@121314 мислам дека следново тебе би ти било од интерес... А можеби ќе понудиш едно твое толкување.
Како и да е, ова долу треба да е интересно за сите што претендираат од едуциран аспект да дискутираат на темава.
@MiroCyo: Geneticists have had access to ancient DNA whole genome sequences from Canaanites, Israelites, Judahites for some time now. First genetic distances to modern people below. I will be providing lots of inform...…
Geneticists have had access to ancient DNA whole genome sequences from Canaanites, Israelites, Judahites for some time now.
First genetic distances to modern people below. I will be providing lots of information in this thread
Интересно: The reason Christian Levantines are closest the Canaanites, Israelites, Roman-era Jews, etc is because they never relinquished their religion, and therefore never mixed with other groups after the Islamic invasion. Those Christians who converted to Islam now had opportunities to mix with other Muslims, and even slaves from sub-Saharan Africa.
This is what it looks like happened. The Bronze Age inhabitants of the region were Canaanites, Amorites, Eblaites, etc. The ancestors of the Akkadians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Chaldeans, etc also came from the BA Levant. A subgroup of Canaanites became Israelites (they are genetically indistinguishable from Canaanites). This subgroup remains largely similar to each other until Alexander conquers the entire Middle East. Then, Greek and Bactrian ancestry start entering the Levant.
At this time, Samaritans split off from the ancestors of Jews, Christians, and Muslims of the Levant. They are the first to split off. This is because they barely mixed with the incoming Greek/Bactrian groups. The new population Roman-era Levantines are almost indistinguishable from modern day Palestinian Christians, Lebanese Christians, etc. They stay like this till the modern period, refusing to mix with Muslim Arabs (they weren't allowed to regardless) and not usually being allowed to own slaves.
This is where Levantine Muslims (Palestinian Muslims, Lebanese Muslims, etc) split off from the Christians - some Christians convert to Islam. They are now allowed to own slaves from Africa, and mix with Arabians and Egyptians and other Muslim groups. They carry some of this foreign ancestry.
Before, during, and after Alexanders invasion you had many other Jewish groups of course, splitting off and going to Europe and North Africa, being forcibly deported to Mesopotamia, etc. They are the only ones who either 1: didnt convert to the Arabian religion 2: didnt convert to the new religion that was formed/evolved through Judaism The truth is, everyone in the Levant is overwhelmingly descended from ancient Jews, or at the very least those genetically indistinguishable from ancient Jews. Lots of Muslims like to exxagerate their relationship to Arabians, since that is where their religion is from, and their prophet was an Arabian. The truth, for better or worse, is that almost none of them carry much Arabian ancestry. Only Negev Bedouins and Yemenite Jews do.
Заклучокот е дека овие новиве „Евреи“ не се Евреи во никаква генетска/етничка смисла на зборот, туку се Европејци кои практикуваат религија Јудеизам. Голем дел ниту тоа - затоа што голем дел од модерните „Евреи“ се атеисти. Историски факт е дека основачите на ционизмот и на државата Израел биле атеисти. Воедно самиот денешен Еврејски јазик бил реконструиран потоа од пишани историски записи.
Значи имаме европски доселеници без еврејско нацинално наследство, кои во Палестина ги колонизираат (и етнички ги чистат) потомците и генетски наследници на вистинските историјски Евреи. И сето тоа во име на „воскреснување“ на библискиот Израел... Што повеќе да се каже? Би линкал извадоци од „Житието на Брајан“ од Монти Пајтон, ама повеќето ионака нема да го разберат хуморот.