- Член од
- 1 март 2010
- Мислења
- 7.888
- Поени од реакции
- 14.441
Moscow is the seal of the God-bearing mission of the Russian people. Moscow is truth, life, the way, the good. Moscow is the absolute.Дугин е интелектуален џин за интелектуалните кепеци што го коментираат
Modernity is the philosophy of the devil, and knowledge of this fact is no less correct in the area of the ‘physical sciences’ than in religion, theology, or politics. Conclusion: the modern scientific image of the world is part of the plan of the Antichrist and a layer of his consciousness. It is not important as to whether it is his main part or not. What is important, is that it is a part. But there just is no universal and generally clear plan of battle against the Antichrist; it cannot and should not exist. Otherwise, the last eschatological, apocalyptic trial would not be as difficult and as decisive.
Дугин е само шизофреничен џин што халуцинира дека е избран од Господ. Во која од трите касти што тој ги предложува за новиот евроазиски поредок сакаш да се најдеш ти?