безразлика дали е хемиски или било каков повторно треба многу енергија да се донесе и дали знае некој колку време би можел да работи ласерот до неговото повторно полнење на резервите со инертен гас
Доволно за 15 балистички ракети. Инаку ласерот Користи:
Oxygen Iodine Laser (COIL) on a modified Boeing
747-400F aircraft to support the potential application of directed energy for missile
јас како споредба го дадов стаклото колку има легури кој би го заштитиле колку толка а да не
зборам за технологиите кој ќе се развиваат за заштите на ракетите од стакло [/quote]
Пардон за каква технологија станува збор да не се шалиш?????
незнам што е тоа directed Energy во превод ми звучи како насочена енергија но ласерот е светлосна и само светлосна енергија и што мислиш на црна или на бела површина ласеров ќе има поголем ефект или безразлика на површината ќе има иста ефикасност ?
Не е проблем да не знаеш туку ако не прашаш,човекот учи додека е жив нели
Наједноставно ласерот не е само светлина туку зрак кој влијае термално и има јачина од минимум 1 Мегават Еве како и да ќе има површината дали е бела,црвена жолта сепак еден мегават е еден мегават.
Еве како уништува балистички ракети.
According to MDA, the experiment began at 8:44 pm Pacific Standard Time when “a
short-range threat-representative ballistic missile was launched from an at-sea mobile
launch platform. Within seconds, the ALTB used onboard sensors to detect the boosting
missile and used a low-energy laser to track the target. The ALTB then fired a second
low-energy laser to measure and compensate for atmospheric disturbance. Finally, the
ALTB fired its megawatt-class, high-energy laser, heating the boosting ballistic missile to
critical structural failure. The entire engagement occurred within two minutes of the target
missile launch, while its rocket motors were still thrusting.
Значи термално,а има и повеќе успеси.
- The ALTB uses one of its six infrared sensors to detect the exhaust plume of a boosting missile.
- Next, a kilowatt-class solid state laser, the Track Illuminator, tracks the missile and determines a precise aim point.
- The Beacon Illuminator, a second kilowatt-class solid state laser, then measures disturbances in the atmosphere, which are corrected by the adaptive optics system to accurately point and focus the High Energy Laser (HEL) at its target.
- Using a large telescope located in the nose turret, the beam control/fire control system focuses COIL beam onto a pressurized area of the missile, holding it there until the energy compromises the missile’s structure.
Модифициран Боинг 747-400 со специјална намена-заштита од балистички проектили.
- Recent Experiments
- On August 10, 2009, the ALTB successfully engaged an instrumented boosting missile target with its kilowatt class solid state
- lasers. This test was the first time laser performance data was collected at the target missile.
- On August 18, 2009, the ALTB’s HEL successfully fired in flight. The laser fired into an onboard calorimeter to measure its
- performance.
- On January 10, 2010, the ALTB successfully engaged an instrumented rocket at the lethal demonstration range. This test was
- the first time the HEL performance data was collected at the target missile.
- On February 3, 2010, the ALTB successfully engaged and destroyed a boosting solid-fueled Terrier Black Brant (TBB) rocket.
- On February 11, 2010, the ALTB successfully engaged and destroyed a boosting liquid-fueled Foreign Military Acquisition (FMA)
- missile. On the same flight, it successfully engaged a boosting Terrier Black Brant rocket meeting all test objectives without
- negating the rocket.
- On May 3, 2010, the ALTB successfully engaged an instrumented rocket at twice the range of the first lethal engagement. The
- results of this experiment verified ALTB’s ability to destroy an FMA at twice the first lethal demonstration range.
- On September 1, 2010, the ALTB successfully engaged a boosting liquid-fueled FMA missile at twice the range of the first lethal
- demonstration; however, it failed to achieve the primary mission objective of premature thrust termination when an interrupted
- data conversion led to an unsafe HEL beam pointing condition and terminated the engagement. The safety system successfully
- terminated the HEL firing before any damage or off target propagation occurred.
- On October 20, 2010, the ALTB successfully engaged a boosting solid-fueled TBB rocket. During tracking, the HEL incorrectly
- reported it was not ready to fire and aborted the engagement. The cause was traced to a single micro-switch on an iodine valve
- that incorrectly reported a closed-valve condition. The valves were subsequently replaced and new software procedures were
- implemented to ensure a single fault of this type cannot cause a system abort in the future.
Повели еве тоа како
изгледа даунлоадирај тоа е видео..
- Понатаму треба да се има предвид и атмосферата но проектот сега засега е Успешен но скап.
Ласерот во акција.
Очигледно ракетата губи структурален интегритет и не ја погоди целта.
Повели и
видео од првиот тест.