Гробот на Александар Македонски?

Let 3

The Nipple Erector
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13 јули 2008
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Да ,ама званичните научници тврдат дека се тоа облици создадени од природата.А така не се оспорува нечие тврдење кое вака наизглед дава поинаква слика
Планината е природна формација, тоа и тој египтолого рече дека тоа е пирамида но природна формација 9а тој босанецо го избриша тоа “природна“ и демек изјавил дека е пирамида, а на таа планина како стратешко место со иљадници години разни народи граделе населби или патишта или тврдини и ќе најдеш и со човечка рака обработен камен.
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29 септември 2013
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Што пронајдоа археолозите во Амфипол?
- Две каријатиди. Засега ништо друго.
Awe Amphipolis: In light of two beautiful Caryatids after 2300 years (see amazing photos)

New impressive finds from the tomb of Amphipolis brings to light the ministry Politisimou photographs given Sunday published.Found two impressive marble caryatids from Thassian joined to column, section 0,20CH0,60 m. Showing that it is a monument of special importance.

The Caryatids have curly hair and curls that cover their shoulders bear earrings, and wearing a tunic with sleeves. The right hand of the one and the other was left blazing, so the move to symbolically prevent those who would attempt the entrance to the tomb and were inserts. Followed, namely, the same technique as the heads and the wings of the Sphinxes.

The forms on which there are traces of red and blue refer to the type of Kore. Among the sandy soils found fragments of sculptures, such as palm portion and smaller fragments of their fingers. The provision of the second input with the Caryatids an important finding, which suggests the idea that this is a standing monument of particular importance.

Specifically, the statement reads as follows:

"On Thursday, September 4, a large meeting in worksite hill castes, under the Secretary General of the Ministry of Culture and Sports Minister. Mendoni Lina, the interdisciplinary team, led by Mrs. K.. Pigeons and participation executives Directorate of Ancient Monuments of the Ministry of Culture. Done overall assessment of the measures taken to protect the monument, after the torrential rain of the previous 24 hours, and which was considered quite satisfactory. parallel, projects and shore up retaining the structural elements inside the monument in order to develop a safe way excavations.

On Friday, September 5, removed the dirt behind second septal wall, in order to balance the geostationary impulses of land between the two countries. With the removal of soil uncovered, at about 2 meters from the dome to 4.5 meters, about the floor, marble rectangular plate, length 4.2m, width 1m. 0.21m thick, in excellent condition. Builds marginally poros stone of the third diaphragm wall and the upper marble revetment, which carries ripple. At the bottom of the plate is painted decoration in blue, red and yellow color, which represented panels with rosette in the center. This section of the roof at the site.

In the same space that is created between the second and third septal wall showed a significant impairment of tholiton section, in both parts of the west, while the eastern portion of the dome. Antistirichthike crowned the dome, with the installation of wooden beams in contact with foam substrate and vertical prop. Works at retaining and second diaphragm wall, which carries the architrave and cornice, with wooden frame and braced by steel tubular beams. Moreover, uncovered conditions bearing of the architrave. It was found that the vertical crack architrave extends the full height and is bright.The space in front of the architrave triangular metal frame placed alongside the south side. The architrave antistirichthike with four side supports which are mounted on a metal frame.

This Saturday, September 6, the removal of soil in front of the architrave, allowed serious enhancement of propping the broken portion with vertical tubular beams, a wooden touch. With the removal of the sandy soil, the area in front of the second septal wall, discovered beneath the marble architrave, between, also marble pilasters, two excellent art caryatids, Thassian inherent marble pillar, cross 0,20CH0,60 m .

The western face of the Caryatid survives almost intact, while the eastern missing. The Caryatids are rich curls that cover their shoulders, bearing ear, and wear sleeved tunic. The right hand of the one and the other was left protetammena so the move to symbolically prevent those who would attempt the entrance to the tomb and were inserts. Followed, namely, the same technique as the heads and the wings of the Sphinxes. The forms on which there are traces of red and blue refer to the type of Kore. Among the sandy soils found fragments of sculptures, such as palm portion and smaller fragments of their fingers. The provision of the second input with caryatids an important finding, which suggests the idea that this is a standing monument of particular importance.

In front of the caryatids, and from the waist down and reveals wall sealing of limestone across the width of 4.5m. (Photo 10, 11) This is the second sealing wall following the same technique as in front of the burial monument.It is a further feature of the efforts of manufacturers to prevent entry into the monument.

O Plato

A very interesting aspect of the lodge architect and connoisseur of history and archeology, Dimakopoulos Jordan, who spoke to AFP.

As stated in the report, Mr.. Dimakopoulos would not exclude the possibility of this great designer mound, like others of his time to be the philosopher Plato.

Scientists maintain that the geometry and the construction plans of Plato based the creation of unicellular Macedonian tombs such as those built by the 4th to the 2nd century. BC

According to the report, renowned throughout the Greek world and the Athenian philosopher for his knowledge of mathematics and geometry, was the only one that could be addressed by the king of Macedonia, Philip II, father of Alexander the Great to to design a funerary monument to withstand time and not sink as it was until then the cist tombs under great pressure volume of soil covering them.

This conclusion arises from observations of Mr. Dimakopoulos 100 vaulted Macedonian tombs excavated so far but also references to ancient sources.

Being himself Mr. Dimakopoulos senior member of the Archaeological Service had the opportunity to see up close and study the drawings of Macedonian tombs.

First and foremost observation made was that the circle and the square are two schemes applied to the top and front of the Macedonian tombs. Square is a plan almost perfect cube as the range of the dome chamber is "the ideal solid," according to Plato, he says. "Indeed in the" Timaeus "(55d. 55e and 62d), the founder of the Philosophical School of Athens, disciple of Socrates and teacher of Aristotle, refers to the advantages of the square and the cube compressive forces."

Watching the Mr. Dimakopoulos the square plan of unicellular graves wondered why repeatedly. "As an engineer I knew the square with equal sides and equal to the cube faces showing statistically interesting. But I wanted to look into it further. The explanations given by the scholars that correlate this observation with the Platonic conception of nature, that I have no connection with static. Plato says in the Timaeus that the most stable in the seat and the pressure are the square and the cube. "

In the tomb of Lefkada with its monumental facade since 1966 had noticed the archaeologist F.. Petsas that the internal volume of the chamber corresponding cube, the seats are equal to the square of the plan. "The same applies to the tomb of the Great Tumulus at Vergina, the so-called tomb of Philip II. It has a length 4,46m. X 4,46m. width and height of 5.30 as the key of the chamber dimensions corresponding to approximate cube. If one does not use the familiar formula for the area of the circle (3,14159 r2), but the Babylonian type 3r2, then the volume is equal to 94.33 cubic meters, as that is 4,46ch4,46ch4,74 m. "according to Mr. Dimakopoulos. "This shows that the equivalence sought the interior of the chamber with cube dimensions 15ch15ch16 Attic feet."

"The circle and the cube refers Plato under the doctrine of Cosmology (Timaeus 27 c) in which all the elements nor be excluding living beings have shapes. Some associated the perception on the nature of the world in these figures. In Laws, however, a work of his maturity, Plato refers very specifically to a particular type of honorary tomb, describing essentially a twin-wall Macedonian tomb to tomb. Identifies the building as an underground "case" covered with "oblong gap" with stone beds inside and made of "stone potimon and ageless in a force." Aware that even the type of material of construction of the building. "

Two great archaeologists with international recognition, Chr. Tsountas (1857-1934) and K. Romeo (1874-1966), had linked the construction of Macedonian tombs with what is mentioned in the Laws of Plato, as he points out Mr. Dimakopoulos, who believes that the philosopher during the maturity appears to show great interest in the buildings. There had always preclude a relationship with manufacturers buildings, people knew of his work, craftsmen building projects, because in his will, which has been preserved entire in Diogenes Laertius III, 42, noted: "The Euclid STONE has three mna me."

"Plato had devised a geometrical construction using the chart of seven concentric circles to produce the mixed solid chamber of Macedonian tombs." The success of this project did Philip feel that he has special prices.That's why when Plato died in 347 BC and learned after some days, held a funeral service, a kind of memorial, "epitimithinai", says Philip eironefomenos historian Theopompus in the 3rd century. BC honored because Plato instead of home or a ruler.

Until then, the Macedonian tombs were cist, was vaulted and had static problems. Therefore, if you do not give projects Plato, perhaps today not admired the royal tombs of Vergina with its famous painted illustrations on the front, as well as Amphipolis, in Lefkada, Dion, Pella, and many more who observed the square plan chamber (converted latitude and longitude).
Член од
29 септември 2013
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Постои мислење дека овде била погребана Олимпија!
Is the Mother of Alexander the Great in the Tomb at Amphipolis?
by guest - Sep 7, 2014

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By Andrew Chugg

Author of The Quest for the Tomb of Alexander the Great and several academic
on Alexander’s tomb says that in the recently discovered Greek tomb might be buried the mother of Alexander the Great.

The recently discovered sphinxes guarding the entrance to the Lion Tomb beneath the great mound at Amphipolis in Macedonia were unveiled on August 12th 2014 during a visit by the Greek prime minister, Antonis Samaras. They may be telling us more than has yet been realised about the occupant of this newly excavated tomb and its connections with other important Macedonian tombs of the period. That they are indeed sphinxes, rather than griffins or winged lions, is shown by the fact that both originally had human female breasts in the chest area. Despite the fact that these breasts, together with the heads and wings, were removed by deliberate mutilation at some time in the past, published photos clearly show the stone starting to protrude at the rims of the damaged patches

The tomb has been dated to the last quarter of the fourth century before Christ (325- 300BC) by the archaeologists, led by Katerina Peristeri. This was the period immediately following the death of Alexander the Great in 323BC. Sphinxes are not particularly common in high status Macedonian tombs of this era, but, significantly, sphinxes were prominent parts of the decoration of two thrones found in the late 4th century BC tombs of two Macedonian queens in the royal cemetery at Aegae (modern Vergina) in Macedonia. The first of these was found in the tomb attributed to Eurydice I, the grandmother of Alexander the Great. Carved sphinxes were among the decorations of its panels until they were stolen by thieves in 2001.

The throne of Eurydice I and its panel with sphinxes
Secondly, a marble throne was found in another royal tomb close by the tomb of Eurydice I by K. A. Rhomaios in 1938. It was in pieces, but has since been reconstructed (Figure 4) and it has sphinxes as supporters for both arm rests and also royal Macedonian starbursts at the head of its back panel. Archaeology has shown that this tomb was never covered by the usual tumulus, so it may never have been occupied. It dates roughly to the end of the 4th century BC. Both of these tombs are from a section of the royal cemetery dominated by high status female graves and therefore known as the “Queens’ Cluster”.

Figure 4: The throne of a late 4th century BC queen from the Rhomaios tomb at Aegae It therefore seems that sphinxes were a particular symbol of late 4th century BC Macedonian queens. But why might Macedonian queens have associated themselves with sphinxes? One possible answer emerges from Greek mythology. Apollodorus 3.5.8 wrote: Laius was buried by Damasistratus, king of Plataea, and Creon, son of Menoeceus, succeeded to the kingdom. In his reign a heavy calamity befell Thebes.
For Hera sent the Sphinx, whose mother was Echidna and her father Typhon; and she had the face of a woman, the breast and feet and tail of a lion, and the wings of a bird. So the sphinx was the creature of Hera, Queen of the Gods and wife of Zeus. It is well known that the kings of Macedon traced their descent from Zeus via Heracles (e.g. Diodorus 17.1.5 and Plutarch, Alexander 2.1), that they put depictions of Zeus on their coinage and that they associated themselves with Zeus quite generally. They celebrated an important festival of Zeus at Dion and the people of Eresus in Lesbos erected altars to Zeus Philippios (M. N. Tod, A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions 2, 1948, no. 191.6) – possibly indicating the divinisation of Philip II in the guise of Zeus. If the Macedonian king posed as Zeus, it would consequently hardly be surprising if his senior queen became associated with Hera, the mistress of the sphinx.

The throne of a late 4th century BC queen from the Rhomaios tomb at Aegae.
The sphinxes at Amphipolis may therefore be interpreted as suggesting that the occupant of the tomb was a prominent queen of Macedon. Do we know from the historical record that any such queen died at Amphipolis in the last quarter of the 4th century BC? There are in fact two such candidates: Olympias, the mother of Alexander the Great and Roxane, his wife. The situation regarding Roxane is straightforward: she was killed on the orders of Cassander together with her 13-yearold son, Alexander IV, whilst imprisoned at Amphipolis in 310BC (Diodorus 19.52.4 & 19.105.2). The location of the death of Olympias is less clear, the only good evidence being the account of Diodorus 19.50-51. After Olympias surrendered to Cassander in the spring of 316BC at Pydna, he immediately sent troops to seek the surrender of her troops at Pella and at Amphipolis. Pella duly capitulated, but Aristonous at Amphipolis initially refused compliance. Therefore Cassander had Olympias write him a letter ordering him to surrender. After he had done so, Cassander immediately arranged the murders of both Aristonous and Olympias.

Although Olympias’s whereabouts at this point are ambiguous, it would seem very unlikely that Cassander did not himself go to Amphipolis with his army, given that these events took weeks to transpire. If so, it would seem likely that he took Olympias with him, rather than leave her alone in another part of freshly re-conquered Macedonia, potentially to be rescued by her supporters. Therefore there is a good chance that Olympias too died at Amphipolis. The tombs of Alexander’s father, Philip II, and of his son Alexander IV, were unearthed under another enormous mound in the royal cemetery at Aegae by Manolis Andronicus in the late 1970s. There are some interesting parallels between this pair of tombs and the new finds at Amphipolis. Firstly, elements of the painted decoration of the architectural elements at Amphipolis are a near exact match to such decoration in
the tomb of Alexander IV at Aegae .

Painted decoration in the tomb at Amphipolis (left) and the tomb of Alexander IV (right)
Secondly, a spaced line of 8-petal rosettes newly discovered in the Amphipolis tomb provide a close match for the similar lines of rosettes that decorate the edge bands of the gold larnax from Philip II’s tomb at Aegae . Olympias will of course have been involved in arrangements for the entombment of her husband.

The line of 8-petal rosettes found at Amphipolis match the rosettes on the larnax of Alexander’s father
Thirdly, the lion monument that once stood atop the great mound at Amphipolis was reconstructed on the basis of its fragments by Jacques Roger and his colleagues in an article published in 1939 (Le Monument au Lion d’Amphipolis, BCH 63, pp. 4-42). There are close parallels between the façade of this monument and the facades of the tombs of Philip II and Alexander IV . Note also that the simulated roof edge at the top of the façade of the tomb of Alexander IV matches the simulated roof edge above the rosettes in the Amphipolis tomb .

Finally, it is interesting to note that the freshly revealed floor of white marble fragments fixed in a matrix of red cement in the vestibule of the tomb at Amphipolis has an exact match in a patch of flooring revealed in the late 4th century BC royal palace at Aegae.

Floor section of marble fragments in a red cement matrix in the royal palace at Aegae (left) compared with the similar floor in the vestibule of the Amphipolis tomb (right)
On this evidence I consider Olympias to be the leading contender at the time of writing (6/9/2014) for the occupant of the magnificent tomb at Amphipolis currently being excavated with Roxane also a strong possibility. It should be recalled that the tomb mound has a diameter of 155m, larger even than the Great Tumulus at Aegae and posing the question of whom the Macedonians would conceivably have spent this much money and effort upon commemorating, Olympias is by far the most convincing answer at present. Although it is true that the ancient accounts say that she was unpopular at the time of her death, it is nevertheless clear that she was only really unpopular with Cassander’s faction, whereas Cassander himself was sufficiently worried about her popularity as to arrange her immediate death in order to prevent her addressing the Macedonian Assembly (Diodorus 19.51). Furthermore, her army under Aristonous stayed loyal to her cause long after she herself had surrendered. Ultimately, her cause was seen at the time as identical with the cause of Alexander himself, so it was in a sense Alexander whom they honoured by building his mother a spectacular tomb.

If it were objected that Cassander would not have allowed the construction of a magnificent tomb for his enemies, Olympias and/or Roxane, I would note that Cassander probably did permit the entombment of Alexander IV at Aegae, since his tomb seems to have been constructed during Cassander’s reign. I also see no cardinal reason for Cassander to have denied his enemies burial and it does not appear generally to have been the practice that rulers did not allow the entombment of dead enemies at the time. Counter examples are numerous, e.g. Arrian 3.22.1 wrote:

Alexander sent the body of Darius to Persepolis, with orders that it should be buried
in the royal sepulchre, in the same way as the other Persian kings before him had
been buried.

It is especially interesting and pertinent that another pair of monumental late 4th to early 3rd century BC freestanding female Greek sphinx sculptures was uncovered by Auguste Mariette in excavating the dromos of the Memphite Serapeum at Saqqara in Egypt in 1851 (Figure 9). These sphinxes are a very good parallel for the Amphipolis sphinxes and Lauer & Picard in their 1955 book on the Greek sculptures at the Serapeum argued that they date to Ptolemy I. A semicircle of statues of Greek philosophers and poets was also uncovered by Mariette in the dromos of the Memphite Serapeum near to the sphinxes (Figure 10) and Dorothy Thompson in her 1988 book on Memphis Under The Ptolemies suggested that the semicircle had
guarded the entrance of the first tomb of Alexander the Great at Memphis. I elaborated on this idea in my article on The Sarcophagus of Alexander the Great published in Greece & Rome in April 2002. Later, in the 2nd edition of my book on

The Quest for the Tomb of Alexander the Great (May 2012), I wrote in the context of discussing the semicircle: “In 1951 Lauer discovered a fragment of an inscription in the neighbourhood of some other Greek statues [including the pair of Greek sphinxes] standing further down the dromos of the Serapeum. It appears to be an artist’s signature in Greek characters of form dating to the early third century BC. It therefore seems likely that all the Greek statuary at the Serapeum was sculpted under Ptolemy I, hence these statues were contemporaneous with Alexander’s Memphite tomb.”

These monumental pairs of sphinx statues from the late 4th to early 3rd century BC may prove to be virtually unique to the Amphipolis tomb and the probable Serapeum tomb. (The only similar sphinxes I have yet discovered are the pair decorating an end of the lid of the “Lydian sarcophagus” found together with the “Alexander sarcophagus”, belonging to Abdalonymus, in the royal necropolis at Sidon.) If so, it greatly reinforces the connection of both the Amphipolis tomb and the Serapeum with Alexander. It potentially reinforces the dating of the Serapeum sculptures to Ptolemy I (which has been much disputed, though on scant evidence). It also directly connects the Greek sphinxes of the Serapeum with a royal Macedonian tomb of the late 4th century BC located in Macedon, thus boosting the candidacy of the Serapeum as the site of Alexander’s initial tomb, later moved to Alexandria. It is even possible that Olympias commissioned the sphinxes found at the Serapeum in order to decorate the tomb of her illustrious son at Memphis.

Член од
8 ноември 2008
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Прво ги “исчистија“ сите “непријатни“ и непожелни записи, ги оставија голи ѕидовите, се што беше барем малку вредно се “изгуби“ во неповрат, а после видете сите, чујте и почујте - “пронајдовме македонска кралска гробница!“
Пази ти се молам, како тоа ни едно парче фреска по ѕидовите да не е останато?!?



Како гробницата кај Амфиполи од времето на Македонија стана грчка.
Аматеризам и незнаење на американски и британски медиуми

Монументалната македонска кружна гробница оддалечена 60-ина километри од Сер, северна Грција, цело лето го привлекува вниманието на светската јавност. Додека археолозите под раководство на Kатерина Перистери секојдневно се обидуваат да влезат во огромниот тумул во близина на Неохор, кој денес се вика Амфиполи, сите се прашуваат кој големец бил погребан тука. Се спомнуваа имињата на Роксана, сопругата на Александар Трети Македонски и нивниот син, Александар Четврти, па дури и дека тоа е можеби вечното почивалиште на најголемиот војсководец кој историјата го памети. Имаше и с` уште има секакви тези, но ниту еден научник (па дури ниту од Грција) не го оспори терминот „македонска гробница“, односно фактот дека таму дефинитивно бил погребан голем човек од македонската династија. Тоа јасно е секаде потенцирано. Дури и грчкиот премиер Антонис Самарас, кој го посети локалитетот, изјави дека македонската земја не престанува да изненадува.

Но, повеќе светски медиуми објавија сосема поинакви наслови. Најновиот завчера беше објавен во британското издание на „Интернешнл бизнис-тајмс“ - „Откритие во грчкиот гроб во Амфиполи: откриени нови каријатидни мермерни статуи“. На 6. септември „Вашингтон пост“ објавувајќи ја фотографијата на новооткриената каријатида напиша дека е пронајдена во „древен грчки гроб“, во Амфиполи. Во август Би-би-си објави наслов: „Грчката гробница во Амфиполи е важно откритие“.

Воопшто не е спорно дека археолозите се навистина пред големо откритие. И да е ограбена уште во времето на антиката, самата архитектонска градба има големо значење и за археолошката наука и за историјата.

Но, каква врска има оваа гробница со терминот „грчки“?! Дали авторите на овие текстови (и нивните едитори) се толку неинформирани, па не знаат дека во поделбата на историјата не постои грчки период? Или се едноставно инструирани, па водени од девизата - неколкупати повторената лага станува вистина, очекуваат македонскиот тип гробница (термин што е познат, дефиниран и докажан во светската наука) за извесно време да почне да се нарекува „грчка гробница“?!

Kонечно, можеби и најинтересно, е што овие написи доаѓаат најмногу од Велика Британија, земјата која се гордее со археолошката поставка во Британскиот музеј. „Случајно“ таму се наоѓаат оригиналните мермерни фризови од храмот Партенон на Акропол во Атина за кои Грција пред повеќе од 40 години почна процес за репатријација.

Тоа што во целата оваа приказна не е јасно е од каде светските медиуми гробница од времето на македонското царство ја поистоветуваат со терминот Грција и грчки без притоа да наведат кога во сиот овој период, од времето на античка македонија па се до 1912 година Македонија, грчка официјална нога имала стапнато на било кој предел северно од Олимп.

Очигледно дека се работи за страшно незнаење и аматеризам на големите светски куќи кои имаат проблем со основни историски поими. А еден од нив упатува на тоа дека термините Македонија и Грција едноставно не се идентични и не можат да се поистоветуваат.
Член од
29 септември 2013
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ГРЦИЈА (АП) - Овој преглед што завчера го објави грчкото министерство за култура, покажува што точно грчките археолози откопале досега при бавната и макотрпна работа во големата подземна гробница во Амфиполис во северна Грција, близу Аспровалта на патот меѓу Солун и Кавала, од 4 век п.н.е, поточно од крајот на владеењето на античкиот крал Александар Велики.

Од десно на лево, на фотографиите се гледаат две мермерни сфинги без глави и без крилја, над влезот на засводениот гроб, оригинално блокиран од голем ѕид, детали од фасадата и долниот дел од блокирачкиот ѕид, мозаичниот под на претсобјето, камена плоча долга 4,2 метри чиј долен дел е избоен во сина, црвена и жолта боја, единствената сочувана од неколкуте вакви плочи кои оригинално служеа како покрив на првата соба; горните разголени делови од две женски фигури кои служеле како декорација на влезот на втората соба, исто така, блокиран и највисокиот дел од тој ѕид, пронајден со дупка на горниот лев агол.

Втората соба и третата, кои ги нема на сликата, на лево, сè уште не се проучени.
Археолозите веруваат дека, и покрај обемните знаци на насилно влегување во антиката, гробницата не е ограбена. Структурата е висока 6,5 метри внатре и е покриена од голем земјен насип, оригинално покриен со камена статуа на лав на големо подножје. Сè уште нема информации за кого е изградена гробницата, а постојат најразлични теории: од теории дека гробницата била изградена за висок воен командант на Александар па сè до теории дека гробницата е за член на неговото семејтво.
Александар, кој починал во 323 година п.н.е откако создал империја од модерна Грција до Индија, бил закопан во градот Александрија во Египет што тој го основал.
Член од
29 септември 2013
Поени од реакции
Ни олесна. Не била на Александар.

Грчкиот министер за култура Костас Тасулас ја исклучи можноста гробницата откриена во Амфиполис во северна Грција, да е на Александар Велики.

Иако Катерина Перистери, која раководи со археолошките ископувања, рече дека гробницата била изградена кон крајот на 4 век п.н.е., што се совпаѓа со крајот на владеењето на македонскиот крал, според Тасулас „невозможно“ е во неа да се погребани останките на Александар Велики.

- Луѓето не треба да очекуваат ископувањата да ги откријат останките на Александар, рече Тасулас за телевизијата „Мега“.

Археолозите го продолжуваат истражувањето на четирите комори на гробницата.


Persona non grata
Член од
30 јануари 2011
Поени од реакции
Овие нашиве археолози и да ја фатат земјата на цела територија на денешна Македонија да ја превртат нема да го пронајдат гробот на Александар зошто едноставно тој не се наоѓа во Македонија. Како прво не е логично, Александар умрел во Вавилон.. денешен Ирак.. и рачунајте колку има од таму до тука.. Требало да патуваат години додека да стигнат и да го донесат телото, поминувајќи низ секакви временски непогоди, затоа не се исклучува можноста да е закопан некаде на тие места или да е донесен во престолнината..
А овие што си фантазираат дека бил Беласица па не знам каде тоа се чисти фантазии..
Александар дали воопшто имал зачекорено на овие простори е дилема.
Како и да е.. не верувам дека некогаш воопшто ќе биде пронајдена гробницата.
Член од
5 февруари 2007
Поени од реакции
Овие нашиве археолози и да ја фатат земјата на цела територија на денешна Македонија да ја превртат нема да го пронајдат гробот на Александар зошто едноставно тој не се наоѓа во Македонија. Како прво не е логично, Александар умрел во Вавилон.. денешен Ирак.. и рачунајте колку има од таму до тука.. Требало да патуваат години додека да стигнат и да го донесат телото, поминувајќи низ секакви временски непогоди, затоа не се исклучува можноста да е закопан некаде на тие места или да е донесен во престолнината..
А овие што си фантазираат дека бил Беласица па не знам каде тоа се чисти фантазии..
Александар дали воопшто имал зачекорено на овие простори е дилема.
Како и да е.. не верувам дека некогаш воопшто ќе биде пронајдена гробницата.
Тука грешиш со професиите.
Тие што го бараат гробот, не се археолози.


Persona non grata
Член од
30 јануари 2011
Поени од реакции
Тука грешиш со професиите.
Тие што го бараат гробот, не се археолози.
Добро бе whatever.. кој и да го бара, и онака сите го бараат.. вклучувајќи не и нас овде :icon_lol:
Член од
8 ноември 2008
Поени од реакции
Телото на Александар било потопено и така транспортирано - во мед. Затоа и можело да опстои долго време..


Најдов случајно,многу интересно видео од неодамна откриената гробница во Јужна Македонија ,како тече процесот на истражување . Еве ви го видеото :)

Член од
28 мај 2005
Поени од реакции
Прво ги “исчистија“ сите “непријатни“ и непожелни записи, ги оставија голи ѕидовите, се што беше барем малку вредно се “изгуби“ во неповрат, а после видете сите, чујте и почујте - “пронајдовме македонска кралска гробница!“
Пази ти се молам, како тоа ни едно парче фреска по ѕидовите да не е останато?!?
По очигледно здравје :sneaky:

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