Офанзива на грчки блогери(спамери)!

Член од
13 декември 2005
Поени од реакции

1. We demand that the citizens of FYROM will be free to declare their greek origin in the censuses.
2. We demand that the citizens of FYROM, who were obliged by extreme regimes to change their surname into slavic one, to be permitted without any limitations to return to their initial greek names, if they want it.
3. We demand the recognition of all the greek monuments, which have been found in the region of ancient Pelagonia (nowadays southern FYROM's).
4. We demand the recognition of all the Greek Orthodox churches in the region of ancient Pelagonia(nowadays southern FYROM's).
5. We demand that all the acts of trasformation of the Byzantine Orthodox monuments, which they have Greek Byzantine incriptions, like the icons, to be stopped immediately.
6. We demand that all the Greek Orthodox churches in the region of ancient Pelagonia (nowadays southern FYROM's) to be free for masses.
7.We demand that the citizens of FYROM of greek origin to be free to attend masses in the Oerthodox churches, which are under the jurisdiction of the Serbian Patriarchate, and not to be obliged to attend masses in the schismatic, illegal and not recognized by not a single of the Patriarchates, church, the self named "Macedonian" Orthodox Church.
8. We demand the return or fiscal compensation from the governament of FYROM to the descendants of the Greeks, who unwillingly abandon their hereditary houses, churches, schools and lands under tragic circumstances in the region, as well as to them whom the properties were confiscated by totalitarian regimes in places like Monastiri, Yevgeli, Krusevo etc.
9. We demand that the Greek cemeteries, which are remain silent witnesses of the greek presence in the area, in places like Bitola (Monastiri), to be recognized and conservated as historical monuments by the governement of FYROM.
10. We demand that the greek language should be taught in public schools and its teaching to be founded by the governement of FYROM in the regions where its teaching are asked.
11. We demand that, beside the name "Makedonian" the officiAL language of FYROM to be characterized also officially as "Slavonic". FYROM cannot monopolise the term "Macedomnian" in a national-linguistic or ethnic frame. Historically and linguistically, the slavonic language of Skopje (which is similar to the serbian and the bulgarian one) it is absolutely different from the regional/topical slavic dialects used as oral language in some places in the Macedonian neigbouring to FYROM regions.
12. We demand from the Greek governement to give passports to the Greeks, whose origin could be proved in the historic northern regions of Macedonia, Pelagonia and Yevgeli (nowadays southern FYROMS's), independently of the mother language (i.e., greek, vlach, slavonic local idioms/peripheral dialects, or the Slavonic official language of Skopje).

submit your support here, e-mail directly on UN website. Cut and paste this decree with your comment of support.

Support this decree and help Macedonians from repressioin of the Slavonics


Член од
5 февруари 2007
Поени од реакции


1. We demand that the citizens of FOPOY (Former Ottoman Province of Yunnanistan) will be free to declare their Macedonian origin in the censuses.
2. We demand that the citizens of FOPOY , who were obliged by extreme regimes to change their surname and name into a Greek one, to be permitted without any limitations to return to their initial Macedonian names, if they want it.
3. We demand the recognition of all the Macedonian monuments, which have been found in the region of ancient Mygdonia (nowadays northern FOPOY).
4. We demand the recognition of all the Macedonian Orthodox churches in the region Aegean Macedonia (now Northern FOPOY) to be handed back, unsealed (because there are sealed from the outside because of their Macedonian nature), while the destroyed ones rebuilt.
5. We demand that all the acts of trasformation of the Orthodox monuments, which they have Macedonian incriptions, like the icons, to be stopped immediately.
6. We demand that all the Macedonian Orthodox churches in the region of Aegean Macedonia (now Northern FOPOY) to be free for Liturgy.
7.We demand that the citizens of FOPOY of Macedonian origin to be free to attend masses in the Orthodox churches, which are under the jurisdiction of the Greek Patriarchate, and not to be obliged to attend Liturgy in the neo-nazi orientated Greek Orthodox Church.
8. We demand the return or fiscal compensation from the government of FOPOY to the descendants of the Macedonians, who unwillingly abandon their hereditary houses, churches, schools and lands under tragic circumstances in the region, as well as to them whom the properties were confiscated by totalitarian regimes in places like Lerin (now Florina), Voden (now Eddesa), Kostur (now Kastoria), etc.
9. We demand that the Macedonian cemeteries, which are remain silent witnesses of the Macedonian presence in the area, in places like Ser, to be recognised and to undergo conservation as historical monuments by the government of FOPOY .
10. We demand that the Macedonian language should be taught in public schools and its teaching to be founded by the government of FOPOY in the regions where its teaching is required.


Член од
5 февруари 2007
Поени од реакции
Инаку писмото е без веза, е комплетно исмејување на Македонските маки и е тотално неинтелектуално составено.

Педераштина ништо друго, само лека провокација. Ако некој ги слуша, нека им прости Господ, бидејки ние нема.


Антички Словен
Член од
2 мај 2008
Поени од реакции
Ја осетија опасноста од презентирање на егзодусот на Македонците од Беломорска Македонија и сега сакаат да внесат забуна во информациите, нешто слично како античката македонска историја.
Тоа сето е координирано од нивниот центар за пропаганда и не е така нацино како што изгледа.
И нам ни треба одредена координација од историчари, преведувачи, веб дизајнери, волонтери, поорганизирано да се презентира вистината за егзодусот на Македонците од Беломорска Македонија.


Член од
5 февруари 2007
Поени од реакции
Ја осетија опасноста од презентирање на егзодусот на Македонците од Беломорска Македонија и сега сакаат да внесат забуна во информациите, нешто слично како античката македонска историја.
Тоа сето е координирано од нивниот центар за пропаганда и не е така нацино како што изгледа.
И нам ни треба одредена координација од историчари, преведувачи, веб дизајнери, волонтери, поорганизирано да се презентира вистината за егзодусот на Македонците од Беломорска Македонија.
Ај уште пола месец, па ќе се удадам јас во тоа. :D Само за разлика од нив ние не шириме пропаганда. Ова што е во писмото нивно е како Македонските проблеми заменети со зборовите Грција/Грчки... итн.

Ама ќе се организираме, само ми треба уште пола месец да средам некои други работи.
Член од
23 јуни 2008
Поени од реакции
Dear Dejan,

you're definately right, I've corrected it. I don't know how I missed it out, but thank you for pointing it to me.

Best Regards,

Burak Sansal



Член од
31 јули 2007
Поени од реакции
Ова се живи глупости бе, од грчки копиљаци и неможе нешто друго да се очекува...

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