Проблематични патници

Член од
17 март 2005
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Дипломат од Катар (трет секретар, што ќе рече уште е во опинци) отишол да пуши (?) во WCто на авионот, но кога по долго време излегол и го прашале што прави, рекол "ги потпалував кондурите бидејќи имам бомба".:uvo:

Кој кретен! :uvo:

Што е најтрагично, типов има дипломатски имунитет. Реков ќе го задржат малку, колку да му удрат 10-15 пендраци кај што боли.


F-16 fighter jets were scrambled to intercept United Airlines Flight 663, which originated from Washington's Reagan National Airport, as authorities feared he may have been trying to light a shoe bomb on board.

"It looks like the individual in question was perhaps smoking in the lavatory and might have made an unfortunate remark," a US official said.

An air marshall on the flight reportedly tried to restrain him after he made the joke, which alarmed fellow passengers.

The incident was later declared a misunderstanding and not a serious security threat, but the man was arrested and taken into custody once the plane landed safely in Denver at about 9pm (0100 GMT), where it was surrounded by security vehicles.

The FBI was investigating whether the man, identified by ABC News as Qatari diplomat Mohammed al-Modadi, tried to ignite something aboard the plane. Mr al-Modadi, 27, has full diplomatic immunity as the third secretary and vice-consul of the Qatari embassy in Washington. He is described as a mid-level Qatari diplomat who has been in the US for two years.

None of the 157 passengers aboard the plane or six crew members on board were injured, and no explosives were found on board the plane.

"Law enforcement and TSA have responded to the scene and the passenger is currently in custody," the Transportation Security Administration said in a statement. "All steps are being taken to ensure the safety of the traveling public."

ABC News, citing federal law enforcement officials, had reported earlier that US air marshals subdued a Qatari man who authorities say tried to "light his shoes on fire" on the flight.

CNN reported that when he was asked why he was in the toilet so long, "said something about lighting his shoe on fire."

The latest aviation scare came amid heightened worries about attempts to attack the United States.

US authorities have been on heightened alert after Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who had ties to an al Qaeda-affiliated group, tried to explode a bomb hidden in his underwear on a flight from Amsterdam to Detroit on Christmas Day last year.

Just months after hijackers crashed planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, Richard Reid, a Briton and self-admitted member of al-Qaeda, was subdued on a trans-Atlantic flight diverted to Boston after attempting to detonate explosives hidden in his shoes.

Reid pleaded guilty to eight counts related to terrorism and was sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole.
Член од
25 септември 2008
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Не знам што стана со темата за проблематични патници, изгледа одамна беше, но еве да ја започнеме наново.

За ова подоле отпрвин мислев дека е монтажа, но не ќе да е. Човеков е фотографиран од стјуардеса во B-757 на American Airlines за да им покаже на своите претпоставени какви се проблеми може да се создадат. На вакви патници обично им наплатуваат две карти за две (или повеќе седишта).

.... Ја кога летав Скопје-Хургада и Хургада-Скопје, имаше случај (не ко овој, ама пак чоекот беше прилично габаритен) .... На пола лет, толку му беше комфорот нарушен, што чоекот почна забрзано да дише, после тоа среќа пошто имаше вишок место одзади, некако таму се смести.... нормално на две седишта....
Член од
7 мај 2005
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чоекот беше прилично габаритен
Ова беше баш поетски кажано. :D:D

Најнов случај, патник се напил и потоа измочал, но не во wc-то. Се работи за глумецот Жерар Депардие.


Gerard Depardieu was on an Air France jet yesterday when apparently he peed in the aisle.

While waiting for his plane to take off in Paris, there was a delay in the plane taking off for Dublin.

The actor told the flight attendant, “Je veux pisser,” meaning – “I have to pee”. The flight attendant didn’t let him get out of his seat, and told him he’d have to wait 15 minutes – because the fight was just about to take off.

According to witnesses on the plane, Depardieu then unzipped his pants and pissed on the aisle carpet.

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