and, in my opinion, is) Israel's most powerful friend in the Muslim world. Going back to its first prime minister, David Ben Gurion, Israel worked hard at maintaining a strategic friendship with the Turks.

And so did Israel's lobby in America.

By extension, the lobby did not like Greece, Greek Cyprus, or anything the Greeks liked. The organizations loved sending delegations to Turkey, encouraging Jewish tourism there, and celebrated Turkey as utterly free of anti-semitism. (The Greeks were dismissed as incorrigibly left-wing).

No more. Ever since the Turks opposed the Gaza invasion and blockade, the lobby has been furious at Turks for their temerity. Its prime minister even publicly admonished Shimon Peres about Gaza in Davos. And then there was the flotilla incident (about which Turkey has infinitely more reason to be angry about than Israel), Within the period of a few months, Israel and its lobby turned on Turkey with a vengeance. Even the 1915 genocide that previously wasn't a genocide became one overnight.

Now Turkey is the country the lobby loves to hate. Assuming that the best way to stick it to Turkey is to suck up to Greece, that it what AIPAC, AJC, and ADL are doing. In lockstep. These guys remind me of American communists back in the 1930's, with their sheer dexterity at shifting policies in about an hour! How silly can you get?

Jonathan Broder writes all about it in Congressional Quarterly (I don't have the link because I can't afford a subscription) but here is a small excerpt. It is about the new lobby position on Cyprus, a subject about which it previously showed no interest. But the new anti-Turkish position applies across the board. (The American Jewish Committee should be calling for renaming Istanbul any day now. Why not Constantinople?).

Here's Broder;

Pro-Israel powerhouses such as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Committee, all of which had advocated effectively for Turkey before relations between Jerusalem and Ankara began to fray, were among the organizations that joined forces with several Greek-American groups to lobby for passage of the Cyprus resolution. Bilirakis said Jewish lawmakers and members of the pro-Greece caucus teamed up to get the resolution passed.

"Greece determined that closer relations with Israel could diminish the strength of the Turkish-American lobby," said Ekavi Athanassopoulou,a political scientist at the University of Athens.

And the word is getting down to the community too. "The Greek Islands are prettier than the Turkish islands. And Greece is Israel's friend."

Hilarious. The islands are all beautiful. But Greece has never been very friendly to Israel, while Turkey always has. Besides, even if it wanted to, Greece cannot offer Israel what Turkey can: a key friend in the Muslim word.

Previous Israeli prime ministers would understand the necessity of maintaining good solid ties with Turkey. After all, they worked for decades to build them. But not Netanyahu and his sidekick, Avigdor Lieberman. Their foreign policy is all about self-pity, resentment, and spite. In this case, they are spiting themselves and hurting Israel.

And their pet lemmings -- the "pro-Israel" lobby that is anything but -- are running off the cliff with them.

For Israel's sake, these people need to grow up. Israel should be friendly with Greece. But it needs to be friendly to Turkey. Is that too hard to grasp?

By M.J. Rosenberg - October 13, 2010


smart ass

Де па една вежба на израелците со авион танкер и полнење гориво во воздух(дистанца близу иран) само што овде појдоа во Атина,Израел знае дека може многу да изгуби ако ја изгуби турција,ова посебно ќе се одрази негативно и во политичката но и економската сфера,мислам Израел само прави дипломатски маневр-пак со турција ќе бидат.

П.С и ние сме стратешки партнери и со Турција.


Член од
18 април 2005
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Само моментален интерес е ова, за да се соземе Турција и да се врати на правилата поставени од Ататурк.
Нема да има Турција ако не завземе соодветни позиции, тоа значи никакво шурување со Иран и околина и потполна предаденост на Сад+Израел.
Член од
17 март 2005
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Хаарец вели дека во меѓувреме дискутирале за да воспостават одбранбено и стратешко партнерство. :(

Israeli and Greek officials have since discussed defense and strategic cooperation. Greece is also planning to attract Israeli vacationers who used to go to Turkey. Israeli tourism to Greece has increased by 200 percent this year and is expected to reach 250,000 by the end of the year.


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