Кој бенд од познатите не можете да го сварите или сметате дека е префорсиран?

Erich Zann

Член од
13 мај 2012
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Жити се ? АC/DC ги имаат некој од најдобрите рифови, солажи, енергија...
Meне ми се најдосадниот бенд ever. Те едно, те исто, со различно солце на тој со капчето, а рифовите тоа па тоа. Од никогаш не сум ги можел, а чесен збор сум му давал прилики да ги попримам, барем малку :)


Г-ин Пола Милениум
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2 октомври 2012
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Meне ми се најдосадниот бенд ever. Те едно, те исто, со различно солце на тој со капчето, а рифовите тоа па тоа. Од никогаш не сум ги можел, а чесен збор сум му давал прилики да ги попримам, барем малку :)
Те хејтам заради ова :P

Expecto Patronum

Citizen Erased
Член од
13 јули 2011
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Хм... Deep Purple, не велам дек не ги бива и дека се префорсирани туку јас некако не можам да ги сварам. Освен Soldier of Fortune која му е ремек дело.

Breaking Benjamin, Daughtry...многу генерички и шаблонски песни... во прва-втора средно ги слушав ама сега ич не можам...[DOUBLEPOST=1416865945][/DOUBLEPOST]и Лимп Бисквит...бљак


Архангел, Мизар, ГНР, Вајтснејк од поновиве Мусе.
Ако седам на темава уше некоја минути и други ќе ми текнат. Доволно се.


Г-ин Пола Милениум
Член од
2 октомври 2012
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И овие двајцава над мене ги хејтам :P тоа за постарите, ама за поновиве се во право ;)


Член од
15 август 2008
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Како може Deep Purple да се префорсиран бенд ?? Мизар и Архангел????

Добро, тогаш Моцарт е префорсиран ја би повеќе Вивалди, уствари и тој е префорсиран.
Нешто Рахмањињинов, Шопен, Штраус... не.[DOUBLEPOST=1416925935][/DOUBLEPOST]
Член од
29 март 2013
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Како може Deep Purple да се префорсиран бенд ?? Мизар и Архангел????

Добро, тогаш Моцарт е префорсиран ја би повеќе Вивалди, уствари и тој е префорсиран.
Нешто Рахмањињинов, Шопен, Штраус... не.
Штотуку ги префорсира со споредбата со Моцарт.


Член од
15 август 2008
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Штотуку ги префорсира со споредбата со Моцарт.
Треба да се преслуша барем едно 70% од нивното творештво, ама квалитетно па после да зборуваме за префорсирање.

Обично за префорсиран бенд /артист се сметаат популарните/најкомерцијалните изведувачи од некој жарн; Еминем, ГНР, Ван Дајк, Колдплеј итн.
Член од
29 март 2013
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Треба да се преслуша барем едно 70% од нивното творештво, ама квалитетно па после да зборуваме за префорсирање.

Обично за префорсиран бенд /артист се сметаат популарните/најкомерцијалните изведувачи од некој жарн; Еминем, ГНР, Ван Дајк, Колдплеј итн.
А кај ти се Arctic Monkeys? :LOL:


Дежурен Шаман
Член од
2 февруари 2010
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Најпрефорсиран ГНР. Ништо оригинално, на кавери станаа популарни. Ептен ретро за свое време.


Член од
8 септември 2012
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Најпрефорсиран ГНР. Ништо оригинално, на кавери станаа популарни. Ептен ретро за свое време.
kaveri/ seriozno/
sweet child o mine, november rain, paradise city - da riffot e dzapnat od pesna na black sabbath no sepak ovie im se dosta popularni pesni... i jas isto ne gi sakam no deka stanale popularni na kaveri ne e vistina
Последно уредено:


Дежурен Шаман
Член од
2 февруари 2010
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kaveri/ seriozno/
sweet child o mine, november rain, paradise city - da riffot e dzapnat od pesna na black sabbath no sepak ovie im se dosta popularni pesni... i jas isto ne gi sakam no deka stanale popularni na kaveri ne e vistina
Да сериозно.
Сега барем е лесно со интернетот.
Над 30 кавери. Ако сакаш и поединечно ќе ти ги наименувам.
Таа што ја спомнуваш Sweet Child o' Mine е кавер (прави разлика од плагијат или “дрпнато“) Од Сабат (It's Alright) е кавер, не дрпнато. Ја заборави Knocking on a Heaven's door.... И така редом 30тина.

Еве ги и редоследно, по абецеден ред. (29 се... можда има уште некоја)

1. "Ain't It Fun," from the Dead Boys album "All This and More", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "The Spaghetti Incident?."
2. "Attitude," from the Misfits album "Collection II", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "The Spaghetti Incident?."
3. "Black Leather," from the Sex Pistols album "Sex Pack", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "The Spaghetti Incident?."
4. "Bohemian Rhapsody," from the Queen album "Wayne's World Soundtrack", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "Cover of Love."
5. "Come Together," from the The Beatles album "1", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "Come Together."
6. "Dead Flowers," from the The Rolling Stones album "Sticky Fingers", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "Unplugged."
7. "Down on the Farm," from the UK Subs album "Endangered Species", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "The Spaghetti Incident?."
8. "Dust in the Wind," from the Todd Rundgren album "Something / Anything? (disc 1)", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "Come Together."
9. "Hair of the Dog," from the Nazareth album "Hair of the Dog", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "The Spaghetti Incident?."
10."Heartbreak Hotel," from the Elvis Presley album "The Number One Hits", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "In the Studio."
11."Human Being," from the New York Dolls album "Seven Day Weekend", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "The Spaghetti Incident?."
12."I Don't Care About You," from the Fear album "The Decline of Western Civilization", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "The Spaghetti Incident?."
13."It's Alright," from the Black Sabbath album "Technical Ecstasy", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "Live Era '87-'93 (disc 1)."
14."Jumping Jack Flash," from the The Rolling Stones album "Hot Rocks 1964-1971", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "Practice for Destruction."
15."Knockin on Heavens Door," from the Bob Dylan album "Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits, Volume 3", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "Greatest Hits."
16."Live and Let Die," from the Paul McCartney album "All The Best", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "Use Your Illusion."
17."Look at Your Game, Girl," from the Charles Manson album "Charles Manson", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "The Spaghetti Incident?."
18."Mama Kin," from the Aerosmith album "A Little South of Sanity", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "G N' R Lies."
19."New Rose," from the The Damned album "Skip Off School to See the Damned", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "The Spaghetti Incident?."
20."Nice Boys," from the Rose Tattoo album "Rock 'n' Roll Outlaw", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "G N' R Lies."
21."Only Women Bleed," from the Alice Cooper album "Classicks", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "Cover of Love."
22."Raw Power," from the The Stooges album "Studio Sessions", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "The Spaghetti Incident?."
23."Since I Don't Have You," from the The Skyliners album "20 Great Love Songs of the 50's & 60's Volume 1", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "The Spaghetti Incident?."
24."Sweet Child o' Mine," from the Sheryl Crow album "The Globe Sessions", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "Live Era '87-'93 (disc 1)."
25."Sympathy for the Devil," from the The Rolling Stones album "Flashpoint", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "Greatest Hits."
26."We Will Rock You," from the Queen album "Greatest Hits", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "Cover of Love."
27."Whole Lotta Rosie," from the AC/DC album "Bonfire (disc 1: Live From the Atlantic Studios)", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "Practice for Destruction."
28."Wild Horses," from the The Rolling Stones album "Jump Back: The Best of the Rolling Stones", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "Cover of Love."
29."You Can't Put Your Arms Around a Memory," from the Johnny Thunders album "So Alone", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "The Spaghetti Incident?."
Последно уредено:


Член од
8 септември 2012
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Да сериозно.
Сега барем е лесно со интернетот.
Над 30 кавери. Ако сакаш и поединечно ќе ти ги наименувам.
Таа што ја спомнуваш Sweet Child o' Mine е кавер (прави разлика од плагијат или “дрпнато“) Од Сабат (It's Alright) е кавер, не дрпнато. Ја заборави Knocking on a Heaven's door.... И така редом 30тина.

Еве ги и редоследно, по абецеден ред. (29 се... можда има уште некоја)

1. "Ain't It Fun," from the Dead Boys album "All This and More", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "The Spaghetti Incident?."
2. "Attitude," from the Misfits album "Collection II", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "The Spaghetti Incident?."
3. "Black Leather," from the Sex Pistols album "Sex Pack", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "The Spaghetti Incident?."
4. "Bohemian Rhapsody," from the Queen album "Wayne's World Soundtrack", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "Cover of Love."
5. "Come Together," from the The Beatles album "1", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "Come Together."
6. "Dead Flowers," from the The Rolling Stones album "Sticky Fingers", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "Unplugged."
7. "Down on the Farm," from the UK Subs album "Endangered Species", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "The Spaghetti Incident?."
8. "Dust in the Wind," from the Todd Rundgren album "Something / Anything? (disc 1)", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "Come Together."
9. "Hair of the Dog," from the Nazareth album "Hair of the Dog", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "The Spaghetti Incident?."
10."Heartbreak Hotel," from the Elvis Presley album "The Number One Hits", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "In the Studio."
11."Human Being," from the New York Dolls album "Seven Day Weekend", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "The Spaghetti Incident?."
12."I Don't Care About You," from the Fear album "The Decline of Western Civilization", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "The Spaghetti Incident?."
13."It's Alright," from the Black Sabbath album "Technical Ecstasy", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "Live Era '87-'93 (disc 1)."
14."Jumping Jack Flash," from the The Rolling Stones album "Hot Rocks 1964-1971", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "Practice for Destruction."
15."Knockin on Heavens Door," from the Bob Dylan album "Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits, Volume 3", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "Greatest Hits."
16."Live and Let Die," from the Paul McCartney album "All The Best", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "Use Your Illusion."
17."Look at Your Game, Girl," from the Charles Manson album "Charles Manson", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "The Spaghetti Incident?."
18."Mama Kin," from the Aerosmith album "A Little South of Sanity", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "G N' R Lies."
19."New Rose," from the The Damned album "Skip Off School to See the Damned", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "The Spaghetti Incident?."
20."Nice Boys," from the Rose Tattoo album "Rock 'n' Roll Outlaw", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "G N' R Lies."
21."Only Women Bleed," from the Alice Cooper album "Classicks", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "Cover of Love."
22."Raw Power," from the The Stooges album "Studio Sessions", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "The Spaghetti Incident?."
23."Since I Don't Have You," from the The Skyliners album "20 Great Love Songs of the 50's & 60's Volume 1", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "The Spaghetti Incident?."
24."Sweet Child o' Mine," from the Sheryl Crow album "The Globe Sessions", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "Live Era '87-'93 (disc 1)."
25."Sympathy for the Devil," from the The Rolling Stones album "Flashpoint", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "Greatest Hits."
26."We Will Rock You," from the Queen album "Greatest Hits", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "Cover of Love."
27."Whole Lotta Rosie," from the AC/DC album "Bonfire (disc 1: Live From the Atlantic Studios)", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "Practice for Destruction."
28."Wild Horses," from the The Rolling Stones album "Jump Back: The Best of the Rolling Stones", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "Cover of Love."
29."You Can't Put Your Arms Around a Memory," from the Johnny Thunders album "So Alone", was covered on the Guns N' Roses album "The Spaghetti Incident?."
.... gnr se proslavija so appetite for destruction ova nema vrska....


Дежурен Шаман
Член од
2 февруари 2010
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.... gnr se proslavija so appetite for destruction ova nema vrska....
Сериозно? Абе не биле кавери ама биле кавери? :) Ајде де. Ич нема врска. По фејк бенд немам видено. И стил и рифови и песни..... се им е копија.

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