Каква сапуница лежи во муабетов. Леле лелеГоспо му е татко на Исус, а Исус е Госпо, пошто се едно. Исус ја затруднил својата мајка за да се роди самиот тој, за да може луѓето да го мачат и распнат со цел да ни ги прости гревовите пошто сме злобни.

A proof that a man may be his own Grandfather.—There was a widow and her daughter-in-law, and a man and his son. The widow married the son, and the daughter the old man; the widow was, therefore, mother to her husband's father, consequently grandmother to her own husband. They had a son, to whom she was great-grandmother; now, as the son of a great-grandmother must be either a grandfather or great-uncle, this boy was therefore his own grandfather. N. B. This was actually the case with a boy at a school in Norwich.