Војна во Украина (исклучиво воена перспектива)

Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation north of Bakhmut city: Recent video footage shows captured positions of Russian Army inside AZOM industrial complex during the last week. First comes from the Stroydetal building (48.615286, 37.995504) while the second one shows Dining room buildings in the center of the complex. During the last hours Russians took control full control over Tsvetmet plant and most of Makeevka plant until Trolleybus garage. Meanwhile troops also entered in new buildings adjacent to Pivnichnyi Pond.

Член од
25 декември 2019
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Situation north of Bakhmut city: Recent video footage shows captured positions of Russian Army inside AZOM industrial complex during the last week. First comes from the Stroydetal building (48.615286, 37.995504) while the second one shows Dining room buildings in the center of the complex. During the last hours Russians took control full control over Tsvetmet plant and most of Makeevka plant until Trolleybus garage. Meanwhile troops also entered in new buildings adjacent to Pivnichnyi Pond.

Прегледај го приврзокот 373128
Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Од твојот текст
АЗОМ е сличен на огромниот комплекс Азовстал во Мариупол и е една од најголемите фабрики за метали во поранешниот Советски Сојуз.
На страна потенцијалниот економски фактор, мене ми е изненадувачки што Вагнер го зазедоа релативно брзо, очекував дека ќе заглават таму се додека нивните соборци не дојдат од југ по што ВСУ или ќе се повлечеа или ќе прават ласт стенд како Азовстал.


Женкар, Илуватар
Член од
17 март 2014
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deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Трафиката е симбол на непокор - ХАЈЛ Хитлер - вива ла Аозв...
Може ја демонтирале и си ја однеле во Лвов.
Автоматски споено мислење:

Ова може да биде гејмченџер, ако навистина нашле начин евтино да ги конвертираат бомбите.

Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Situation south of Bakhmut city: Russian Army took control over the southern part of Mariupolska street. In addition, troops took full control over the central market and reached Vasylia Pershyna and Nezalezhnosti crossroad where troops overlook Municipal Centre for Culture and Leisure.



deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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WTF?? :eek:

Автоматски споено мислење:

Бомбардирањето во Авдивка. Покољ упм. :(
Инаку за тие што не знаат, од овде гранатираат цивили во Доњетск.

Автоматски споено мислење:



mode: Calm
Член од
28 април 2007
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Објаснети губитците на Русија во тенкови.

Combat Capable

I read an article today going over the armor losses of the Russian 4th Guards "Kantemirovskaya" Tank Division during the first phase of the SMO from February to the end of March last year - you can see it yourself here: . This is an interesting and significant analysis for a couple of reasons. First of all, the authors dug into Oryx's infamous "database" of Russian armor losses and uncovered a bit about how their game is played, with the same vehicles listed multiple times over periods of months in some cases. That's not the really significant thing, however, because the only people who take Oryx seriously these days are particularly dull anti-Russian internet trolls and senior NATO officials. But I not only digress, I repeat myself.

More importantly, this article provides a window into the combat performance of the 4th GTD (and by extrapolation its parent unit, the 1st Guards Tank Army), which has been widely panned by commentators on both sides of the barricade. So the narrative goes, the Western Military District is run by influential peoples' nephews and does nothing but rehearse endlessly for the Moscow Victory Day Parade, and once sent into combat its "elite" units collapsed and immediately fled in a humiliating rout. Well, we have an analysis now - let's see how badly the 4th GTD got whipped in northeast Ukraine a year ago.

Our guys claim that the 4th GTD lost 74 tanks (mostly various models of T-80Us) during the battle, but it's important to remember that they're using Oryx's photos and many of those photos simply don't show losses. Others show completely burned-out T-80 wreckage claimed to belong to the 4th GTD, which isn't particularly reliable given Ukraine has plenty of those themselves. We can safely cut this down to 50 tanks actually lost either through destruction or capture.

The 4th GTD has seven tank battalions and a couple of independent companies with about 250 tanks total on its order of battle. Which means that over the course of a month of high-intensity combat over much of northeastern Ukraine, in which it destroyed several Ukrainian brigades before being withdrawn pursuant to an abortive peace deal, the 4th GTD was reduced to, at worst, 80% of its paper strength and would have suffered approximately 100 tank crewmen killed in action. Given that it would have been receiving replacements throughout the month-long battle (not to mention potentially pressing captured Ukrainian equipment into service) its strength probably never actually dropped below 90%.

By the way, I'm quite serious about those "several Ukrainian brigades" above. Knowing what we know now about what the Russian Army went into the SMO with vis-a-vis what the VSU had at the start of the war, the 4th GTD likely tackled and defeated a considerably superior enemy force during this battle. This could have been as bad as a 2:1 numerical disadvantage, including some of Ukraine's premiere units such as the 1st Tank Brigade based out of Chernigov.

Clearly the Guards deserve the title. The naysayers should say it to their faces or not at all.


deus ex machina
Член од
30 мај 2009
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Во меѓувреме нивните вистински противници во војнава:

Автоматски споено мислење:

Автоматски споено мислење:

The process of connecting the dron-kamikaze electric detonator Lanzet-3 to the Soviet 112-mm cumulative charge set in the head KZ-6 and a charge of plastic in the tail.

The KZ-6 charge has a PM mass of 3 kg (BB weight of 1.8 kg) and breaks through up to 215 mm armor or up to 550 mm of reinforced concrete, which is more than enough to hit towed guns, SAU, RSZO, cars and light armored vehicles. With proper dexterity and luck with such a charge, you can even hit the modern main battle tank by directing the drone into the roof of the hull, tower, or side. The second charge of the plastic ensures the destruction of the remaining fragments of the drone, and also adds a damaging effect when working on light technology.

The presence of KZ-6 Soviet charges in abundance, as well as a fairly quick and easy assembly of the drone, are not least the reason for its low cost and high production rate.

Последно уредено:


Корона стронг
Член од
22 април 2014
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@teneke гледај го овој во затвореничката блуза нема волнени чорапи, а ти ни викаше дека русите ќе испомрзнале.

Да, да знам какво е чуството кога сфаќаш дека си читал Твитер профили кој шират лажни вести.
Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Current situation in Bilohorivka front: During the last five days Ukrainian Army managed to recapture the high positions east of the town thus increasing the buffer zone over it.


Situation west of Donetsk city: Russian Army and DPR forces took control over the remaining areas of Pervomais'ke town adjacent to Izmailivskyi Pond.


Situation at Ugledar front: Corrections were made south of Vuhledar town as Nikolskie Dacha was completely recaptured by Russian Army and DPR forces about eight days ago.

Член од
14 ноември 2013
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Ситуација западно од градот Донецк: руската армија и силите на ДНР ја презедоа контролата над централниот округ/населба во градот Маринка и со него сите позиции источно од авенијата Дружби.


Ситуација јужно во градот Бахмут: Руската армија направи нов напредок северно од улиците Мариуполска и Широка, како и некои куќи северно од пазарот. Во меѓувреме, во близина на зградата на администрацијата на Бахмут се водат судири со украинската армија.


Ситуација северно во градот Бахмут: руската армија направи мал напредок во населбата Селишче и соседните куќи до воениот комплекс АЗОМ.


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