Германската влада ќе одредува кој колку енергија може да троши

Член од
17 март 2005
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Германија дoнесе нов закон кој и дава ингеренции на државата/владата да одреди кој колку енергија ќе троши.

Енергетиката е фатална слабост на ЕУ...


If the German State can pass this, then it can pretty much do whatever the hell it damn well pleases.

Gone are the days of a government that is there to serve its citizens. Here to stay is a group of elitists who are going to boss the citizens around and tell them how to live.

But of course it’s all in the name of saving planet from climate catastrophe. Never mind what Edenhofer of the PIK said awhile back, read here. They are moving quickly now, and Germany is now lost. Although climate scepticism is rising, it’s too late.

America – the last hope

I pray that the few remaining freedom-loving lawmakers in America are taking notice of this eco-martial law movement now sweeping across Europe. The greenshirts are already getting out of their cars in front of your homes (think EPA). Are you going to let them kick your doors down too? They are only waiting for the green light from Ms Lisa Jackson.

Germany’s first step in declaring eco-martial law

The European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE) reports on the new German Energy Efficiency Law that was quietly passed on the 4th of November 2010 with nary a press report and under the noses of its citizens -passed under the guise of “necessary-to-implement EU Directives” to increase energy efficiency.
Член од
28 мај 2009
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Ova e pameten poteg ke se znae koj tocno spored potrebata bi trosel energija racionalno ke ja rasporedat .Bravo (y)

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