19. Jul 1999 at 0:00
Around Slovakia
"Homosexuality is curable"
Suspected criminals nabbed
700-year-old treasure discovered
Police abduct mafia groom from wedding
Flower shoe buds again
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Police abduct mafia groom from wedding
Seconds before a marriage ceremony ended, a special police commando squad raided a wedding hall in Šahy and detained the bridegroom, a 30-year-old ethnic Albanian from Yugoslavia. The detained man is alleged to be leading member of the Albanian Mafia that controls the narcotics trade in Slovakia. The man is a cousin Abeli Nexhat, a.k.a. Samko, who was the boss of the Albanian Mafia in Slovakia before he was murdered several years ago.
The detained Albanian has a long-term residence permit in Slovakia and lives in Bratislava. Police Corps Presidium spokesman Jaroslav Sahul informed the press of the successful police action on June 30.
The surprised bride thought that the masked men were friends of her future husband, and told them that it was too soon for kidnapping the bride (a traditional feature of Slovak weddings which usually occurs around midnight). To her surprise, the uninvited wedding guests took away her chosen in handcuffs.
Though the wedding ceremony was interrupted, the wedding guests stayed to chow down at the prepared banquet.
Овој лик спомнат во текстот Неџат Абели викан Самко всушност бил тој што мислевме дека се вика Луан Асани, кај нас бил познат како Неџат од Тетово а кога ми беше кажан како Луан ми рекоа дека бил од Сарај инаку тоа што веќе опишавме досега за него било точно и прецизно објаснето.