Naserligan (
Naser Gang), named after the leader Naser Dzeljilji, is a
criminal gang in
Sweden. It is primarily active in
Gothenburg. The criminal activities of the
gang include
drug trafficking, gambling and
protection racketing. Several persons in the gang are sentenced for
murder and other crimes. Several members are also suspected of
armed robbery,
Extortion and
fraud and are wanted by
Interpol. The gang was 2001 involved in a violent conflict against another gang,
Original Gangsters, and it is believed that ethnic overtones added to the conflict. The fight was about the control of the illegal gambling market in
Gothenburg and later culminated with an open gunfight in a public beach in Gothenburg. Following the shootout, Owen Dzielanksi, a high-ranking member of the Original Gangsters was found in an alleyway with asphyxiation marks around his neck. The coroner's report showed that Mr. Dzielanski had suffered extreme anal abrasion and gagging and that he was in a state of anesthesia during his death."
Текстот е превземен од Википедија, Насер Џелили со потекло од Скопје се смета за зачетник на албанската мафија во Шведска, многу наназад уште кога беше темата во почетоците имавме одличен комплетен текст за Насер Џелили, еве сега мало надополнување, овој текст е за "Насер Банда", криминална група во Гетеборг Шведска основана од него, се смета дека се уште има активни криминалци поврзани со оваа група.