Стандарден нормален муабет... Туку имам идено на неколку дена во Братислава, тогаш ич не заслушав колку разбирлив е Словачкиот.
(одамна беше, ваљда премногу сум гледал во деколтеата)
I just got back from Ukraine, where I was visiting some friends.
Everything we have heard about what’s happening in Ukraine is a lie.
The reality is darker, bleaker, and unequivocally hopeless. There is no such thing as Ukraine "winning" this war.
- By their estimates, they have lost over one million of their sons, fathers and husbands; an entire generation is gone.
- Even in the Southwest, where the anti-Russian sentiment is long-standing, citizens are reluctant or straight-up scared to publicly criticize Zelensky; they will go to jail.
- In every village and town, the streets, shops, and restaurants are mostly absent of men.
- The few men who remain are terrified of leaving their homes for fear of being kidnapped into conscription. Some have resorted to begging friends to break their legs to avoid service.
- Army search parties take place early in the morning, when men leave their homes to go to work. They ambush and kidnap them off the streets and within 3-4 hours they get listed in the army and taken away straight to the front lines with minimal or no training at all; it is "a death sentence."
- It's getting worse every day. Where I was staying, a dentist had just been taken by security forces on his way to work, leaving behind two small children. Every day, 3-5 dead bodies keep arriving from the front lines.
- Mothers and wives fight tooth and nail with the armed forces, beg and plead not to have their men taken away. They try bribing, which sometimes works, but most of the time they are met with physical violence and death threats.
- The territory celebrated as having been "won back" from Russia has been reduced to rubble and is uninhabitable. Regardless, there is no one left to live there and displaced families will likely never return.
- They see the way the war has been reported, at home and abroad. It's a "joke" and "propaganda." They say: “Look around: is this winning?”.
- Worse, some have been hoaxed into believing that once Ukrainians forces are exhausted, American soldiers will come in to replace them and “win the war”.
There is no ambiguity in these people. The war was for nothing - a travesty. The outcome always was, and is, clear. The people are hopeless, utterly destroyed, and living in an unending nightmare.
They are pleading for an end, any end - most likely the same "peace" that could have been achieved two years ago. In their minds, they have already lost, for their sons, fathers and husbands are gone, and their country has been destroyed. There is no "victory" that can change that.
Make no mistake, they are angry with Putin. But they are also angry with Zelensky and the West. They have lost everything, worst of all, hope and faith, and cannot comprehend why Zelenky wishes to continue the current trajectory, the one of human devastation.
I didn't witness the war; but what I saw was absolutely heart-breaking.
Shame on the people, regardless of their intentions, who have supported this war. And shame on the media for continuing to lie about it.
Автоматски споено мислење:
Веројатно. Алтернативата секако е премногу урнебесна.
Mислиш дека се толку глупи да не го разликуваат самарот од магарето? Зошто би трошеле ресурси на вазалите на непријателот... Се разбира освен ако некако не се приморани. Но освен ако некако не се загрозени, многу глупа одлука на РФ би било водење војна против ЕУ вазалите. Дури и ако нуклеарките се тргнат од равенката, а тоа не е можно.
Хаха, после пар недели дознава за работите (тие што го оставаат да ги дознае). Дури и на македонските медиуми е старо видеото.
Постојано иста песна, мислиш дека ако доволно пати ја повториш некој ќе ти поверува?
Инаку приказната е поинаква.
Еве неколку линкови каде се гледа за што се работи, за тебе е доцна ама можеби некој што не е доволно упатен ќе добие прилика да се запознае.
Attack on Anti-Maidan protesters
Pro Russian protest, Donetsk
Resident speaking out, Lugansk
Referendum Crimea
Turchynov announces start of anti-terror operation
Donbass anti-terror operation
Anti-terror operation, Donetsk
Miners ralley, Donetsk
UAF kidnapping separtists
Unrest in the city, Odessa
Protests in city getting out of control, Odessa
Nationalists storm the Union Building, Odessa
The Odessa massacre
The Odessa massacre
The Odessa massacre
Pro Russians burned alive
The Odessa massacre
Victims of the Odessa massacre
Odessa massacre eyewitness
Civilians outraged by presence of UAF
Petro Symonenko
View Ukrainian neo nazi movement Right Sector on Odysee
Партијата Свобода лидерот и неговите контакти и газди...
........ако овие извори не се доволно добри за тебе, еве повторно линкот со аналитичарот на циа, можеш да го повикаш чичко Гоогле да ти помогне, ако имаш нешто меѓу уши лесно ќе разбереш.
Ray came to Washington from his native Bronx in the early Sixties as an Army infantry/intelligence officer and then served as a CIA analyst for 27 years, fro...
Постојано иста песна, мислиш дека ако доволно пати ја повториш некој ќе ти поверува?
Инаку приказната е поинаква.
Еве неколку линкови каде се гледа за што се работи, за тебе е доцна ама можеби некој што не е доволно упатен ќе добие прилика да се запознае.
Attack on Anti-Maidan protesters
Pro Russian protest, Donetsk
Resident speaking out, Lugansk
Referendum Crimea
Turchynov announces start of anti-terror operation
Donbass anti-terror operation
Anti-terror operation, Donetsk
Miners ralley, Donetsk
UAF kidnapping separtists
Unrest in the city, Odessa
Protests in city getting out of control, Odessa
Nationalists storm the Union Building, Odessa
The Odessa massacre
The Odessa massacre
The Odessa massacre
Pro Russians burned alive
The Odessa massacre
Victims of the Odessa massacre
Odessa massacre eyewitness
Civilians outraged by presence of UAF
Petro Symonenko
View Ukrainian neo nazi movement Right Sector on Odysee
Партијата Свобода лидерот и неговите контакти и газди...
........ако овие извори не се доволно добри за тебе, еве повторно линкот со аналитичарот на циа, можеш да го повикаш чичко Гоогле да ти помогне, ако имаш нешто меѓу уши лесно ќе разбереш.
Ray came to Washington from his native Bronx in the early Sixties as an Army infantry/intelligence officer and then served as a CIA analyst for 27 years, fro...
Оваа страница користи колачиња за персонализирање на содржината. Со продолжување на користењето, се согласувате со нашата политика за користење колачиња.