Војна во Украина (исклучиво воена перспектива)


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Член од
28 април 2007
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Го ставив овој пост на другата тема, ама мислам дека треба да стои и тука:

Значи според куртонажата. Незавземањето на Одеса и Харков е пораз на Русија?
И според мене, без да се завземе, Одеса, Николаев, Днепропетровск и Харкив би била некомплетна операција, што на некој начин би бил пораз за Русија долгорочно. А за тоа да се изведе, мора да има екстемни цели на Украинската страна, што всушност се случува.

Изјава на кандидатката за министер за одбрана:


“In order to win, we need to get out of the warm bath of propaganda and really understand what is happening. For only by understanding the objective situation, we can make adequate decisions.
We are at the beginning of a war with a very serious enemy.
Russia knows how to play the long game, and they will go to the end.

“Putin and his entourage cannot lose this war, at least because of the elementary desire to survive.
Therefore, now Russia is betting on playing the long game, on attrition, because we have a much smaller resource. It is a bet that we will run out of the only non-renewable resource - people"

"The logic is that they have a population of 143 million, respectively, Russia has at least 5-6 times greater mobilization potential.
It is worth adding to this math that the Russians mobilized tens of thousands of Ukrainians from the occupied territories into the army. That is, to a large extent, they are fighting against us with our people.
And we also add prisoners of the Wagner PMC and mercenaries from other countries, whose deaths do not affect the mood of society in any way.
All together gives an understanding that Russia has not yet seriously felt the war.
They are just starting to fight when we are already starting to run out."

“If people run out, we will have to accept defeat and sit down at the negotiating table.
Among the Western partners, there are also enough people willing to implement just such a scenario.
Honest realism is to understand: we can only rely on ourselves, only our people die. No one will give us a NATO umbrella, at least for fear of a nuclear Russia."

"Therefore, you need to mobilize your entire society and work together for victory. This can only be done through absolute trust - an adult conversation with your own and punishing the scum."

Наративот почиња со ОК губиме, и завршува со до победа до последен Украинец. Ова е игра која највеќе и одговара на Русија.
Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Ukrainian-Russian war. Day 541:
Situation on Zaporizhia front: Ukrainian Army continue making small advances in the northern part of Robotyne. The town is suffering a huge damage because of artillery fire from both sides. In addition, troops made small advance at H-08 highway some kilometers northeast.


Ukrainian-Russian war. Day 542:
Situation on Zaporizhia front: The battle for Robotyne continue with high intensity. While there are no changes within the town itself Ukrainian Army is slowly taking new positions in the eastern outskirts.


Ukrainian-Russian war. Day 543:
Situation on Zaporizhia front: Ukrainian Army made small advances east of Robotyne trying to reach the first Russian main defense line.


Ukrainian-Russian war. Day 543:
Situation on northeastern front: Russian Army continue making small advances south of Vil'shana and east of Syn'kivka (reports about Ukrainian withdrawal from the town are premature) in the direction of Petropavlivka.

Автоматски споено мислење:

Украинската офанзива почна на 4 јуни, до денес 20 август сината зона е територијата што ја имаат повратено. Црвените триаголници се руските одбранбени позиции.

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mode: Calm
Член од
28 април 2007
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Кое можно оружје е ТОС, страшна работа.

Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation on Zaporizhia front: despite many accounts talked about the recapture of Robotyne by Ukrainian Army, these news are still very premature. Currently Ukrainian troops are consolidating their control over the northern part of the town, while the central part remains under grey area. On the other hand, Russian Army is slowly retreating towards southern defense positions, but still in control over some buildings in the southern part of the town.


Situation southwest of Donetsk: During the last four days Ukrainian Army increased the buffer zone west of Staromaiors'ke.


Situation south of Bakhmut: Russian Army launched a counterattack trying to capture the heigh fortified area north of Klishchiivka but was repelled by Ukrainian troops. On the other hand, some kilometers south Ukrainian troops launched a series of attacks towards Andriivka, which was repelled by Russian troops too. The situation in this axis deteriorates further and further for the Russians, while the Ukrainians continue to suffer heavy casualties at the cost of holding the hills around Klishchiivka.


Situation on northeastern front: The news of the capture of Syn'kivka by Russian Army are far from reality. Russian forces continue advancing in the flanks of the town while Ukrainian Army is slowly withdrawing from it to Kupiansk and Petropavlivka, where battles are aproaching. Moreover, it's is true that battles are taking place at Kyslivka, but these reports are not new. Combat has been taking place in the outskirts of the town since weeks as Russian troops improved its positions close to the railway.

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27 мај 2018
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18 октомври 2010
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Додека ВСУ имаат офанзива во Запорожје, гледам ВСР имаат иницијатива кон Купјанск.
Хмм кој им е планот сега ? Таму е реката Оскил би им правела проблем доколку пробаат да ја преминат.
Друго, дали е можно враќање на Русите повторно кон Шевченково, Изјум, Балаклија, Красни Лиман !? Така би можеле на ВСУ да им дојдат од позади грб на пример доколку имаат намера за напад кон Краматорск и Славјанск.


mode: Calm
Член од
28 април 2007
Поени од реакции
Додека ВСУ имаат офанзива во Запорожје, гледам ВСР имаат иницијатива кон Купјанск.
Хмм кој им е планот сега ? Таму е реката Оскил би им правела проблем доколку пробаат да ја преминат.
Друго, дали е можно враќање на Русите повторно кон Шевченково, Изјум, Балаклија, Красни Лиман !? Така би можеле на ВСУ да им дојдат од позади грб на пример доколку имаат намера за напад кон Краматорск и Славјанск.
Според мене тие офанзиви на север им се за да се разводни пушот на Украинците, да не им дозволат да ги концентрираат силите на едно место и да чуваат резерви и на тој потег.

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