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Ако некој не бил роден или намерно заборавил како е да си непризнаен, изолиран, без дипломатски односи и без статус на држава, Палестина и Курдистан на Балканот, па продава глупости...дали му е толку тешко да сфати дека самостојна држава Македонија не постоеше, а можеше никогаш и да не постои (за некои да си играат држава, некој друг требаше да ја создаде)
од 1993
U.N. Compromise Lets Macedonia Be a Member
Published: April 8, 1993
UNITED NATIONS, April 7— The Security Council today approved United Nations membership for another former Yugoslav republic after a clumsy-looking compromise ended a controversy with Greece over its admission and injected a little more stability into the Balkan region.
The Council agreed to admit Macedonia under the provisional name of "the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia." It has been admitted to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund with that name.
But the compromise also makes Macedonia the first United Nations member to be banned from flying its national flag in front of the headquarters building in New York or at any other United Nations site.
At the same time the Council gave its backing to the two Balkan mediators, Lord Owen and his new colleague, Thorvald Stoltenberg, the former Norwegian Foreign Minister, who have undertaken to try to resolve Greece's quarrel with Macedonia over its name and flag as well as over parts of its Constitution, all of which Athens sees as implying that the Government in Skopje harbors a claim to the northeastern Greek province of Macedonia.
The unanimous Council vote today prepares the way for the General Assembly to complete Macedonia's admission on Thursday. This in turn will open the door for most of the rest of the world, including the United States and the 12 European Community countries, to extend diplomatic recognition, more than a year after Macedonia declared its independence.
United Nations membership and recognition by the rest of the world, diplomats here hope, will provide an extra measure of protection and stability for this tiny, impoverished, landlocked nation of two million ethnically divided inhabitants, reducing the risk that the civil wars in Bosnia and Croatia will spill into the rest of the Balkans.
That risk remains real, however. About a third of Macedonians are of Muslim Albanian extraction. They are sympathetic to any attempt by the Albanian majority in the neighboring Yugoslav province of Kosovo to create a Greater Albania.
The other two-thirds of Macedonians are of Bulgarian origin, and while Bulgaria recognizes Macedonia as an independent state, it refuses to recognize its people as a separate nation. The Greeks' Fears
Despite the strong political case for admitting Macedonia to the United Nations quickly, Greece blocked its membership for more than a year on the ground that Skopje has territorial claims on Greek Macedonia.
And by playing skillfully on the European Community's commitment to forging a common foreign policy, and on the Bush Administration's fear of upsetting Greek-Americans in an election year, Athens persuaded much of the rest of the world to defer recognition, too.
The compromise does not prevent Macedonia from using that name itself, but requires that the country be called the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia at the United Nations. Similarly, it cannot fly its current national flag at the United Nations because it bears the 16-ray Vergina Sun, which Greece considers the emblem of the ancient Macedonian Greeks and a sign that Skopje still claims Greek Macedonia.
It is now up to Lord Owen and Mr. Stoltenberg to resolve these disputes.
од 1993
U.N. Compromise Lets Macedonia Be a Member
Published: April 8, 1993
UNITED NATIONS, April 7— The Security Council today approved United Nations membership for another former Yugoslav republic after a clumsy-looking compromise ended a controversy with Greece over its admission and injected a little more stability into the Balkan region.
The Council agreed to admit Macedonia under the provisional name of "the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia." It has been admitted to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund with that name.
But the compromise also makes Macedonia the first United Nations member to be banned from flying its national flag in front of the headquarters building in New York or at any other United Nations site.
At the same time the Council gave its backing to the two Balkan mediators, Lord Owen and his new colleague, Thorvald Stoltenberg, the former Norwegian Foreign Minister, who have undertaken to try to resolve Greece's quarrel with Macedonia over its name and flag as well as over parts of its Constitution, all of which Athens sees as implying that the Government in Skopje harbors a claim to the northeastern Greek province of Macedonia.
The unanimous Council vote today prepares the way for the General Assembly to complete Macedonia's admission on Thursday. This in turn will open the door for most of the rest of the world, including the United States and the 12 European Community countries, to extend diplomatic recognition, more than a year after Macedonia declared its independence.
United Nations membership and recognition by the rest of the world, diplomats here hope, will provide an extra measure of protection and stability for this tiny, impoverished, landlocked nation of two million ethnically divided inhabitants, reducing the risk that the civil wars in Bosnia and Croatia will spill into the rest of the Balkans.
That risk remains real, however. About a third of Macedonians are of Muslim Albanian extraction. They are sympathetic to any attempt by the Albanian majority in the neighboring Yugoslav province of Kosovo to create a Greater Albania.
The other two-thirds of Macedonians are of Bulgarian origin, and while Bulgaria recognizes Macedonia as an independent state, it refuses to recognize its people as a separate nation. The Greeks' Fears
Despite the strong political case for admitting Macedonia to the United Nations quickly, Greece blocked its membership for more than a year on the ground that Skopje has territorial claims on Greek Macedonia.
And by playing skillfully on the European Community's commitment to forging a common foreign policy, and on the Bush Administration's fear of upsetting Greek-Americans in an election year, Athens persuaded much of the rest of the world to defer recognition, too.
The compromise does not prevent Macedonia from using that name itself, but requires that the country be called the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia at the United Nations. Similarly, it cannot fly its current national flag at the United Nations because it bears the 16-ray Vergina Sun, which Greece considers the emblem of the ancient Macedonian Greeks and a sign that Skopje still claims Greek Macedonia.
It is now up to Lord Owen and Mr. Stoltenberg to resolve these disputes.
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