Политички случувања во Израел


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Автоматски споено мислење:

Israeli army gassed my son ‘like Auschwitz,’ mother of slain Israeli soldier says

An outraged Israeli mom has sparked an uproar after accusing the Israeli army of deliberately gassing her son to death while he was being held in a Gaza tunnel. Now she says the Israeli military had her son’s gravestone removed after her critical message went viral.
His killing follows a pattern of Israeli military attacks on Israeli captives in Gaza, raising questions about the existence of a friendly fire policy to prevent prisoner swaps.

The mother of a now-dead Israeli soldier captured by Hamas militants on October 7 says it was the Israeli military, not Palestinian resistance fighters, who killed her son. In a recently-published post on Facebook, Israeli mother Maayan Sherman wrote that her son Ron was “indeed murdered – not by Hamas,” but in circumstances more akin to “Auschwitz and the showers.”
The killing of her son, she wrote, was caused “not from accidental gunfire, nor from crossfire, but from premeditated murder – bombing with poison gas.”

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deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Aga Aganlija
Член од
9 декември 2014
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Автоматски споено мислење:

Israeli army gassed my son ‘like Auschwitz,’ mother of slain Israeli soldier says

An outraged Israeli mom has sparked an uproar after accusing the Israeli army of deliberately gassing her son to death while he was being held in a Gaza tunnel. Now she says the Israeli military had her son’s gravestone removed after her critical message went viral.
His killing follows a pattern of Israeli military attacks on Israeli captives in Gaza, raising questions about the existence of a friendly fire policy to prevent prisoner swaps.

The mother of a now-dead Israeli soldier captured by Hamas militants on October 7 says it was the Israeli military, not Palestinian resistance fighters, who killed her son. In a recently-published post on Facebook, Israeli mother Maayan Sherman wrote that her son Ron was “indeed murdered – not by Hamas,” but in circumstances more akin to “Auschwitz and the showers.”
The killing of her son, she wrote, was caused “not from accidental gunfire, nor from crossfire, but from premeditated murder – bombing with poison gas.”

Автоматски споено мислење:

Bibliskiot Izrael (od Eufrat do Mediteranot i crveno more). Spremni genocidno da ocistat se do tie granici i da go precekaat Mesijata.
Psihijatrija od nevideni razmeri....
Член од
19 март 2011
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Lavrov za Izrael i Ukraina

Lavrov: Israeli officials called Palestinians animals similar to Yatsenyuk saying, “Non-humans live in the Donbass.” There are ultra-extremists in the Netanyahu government.

Not a single Western democracy responded to those remarks. There were also remarks that there are no peaceful civilians in Gaza, everyone over three years old is already an extremist. No response from the West either.

The Israeli envoy to the UN called Guterres “accomplices to terrorists” and for his firing. Young people and children in Gaza are born in a situation where the Palestinian State promised to them over 70 years ago has not been created yet.

And the chances that one day it will be created are becoming more and more elusive, smaller and smaller because this policy was encouraged by the US which has monopolized initiatives in the Middle East. Blinken thinks the entire region wants the US as the main player.

Several former Israeli Foreign Ministers were skeptical when I said, “The absence of progress in the creation of the Palestinian State was the most substantial factor feeding extremism in the Arab streets.” The longer the creation of the Palestinian State is at an impasse, the harder it will be to ensure security for Israel and other Arab States.

We need to make sure that the Israelis and Palestinians sit at the same table and start talking. We can not allow the Americans to speak about this matter in hushed whispers behind closed doors. They’re trying to include Arabs in their discussions that exclude Palestinians... for these decisions to suit their own interests. It is a manifestation of the same neo-colonial practices.

The Israelis shouldn’t even try to create the impression that, because of their sufferings during WWII, they can do whatever they want right now... because in that case then we would be allowed to do whatever we want as well. No. Such a system won’t do if we want to preserve international law.

Kiev is allowed to do anything and this all-permissiveness manifests itself in every field... Ukraine can even torture and kill an American citizen in prison and the Americans are keeping mum about that.... All permissiveness leads to a catastrophe, which has already struck the brains of the current Ukrainian leadership.
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deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Не бе какво етничко чистење... Ајде и понатаму да се правиме глупи дека буквално за етничко чистење не зборуваат израелски официјални претставници 24/7.



deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Состојбата на западното општество денес... Какво размислување е ова бе? :unsure:

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deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Во врска со пукањето од пред некој ден, на границата меѓу Газа и Египет:

Член од
19 март 2011
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Елон нешто слобода на говор ќе воведуваше на твитер али одма го подбраа газдите да не се занесува многу :icon_lol:


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Автоматски споено мислење:

Но реално ова не е ништо конкретно, најважното е што не бараат од Израел да има примирје. Но пресудата секако отвара пат за нови мерки...

Автоматски споено мислење:

ICJ EXPLANATION: Why is the South African case against Israel at The Hague important and historic!

- Many people think that the ICJ case has no consequence and hence means nothing. This cannot be further from the truth❗

1) First you need to understand how these institutions are used.

Previously such international institutions were used by western countries to exert pressure on the global south.

The west always talks about morality and the need to abide by international law and The Hague’s decisions.

- Reminder, last year a case in Hague’s ICC was opened against the Russian president. The G7 then exerted tremendous pressure on all countries to break ties with Russia and arrest the Russian president upon visit of their country.

South Africa was hosting a BRICS summit and they could not invite the Russian president. There was a lot of controversy, but in the end the ICC triumphed.

Now we have South Africa flipping the tables and essentially trapping the G7 in a situation where they either need to abide by the ICJ court and abandon Israel or they destroy the international institutions of The Hague.

The global south is watching closely. If the case will be dropped now, it’s effectively a destruction of the institution as well.

2) What will happen if South Africa wins?

Let’s say the court rules in South Africa’s favor. Now nothing happens, Israel ignores the decision.

South Africa goes with this decision to the UN! Then the general assembly can decide on further proceedings and they will in Palestine’s favor.

This likely would lead to UN mandated sanctions of Israel, like freezing assets, import limits and so on.

Now this is essentially another problem for the west, since all countries around Israel would join the sanctions.

The US cannot forbid countries to abide by UN decisions, also if the G7 countries do not follow the sanctions then they will be in blatant violation as well.

3)‍⚖ NEXT: ICC follow-up lawsuits!

First the ICC would have to look at Netanyahu and co, since there’s a case confirming they’re doing gen**ide they cannot ignore it.

And now we come back the big drama the G7 made about the Russian president. Now the same would apply to Netanyahu, for example. This means he can’t go to Europe and US anymore, just imagine this!

Netanyahu would be officially a criminal that has to be arrested upon arrival.

That would be the self destruction of the west or the downfall of Israel, ending up as a pariah state.

4) Indonesia lawsuits:

Now Indonesia is filing a lawsuit at the ICJ against Israel for the 70 year occupation of Palestine.

The decision is “moral binding” sure.

BUT again, it’s a hypocrisy trap and Indonesia can take this decision to the UN general assembly and try to get all countries to act, i. E. sanctions.

5) Mexico and Chile sue Israel as well in the ICC.

"The action by Mexico and Chile is due to growing worry over the latest escalation of violence, particularly against civilian targets

Israel is not a member of the Hague-based court and does not recognize its jurisdiction.

But the ICC's prosecutor has stressed his court has jurisdiction over potential crimes carried in Gaza and Israel.”

‼ Another hypocrisy trap, Russia is also not a member of the ICC but G7 countries ignored that and demanded his arrest. Now this cannot be used as an excuse anymore, or Russia is off.


South Africa’s lawsuit at the international court of justice is a clever trap for the west.

Either destroy all your institutions and be finally and fully exposed as a hypocrite or act against Israel.

This is also why the western countries freak out so much about the ICJ, because they would have a big problem if Israel would be convicted.

Just look at the UN voting for Palestine (pic), Israel has no chance if there’s a court decision.

If South Africa wins, or any other lawsuit would win, Israel has a problem.

More countries are joining the lawsuits or file their own!

Let’s see!

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